The Transcendent Immortal

Chapter 431 - The Yin Qi and Yang Qi

Chapter 431 - The Yin Qi and Yang Qi

Chapter 431 The Yin Qi and Yang Qi
The valley rocked endlessly. The surging vital force between heaven and earth went to the valley with great vigor and gathered there. At this moment, Xiao Chen was emitting waves of white radiance like a god descending to the world. Everyone in the valley was struck dumb with amazement. Red Sleeve’s expression continually changed, but her eyes still looked quite cold. “How, how is it possible that you…”

In mid-air, the Sword of the Vermillion Bird also started to vibrate, whistling continuously. Xiao Chen’s eyes were as bright as lightning. He stretched out and caught the Sword of the Vermillion Bird that flew toward him. By moving his feet a little, he instantly arrived before Red Sleeve. “Whoosh!” The whole body of the Sword of the Vermillion Bird directly passed through her chest, bringing out a long string of spurting blood.

This sword strike was so fast that everyone could not see it at all. Since this sword strike had gathered the Yang Qi between heaven and earth, it caused great damage to Red Sleeve.

Red Sleeve covered the bloody hole in her chest and slowly turned around. She looked at Xiao Chen ruthlessly and said, “Why, why do you have both the supreme Yin Qi and the supreme Yang Qi in your body? Who exactly are you? Did someone use the Samsara Life-reversing Technique to resurrect you? Has your very existence ever transcended beyond the circles of influence and authority of the Three Domains and Samsara? Why…” When she spoke these last words, her eyes were full of unwillingness and resentment.

In the valley, the wild wind kept on whistling. Since the sound of the wind drowned their words, others could not hear what they were talking about at the moment.

“Ugh!” Xiao Chen bellowed and violently stabbed her again with his sword. His sword whizzed through Red Sleeve’s hands. “Buzzing!” After a huge bang, she managed to grip the sword. Red Sleeve glared at him mercilessly and said, “I see… In your body, the Yin Qi also alternates with the Yang Qi. It is just like the law between heaven and earth: at a quarter to midnight, the Yin Qi turns into the Yang Qi; at a quarter to noon, the Yang Qi turns into the Yin Qi. Whenever you use up all your Yang Qi, the supreme Yin Qi will bring you back from death and begin to gather the Yang Qi again in next to no time! You share the same operating principle as the self-perpetuating heaven and earth! The one who used the Samsara Life-reversing Technique to resurrect you must have made great efforts!”

In her last words, Red Sleeve’s eyes became more malicious. “That’s why you look just like the ordinary people. You are different from me, a zombie who completely relies on Rancorous Qi and Yin Qi…” Speaking of this, she suddenly switched the conversation to some other subject. “But how long do you think your supreme Yin Qi and Yang Qi can support you? Once you exhaust them, you will not be able to enter the Samsara and will be 100 times more painful than me!”

“But for me, killing you is enough!” Xiao Chen growled and sent his sword 3cm forward. His sword streaked across Red Sleeve’s palm, and her palm instantly became bloody.

“You cannot kill me… Three quarters later, when the Yang Qi turns into the Yin Qi, my Yin Qi will become ten times more! At that time, no one can kill me…”

Xiao Chen’s breathing instantly became heavier. He thought to himself, “Most people think that the Yang Qi will become the heaviest at noon. However, they don’t know that since the Yang Qi begins to turn into the Yin Qi at this moment, the Yin Qi becomes much heavier. Thus, the Yin Qi in the afternoon is actually the heaviest, too. I’m afraid Red Sleeve will be invincible at that time.”

When Xiao Chen thought about this, he breathed slow and asked in a deep voice, “Really… But just as what you said just now, the Yin Qi alternates with the Yang Qi in my body. After a quarter to noon, all the Yang Qi in my body will become the Yin Qi. At that time, you will know whose Yin Qi is heavier, yours, or mine!”

After Red Sleeve heard this, her expression changed again and again. With resentment, she said, “Even if you have exhausted both the supreme Yin Qi and the supreme Yang Qi in your body, the best you can do is to perish with me. But why must you stop me…”

“I have told you that you can catch anyone except Muxue. You must return her to me. Why must it be her…” Xiao Chen’s eyes were full of fierceness, too.

