The Transcendent Immortal

Chapter 219 - Devil God's Power

Chapter 219 - Devil God's Power

Chapter 219 Devil God’s Power
Even the distant cultivators could feel the two newcomers’ terrifying strength. Fearful of getting implicated, they once again ran far away.

Ye Wuxin chuckled. “Lord Feng You is indeed strong enough to win the respect of those in the Six Realms, but what a pity, I’m determined to take this person with me!” he bellowed with a malicious glint in his eyes. He flicked his wide sleeves and lunged at Xiao Chen.

Bai Susu, Fengxi, and the rest hastily stepped forward to stop him but were all sent flying under his pressure. Ye Wuxin’s cultivation had once again risen by another level. They were no match for him.

“I don’t think you intend to use him as your furnace! You just want to replace him, don’t you?”

The cloaked man flicked his sleeves with his icy demeanor and then turned into a black mist that arrived in front of Ye Wuxin in a flash. Raising his palm to stop the cloaked man’s attack, Ye Wuxin sneered. “Then let me ask you: what is your plan?”

The power outbreak from the two was enough to topple mountains and overturn seas. Moments later, the entire Zuoqiu family estate was reduced to ruins. The old and frail, as well as women and children, had all fled the estate under their Elders’ arrangements.

The Zuoqiu family had never imagined that they would incur such a deadly disaster. This time, the loss that they took was unbelievably heavy.

The storm raged on. Various expressions crossed Bai Susu’s face before she finally said, “Now that he’s here, looks like there’s no other way about it.”

Xiao Chen turned his head and asked, “What is it?”

With a deep frown, Bai Susu replied, “The twelve Spiritual Meridians inside you possess incredible power. I can temporarily undo the seal on one of them, but the price will be steep; are you willing to chance it?”

Xiao Chen had an inkling of what she meant. On the surface, the cloaked man was helping him but he was, in fact, harboring the same intentions as Ye Wuxin. He had no need to fear if he was strong enough to fight them. He had enough of this, anyway. Thus, he said resolutely, “Okay!”

Bai Susu shook her head. “Perhaps you don’t understand what price am I speaking of. But I’m so sorry. There’s no other way.”

Immediately, Xiao Chen felt a mysterious force circulating through his body. The twelve Spiritual Meridians inside him reacted to the invasion of external force like they had grown consciousness. They instantly became agitated and subsequently produced a force to counteract that external force.

The two forces were colliding furiously inside him at this moment, neither willing to show weakness. He felt as if something was ripping his internal organs to pieces, and it was so painful that he finally screamed.

Some distance away, Ye Wuxin was engaged in intense close combat with the cloaked man. Hearing the commotion from Xiao Chen’s side, he whipped his head around and yelled, “What are you doing?! No!” Ignoring the nemesis in front of him, he transformed a swift light and charged at Bai Susu.

“Do you think you can stop her?”

The cloaked man sneered. In a flash, he appeared in front of Ye Wuxin and blocked his path. Ye Wuxin pushed his palms simultaneously and two overwhelming forces sprang forth, putting pressure on the cloaked man. Everywhere the palm forces passed was crushed into pieces.

With a subtle backward shift, the cloaked man reappeared seven or eight feet away. When he extended his five fingers, five mass of black mist appeared out of thin air in the sky and flew toward Ye Wuxin.

Ye Wuxin was well aware that this man’s expertise lay in demonizing humans and turning them into his Devil Slaves. Not daring to let down his guard, he cast a spell in the sky. He turned into a swift radiance and reappeared more than ten feet away.

“Have you gone mad?! Do you know what he’s doing?! If he awakens, no one of us can escape alive!”

The cloaked man flashed him an icy smile. “Of course, I know.” He sent several more mass of black mist flying at Ye Wuxin.

The black mist swirled around Ye Wuxin, making it impossible for him to escape. He bit hard on his finger and shot a drop of blood at the nearby Corpse Puppet’s midbrows. Once the puppet absorbed Ye Wuxin’s blood, its size exploded several times over until it became a giant. It then lunged at Bai Susu.

Seeing this, the enchanting woman in the sky abruptly transformed into a black mist and appeared in front of the Corpse Puppet in a flash. She struck the puppet with her palm, sending him staggering backward.


A bellow erupted from the Corpse Puppet. Ignoring the enchanting woman, it continued to lunge at Bai Susu. The enchanting woman scoffed and began casting a seal. Out of the blue, chains fashioned out of dark Qi emerged from the ground and firmly caught hold of the puppet.

“Have you all gone mad?!” Ye Wuxin screamed.

Over on Xiao Chen’s end, a bead of sweat was sliding down Bai Susu’s forehead. Evidently, she was consuming too much of her energy. Xiao Chen’s face was so contorted that he looked like a nightmare. His pained screeches were unending. One could see a faint red mark between his eyebrows.




