The Transcendent Immortal

Chapter 432 - The History of Red Sleeve

Chapter 432 - The History of Red Sleeve

Chapter 432 The History of Red Sleeve
The man in white robe held Yu Yifeng with his arms and landed lightly on the ground. He had a supermundane appearance, like an immortal. On his back was a cyan sword case. There was a Tai Ji pattern printed on the sword case. 10cm below the pattern was the word “Kunlun”(in seal character).

The person who came was Tianyi Zi, the Sect Leader of Kunlun. Tianyi Zi looked at Yu Yifeng, who was in his arms, frowning a little. Then, the expression in his eyes changed a little bit. Finally, he shook his head and uttered a sigh.


At this time, six more beams of sword radiance fell from the sky. Two young girls in snow-white clothes and four green-clothed young men carrying long swords on their backs were coming.

The others also came over. No matter it was Perfected Immortal Feng Lan or seniors from other sects, all of them looked at Tianyi Zi with respect at this moment.

Perfected Immortal Qing Chen’s hands trembled a little. He took Yu Yifeng from Tianyi Zi. Gradually, his old eyes became wet. He said bitterly, “Yifeng, Yifeng…”

Qingyu’s face was covered with tears. Then she pounced on Yu Yifeng and burst into tears. Just now, Xiao Chen was seriously injured, his face covered with blood. With Luo Shangyan’s support, he staggered to them. “Brother Yifeng… Brother Yifeng…”

Suddenly, a crane’s cry sounded in mid-air, spiraling up. Tianyi Zi’s red-crowned crane dived sharply to peck Red Sleeve’s left eye and blinded it.

“Ah!” Red Sleeve screamed. Just now, she was also seriously wounded. In furious, she shouted, “Beast! F*ck off!” She slapped the red-crowned crane. But as the crane was extremely quick in movement, it avoided this palm attack. There left only a few white feathers, spiraling in the air.

“Chang Li, come back!”

Seeing that the red-crowned crane was about to dive down again, Tianyi Zi shouted loudly. Then the red-crowned crane immediately flew back and landed beside Perfected Immortal Qing Chen. It kept on rubbing Yu Yifeng’s face with its head, whimpering.

“Even a beast dared to bully me! Even a beast dared to bully me!” There was blood flowing out from Red Sleeve’s blinded eye, which looked quite terrifying. Now, she appeared to be insane. Gradually, her left eye recovered. Everyone on the spot could see that even the bloody hole in her chest was also healing quickly.

Tianyi Zi’s six disciples immediately formed a golden-light sword formation and threw rays of Sword Qi to cut Red Sleeve. In an instant, a heavy gale with wildly flying stones came on to blow. Red Sleeve put forth her strength to fight back, resulting in the collapse of mountains and cracking in the ground. The six people were instantly knocked into the air by this strong force.josei

“You evildoer! Take this sword strike!”

Tianyi Zi shouted sharply and instantly leaped to mid-air, continuously chanting spells. The sword case on his back vibrated and shot out a beam of green light, which then cut at Red Sleeve like a flash of green lightning.

When Red Sleeve saw the flying sword coming at her like the fierce wind and thunder, her pupils contracted abruptly. She exclaimed, “Sword Immortal of Kunlun!”


The flying sword that looked like a flash of lightning went through her chest. Red Sleeve spurted a mouthful of blood, retreating several steps in a row. When she stood steady, she glared at Tianyi Zi. “Kunlun Sect no longer cares about worldly affairs. There are no old grudges between us. Why do you treat me as your enemy?”

“You evil creature! You have been devastating the world the whole time. Even a thousand deaths will not atone for your crimes!”

Tianyi Zi cast a spell. His silver hair was fluttering, and his eyes were as bright as the lighting. The sword case vibrated. Then six more colorful rays of sword radiance flew out, adding radiance and beauty to each other. Instantly, they formed a large hexagram sword formation which almost covered the entire valley and dulled the heaven and earth.