“Why must it be her?” Red Sleeve smiled ghastly and suddenly said in a somber voice, “Then why such a thing must happen to me three thousand years ago? Was it because I was born on July 7th with a Mystic Yin Body…”

Xiao Chen’s face instantly changed. “What did you say?!”

At this moment, he seemed to have fully understood the reason at last. It was because of the Samsara Life-reversing Technique! This technique could only be used between people who had the same date of birth and Destiny!

All of a sudden, he felt a chill at his back. Finally, he knew why Red Sleeve was determined to find someone who had a Mystic Yin Body and was born on July 7th. She was not trying to evolve, nor pursue some supreme power, nor dominate the Three Realms! The only thing that she wanted to do was to use the Samsara Life-reversing Technique to resurrect herself because she could not enter the Samsara at all…

But why could she not enter the Samsara? The person who was resurrected would not be able to enter the Samsara and would be left out of the Six Paths of Samsara. It looked like that she was also an arrested victim who was born on July 7th. That was to say, the one who caught her must have also been born on July 7th. What the hell was going on? Was it because… Suddenly, a thought ran through Xiao Chen’s head, passing by quickly.

“So, do you know it now…” Gradually, Red Sleeve’s voice became sadder. “Someone highly cultivated helped you to resurrect. That is why you can stay alive and don’t need to enter the Samsara immediately. But what about me? I was only an ordinary woman before I died. Who would apply the Samsara Life-reversing Technique to me? So I have to fight hard to find someone who has the same Destiny as me. I have been living in this cold place for 3,000 years! Do you know how I spent these 3,000 years…”

In the end, she was all in tears. Xiao Chen suddenly raised his head and said fiercely, “So that is why you chose to sacrifice Muxue. You want to take her life as yours and reincarnate. But she will never enter the Samsara since then, am I right?”

“But I was also resurrected by others before. Only because I held one breath of Rancorous Qi, I was brought back from death and became such an immortal monster…” Red Sleeve smiled wanly and said in a solemn voice. At last, the expression in her eyes turned malicious again. “I have held the Malicious Grudge for three thousand years and have been living in hatred for 3,000 years. You cannot stop me…”

Everyone in the distance could not hear what they were saying at the moment. Suddenly, Xiao Chen bellowed in a low voice, “No!” After that, he hit Red Sleeve hard with his fist.

With a loud bang, Red Sleeve was knocked more than 30 meters away. Xiao Chen went on to attack her and shouted, “But Muxue is innocent. Where is she?”

Red Sleeve stopped his attack and said coldly, “She is innocent, but what about me? Was I not the innocent? But that person didn’t let me go that year, right? That person didn’t let Qing Yuan go either, right?” After reproaching, she punched out. Their fists collided. All of a sudden, mountains fell, and the earth split. Rubble was all over the sky.

In the distance, everyone was stunned by the force that they erupted at this moment. Xiao Chen gritted his teeth and turned his wrist quickly. He stabbed Red Sleeve with his sword. “Clang!” After a sharp sound, Red Sleeve caught the sword body and stepped back a few steps quickly. Then, she sneered. “She is in a place that you can never find…”

Xiao Chen said fiercely, “Let her go! Otherwise, I will definitely make you die with me even if I have to exhaust all my Yin Qi and Yang Qi!”

“Haha!” Red Sleeve looked up and laughed. Her eyes looked cold and malicious as she said, “Do you really think I am afraid of the Yin and Yang Qi in your body? You must have forgotten that I still have the soul that Administration of Heaven gave me. You are so naive!”

After the screams, Red Sleeve’s whole body shook with Malicious Grudge. Suddenly, the earth began to shake violently. This violent force directly knocked Xiao Chen hundreds of meters away.

“Puff!” Xiao Chen spurted a mouthful of blood when he fell back to the ground. He could not hold the Sword of the Vermillion Bird in his hand. It flew out and inserted in the trunk of a big tree, swinging back and forth. Seeing this, Perfected Immortal Qing Chen immediately walked forward to support him. “Are you OK?”