Even though Fengxi and the rest didn’t know what had happened, they could tell that something was very off and retreated far away. If not for Yi Tong keeping a firm hold on Murong Xian’er, she would have long run over to Xiao Chen.


When the last bellow came from Xiao Chen, an overwhelmingly potent force erupted from his body. In an instant, this force shrouded a radius of nearly a hundred miles. Even cultivators who had fled the city could feel this ancient power of Gods and Devils and all of them involuntarily collapsed by the roadside.


Right at this very moment, Xiao Chen had turned into a completely different person. His jet-black hair was now blood-red hair that reached his waist and there was a red mark between his eyebrows. His eyes had also turned blood-red. Both his appearance and expression were equally horrifying.

Ye Wuxin turned as white as a piece of paper. He stammered, “Impossible. He’s been dead for several thousand years. He can’t revive!”

In the distance, the Bloodied Mad Swordsman was shocked. “Is it really his reincarnation? He was exterminated in the name of the Heavenly Law and had his soul destroyed. How could he reincarnate…”

“Hehe! Have you thought of how you’d like to die…?”

Xiao Chen trod across the sky. Like an Evil God descending on earth, he walked toward Ye Wuxin step by step. It was as if the void would shatter with his every step.

With a dramatically different expression, Ye Wuxin summoned his Corpse Puppet back to him. The puppet roared and threw a punch at Xiao Chen.

“Destroy the body and soul of this dead creature!”

Xiao Chen raised his hand and swung his palm downward. The vigorous blood-red Qi instantly wrapped itself around the Corpse Puppet. In the next moment, everyone watched as numerous cracks appeared on the body of the invincible puppet.


Ye Wuxin watched in disbelief as countless fragments fell to the ground. That was a Corpse Puppet that he personally refined over a hundred years. The puppet was imbued with over five hundred years of grudges. How could it be destroyed so easily? His heart ached immensely. He pointed to Xiao Chen and yelled, “Xiao Chen! Even if you used your life source to trade that person’s power, how long do you think you can keep this up?!”

“Long enough to kill you!”

Even though Xiao Chen’s current powers weren’t his, his mind was exceptionally sharp. He knew who and who not to kill. Ye Wuxin’s strength was too terrifying. If Xiao Chen doesn’t kill him today, he would surely bring calamity to Xiao Chen in the future.

Ye Wuxin saw ice-cold murderous intent reflected in Xiao Chen’s blood-red eyes and knew he was in trouble. From the corner of his eyes, he spotted a dumbstruck Yu Linglong standing a short distance away. He waved his hand and drew her over to him.

“I’ll kill her if you take one more step forward!”

The dumbstruck Yu Linglong finally recovered her senses enough to notice that she had fallen into someone’s hands. However, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t escape his clutches. She said in anger, “What’s the point of seizing me?! He called me someone from the Devil Clan, didn’t he? He won’t save me!” She kept staring at Murong Xian’er as she spoke, indicating that Ye Wuxin should target the latter instead.

“Release her!” Xiao Chen said solemnly.

Ye Wuxin sneered. “What’s wrong? Your heart still aches, doesn’t it? If you kill me, she’ll die too!”

“What heartache? I don’t even know her! Go to hell!”

While Ye Wuxin was talking, Xiao Chen secretly used psychokinesis with his other hand. Now that he no longer had any misgivings, he launched a palm attack. His palm force instantly formed a massive handprint in the air that lunged at Ye Wuxin.

“Ah, are you going to kill me too, handsome Elder Brother?!”

Yu Linglong shut her eyes, but what she felt next was a gentle force enveloping her. When she opened her eyes, she found herself in Xiao Chen’s embrace. Ye Wuxin was flung aside, all while coughing up blood.

“Sob… I thought you’re going to kill me.”

“You’re from the Devil Clan. We’re forever enemies. Scram!” Xiao Chen instantly tossed her aside and then launched another palm attack at Ye Wuxin.

Ye Wuxin turned pale with fright. He never imagined Xiao Chen’s psychokinesis to be so strong as to be able to retrieve Yu Linglong from his hands while he made his palm attack. While still grappling with astonishment, he hastily cast a spell. He turned into a shadow and fled to the horizon.

“Don’t even dream of escaping!”

Xiao Chen trod across the sky, wanting to give chase. A panicked Bai Susu cried, “Don’t go!”

Xiao Chen recovered his senses. Bai Susu was using her incantation spell on him. If he left her side, the power from his Spiritual Meridian would be instantly sealed again. What a pity that he couldn’t kill Ye Wuxin today.

He looked up and stared in the other direction. He asked solemnly, “Who are you people?”

The cloaked man and the enchanting woman had long fled far away. The man sneered and said, “It doesn’t matter who I am. What’s important is that you should know who you are…”

“You’re courting death!”

Xiao Chen bellowed and swatted him with his palm. A deafening collision resounded. Under the force of his palm power, countless cracks appeared on the ground. However, the cloaked man and the enchanting woman seemed to have vanished into thin air before reappearing somewhere else in the following second.

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