All the people on the ground gasped. In the Kunlun Sect, everyone practiced the sword. People from the other sects could not be able to catch up with them. Red Sleeve seemed to have already known that she was facing a great menace now. Finally, she looked scared.

“Break evil!”

After Tianyi Zi uttered the two words, he stretched out his two fingers. Then the hexagram sword formation launched a large number of golden radiance and Sword Qi. Instantly, wild winds began to blow, whistling, and the whole world lost its color. In the empty valley, golden light arrays, which were much brighter than the sunshine coming waves upon waves, dazzled everyone.

Red Sleeve looked like crazy and tried to defend. But still, the six Immortal’s Swords that came from behind directly tacked her up on the stone wall behind.

“Boundless heaven and earth, universal sword spell!” Tianyi Zi focused his attention and shouted. All of a sudden, the whole scene changed again, along with surging Immortal energy. High in the sky, the endless clouds rolled over and over. Abruptly, numerous rays of sword radiance appeared, all cutting at Red Sleeve.

“Ah—” Red Sleeve was pinned firmly on the rock wall, covered with blood. With hair disheveled, she kept screaming like a devil. Her voice echoed continuously in the deep valley, which scared everyone present.

Luo Shangyan was transferring energy to help Xiao Chen heal his injuries. Xiao Chen looked up and saw the sun was already high in the sky. It was about a quarter to noon. At this time, the Yang Qi was at its height. But after 11:45, the Yang Qi would become the Yin Qi. The entire Miasma Mountain Range would be filled with the Yin Qi and Malicious Grudge. Seeing this, Xiao Chen was afraid that they would be in big trouble, so he said, “Gather Yang Qi. Let’s kill her!”

Upon hearing his words, everyone started to act without any hesitation because now the Yang Qi was at its peak. Without reservation, each of them put forward their most powerful exclusive skills to attack Red Sleeve.

Being fixed on the rock wall by Tianyi Zi’s six swords, Red Sleeve was unable to move. But her dreary cries and screams still lingered in everyone’s ears. A moment later, her head sank down after all her strength was exhausted.

In the distance, the dozens of people from the Corpse Refinery Sect were frightened out of their wits long ago and went to hide behind several big rocks.

A breeze passed. Everyone stopped attacking. Suddenly, after a ripple of rueful laughers, Red Sleeve slowly raised her head again. But her face was pale. She looked frail. Glancing at everyone around, she said in a sad voice, “Why, why must all of you kill me… I have never thought of dominating the three realms, nor did I want to live forever. I only want to be with Qing Yuan…”

When she spoke the last few words, two lines of tears rolled out of her eyes. This moment, she didn’t look like an undead zombie at all. She was obviously a living person who had lots of feelings. She choked. “I was just a maid at that year. Since childhood, I was bought and sold repeatedly until I met Qing Yuan. Only after he brought me back to Lu’s Manor did I finally understand that I was a person instead of an item that was doomed to be passed from one owner to another.”

“The Lu family is a cultivation family, but Qing Yuan loved literature since his childhood. During the daytime, I rubbed the ink-stick for him. At night, when he was reading, I stayed by his side, cutting candles and adding incense for him…”

As she spoke this, Red Sleeve’s face was full of tenderness and love. While laughing tenderly, she said, “After staying with each other for a long time, Qing Yuan and I fell in love in secret. That period was the happiest time in my life. That night, I gave my virginity to Qing Yuan. We vowed solemnly never to separate from each other… BUT!”

Suddenly, Red Sleeve’s expression became very scary, and her eyes were full of resentment. She severely rebuked, “Qing Yuan’s father, Lu Xinghe, knew we were in love! However, Lu Xinghe detested me because I was humble. He feared that I would ruin the Lu family’s reputation. One night, he even sent someone to kill me. The killer took me out of the city, and he… He raped… “Speaking of that, she gritted her teeth in hatred. Tears of blood kept flowing out of her eyes.