The other people also came forward at this time. Xiao Chen forced the extravasated blood out of his chest and spat it out. He looked up at the sky, knowing that it was getting closer to a quarter to noon. Since no one could stop Red Sleeve after 11:45, Muxue would disappear from this world forever then…

Xiao Chen certainly wanted to prevent such a thing from happening. Thinking of this, he immediately used his Mystic Skill. Instantly, the Yin Qi and the Yang Qi in his body began to run like mad. About 30 meters away, the Sword of the Vermillion Bird quickly began to vibrate without stop.

In the distance, Red Sleeve’s face was overcast with gloominess. Yu Yifeng cast a glance at her and then looked at Xiao Chen. With forbidding eyes, Xiao Chen seemed to be determined to fight against Red Sleeve even at the risk of his life. Seeing such a scene, Yu Yifeng immediately yelled, “Lil Chen, calm down first!”

However, Xiao Chen turned a deaf ear to him and kept on applying his Mystic Skill actively. All at once, a gust of wind sprang up and knocked all the others nearby away. The Sword of the Vermillion Bird whistled and instantly flew back. At this moment, the red light on the sword body increased significantly. “That’s a little queer!” Yu Yifeng thought and anxiously said, “Lil Chen, stop!”

“Arghhhh!” Still, Xiao Chen ignored him and shouted. Immediately, his body turned into a beam of light, merging with the Sword of the Vermillion Bird. Instantly, the red light on the sword body became much brighter. It looked as if a 10-meter-long flame had wrapped it. Everyone on the spot turned pale with fright. “Become one with the sword!”

“Whoosh!” With the sound of a wind, the Sword of the Vermillion Bird that looked like a 300-meter-long beam of scarlet light went straight toward Red Sleeve. Instantly, the situation was changing. The world dulled. The sword brought all things to its knees!

Yu Yifeng was great horrified because he knew the sword strike could also be a mortal blow to Xiao Chen. At this time, Xiao Chen had already integrated into the sword body, which meant that he was consuming his Life Span. Once Red Sleeve launched a counter-offensive, he was bound to be screwed!josei

Thinking about this, Yu Yifeng thought fast. Before he could think twice, he had already sheathed his Startling Rainbow Sword in an instant. It then turned into a beam of light and stabbed at Red Sleeve with lightning speed.

The two beams of scarlet light came at Red Sleeve fast in tandem. “Swoosh!” In a flash, the Sword of the Vermillion Bird, which had integrated with Xiao Chen, penetrated Red Sleeve’s chest. It brought a large cluster of spurting blood out of her body. Before she could react, Yu Yifeng’s Startling Rainbow Sword had pierced half an inch into her glabella.

Red Sleeve groaned. It looked like she was going to be insane. Instantly, she beat Yu Yifeng’s chest. Within such a short distance, her palm attack could knock any cultivator in the Nirvana Realm or even the Apotheosis Realm to death. Being hit by her palm, Yu Yifeng spurted a mouthful of blood. Then, there was blood coming out from his eyes, ears, mouths, and nose. Obviously, all his bones were broken and his internal organs were smashed.

“Senior Brother Yu! No!” Qingyu shouted at the distance. She was so sad that her eyes seemed about to pop out. Two lines of tears rolled down from her eyes.

“Er… Lil Chen…” Yu Yifeng floated backward as weak as the falling leaves. Gradually, his eyes closed. In fact, he didn’t plan to kill Red Sleeve by merely one sword attack. What he wanted to do was to buy Xiao Chen a little time. Thus, Xiao Chen could get enough time to separate himself from the Sword of the Vermillion Bird such that Red Sleeve could not get the chance to fight back.

“Brother Yifeng!” Xiao Chen also separated from the sword. His eyes were wide with madness, and his hair was dancing wildly. Then again, he sent his sword toward Red Sleeve. She uttered a loud cry, turned around, and kicked Xiao Chen’s back.

“Puff!” Xiao Chen spurted out a mouthful of blood. He bent almost double. Apparently, his backbone was broken. Both of them floated out. At this moment, a cry of crane rang in the sky.

It sounded as if this crane’s cry were coming from heaven. It echoed clearly in the entire valley. Immediately after this, a silver beam of sword radiance fell from the sky and instantly turned into a silver-haired man in a white robe.

The man caught Yu Yifeng in mid-air and instantly sent a ray of white radiance into Yu Yifeng’s glabella to prevent his soul from dissipating. And a red-crowned crane with white feather picked Xiao Chen in mid-air.

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