After taking a deep breath, Red Sleeve continued, “Later on, that man did not kill me only because he thought I was dead. Then he casually threw me into a mountain gully. On that very night, it rained. Raindrops fell on me continuously. It was so cold. I knew I was still alive, but I felt too shameful to see Qing Yuan again. However, he found me at last. We had been hiding in the mountain for half a month. But still, Lu Xinghe found us and took us back to the Lu family…”

At the moment, the wind stopped. Everyone was silent, listening to her last cry.

“Qing Yuan threatened Lu Xinghe with his life, so Lu Xinghe had to give in. But as a distinguished family, the Lu family had to obey many complicated manners. They insisted that I must marry into the Lu family in an open, correct manner. Thus, they sent me to an influential family in the city. I was asked to act as the Young Lady of this family. They held a large birthday party for me on July 7th, my birthday, to inform all the people in the city that I was a Young Lady from a big family, not some humble maid…”

Red Sleeve was already speaking with tears in her eyes. One word at a time, she sobbed out, “That day was also the day that Qing Yuan came to marry me. You don’t know how happy I was then… BUT!”

Red Sleeve’s eyes were full of rage. In furious anger, she said sternly, “But that day, two mysterious persons took me away! Then I underwent the bitterest ordeal in the world! Qing Yuan found that place, begging them in a hundred ways to let me go. But they, they beat him to death right in front of me! RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!”

“Ah!” As she spoke this, Red Sleeve seemed to be insane. Her eyes opened wide, and there were tears of blood flowing out. She screamed bitterly, “How could I be willing to live with such a consequence?! How could I die in peace with that?! That person, that person, she could not enter the Samsara, so she took my three souls and seven spirits. By using the Samsara Life-reversing Technique, she took my identity to cheat the Ghost Realm, which enabled her to enter into the Samsara again. But I, I can never enter the Samsara since then! I even lost my chance to meet Qing Yuan in my next life! How can I accept this result?! How can I die with such an everlasting regret?!”

The Rancorous Qi came! A current of heavy Rancorous Qi instantly filled the whole valley. It was the hatred that Red Sleeve could not rid herself of in the past three thousand years! Everyone felt a sudden shock in their hearts.

Xiao Chen trembled slightly, and his mind was in a mess. “To apply the Samsara Life-reversing Technique, one must have the same birthday and the same Destiny as the other. Red Sleeve, born on July 7th, has a Mystic Yin Body. If she wants to resurrect and enter the Samsara, she must find a person who was also born on July 7th and had a Mystic Yin Body. Then… The person who took her away that year must also have been born on July 7th and had a Mystic Yin Body!”

There seemed to be a thunder sounded in Xiao Chen’s mind. Suddenly, he had no idea what to do with his hands and feet. Seeing that his face looked terrible, Luo Shangyan helped him up and asked in a low voice, “What’s wrong?”

Xiao Chen shook his hand, “No… Nothing…” But in his mind, he thought. “Weiyang… Weiyang, she would never do such a thing. Someone must have been behind all of this. Someone else played the tricks!”

Red Sleeve laughed in a deep voice. Her voice sounded a bit gloomy. “Later on, I died… But I still held a breath of Rancorous Qi, which brought me back from the dead! And then, it made me immortal and extremely powerful! I wanted to revenge! I was determined to go back and kill all those who betrayed me, so I slaughtered the whole Lu family and permanently imprisoned Lu Xinghe’s soul…”

Upon hearing this, everyone present could not help shivering. The Malicious Grudge could fill a person’s heart with hatred, which was horrifying! Red Sleeve continued, “But, but I found out that my memory has been gradually losing after I lost my soul. But I don’t want to forget Qing Yuan. I will be with Qing Yuan in the next life! This time, I was blessed. I met two persons who claimed themselves to be from the Administration of Heaven. They said they could give me a soul and keep my memory forever!”

The Administration of Heaven! The most mysterious soul organization of the Violet Manor! Everyone was startled.

Red Sleeve smiled bitterly. “But I didn’t even have a soul. What could I trade with them? I begged them to give me some time. Then I came up with a plan. Since the Rancorous Qi could bring people back from death and give them mighty strength, why could I use it? Therefore, I founded the Corpse Refinery Sect!”

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