The Typhoon's Dangerous Wife

Chapter 99 - Worthy Of Him

Chapter 99 - Worthy Of Him

How Difficult Is To Be Strong.

That We Have To Smile

Even Drowning In Tears And Pain To Prove The World Wrong.

  ( Facade Of Strength) 

-- Zhenyi

Zhenyi was strolling in the garden of the Long mansion. In the moonlight, the view was surreal, enough to capture one's interest. She folded her arms around her chest as a gust of cool breeze caressed her figure. 

In the dimly lit garden, she was looking so vulnerable that one might be forced to speculate that her strength and hard personality was a guise. A guise she adopted to protect herself from the horrors of the real world. 

They called her-- merciless, ruthless, cold and every horrible name they could call, but did they ever wondered what made her so cruel? Did one ever see her as 'Zhenyi' not -- Xin Yichen's daughter or her mother's daughter?

Did one ever see a girl afraid of being so alone that she made friends with solitude? Did one see a girl tired of losing every valuable thing in her life that she started destroying everything just to save herself from destruction? Did you see that the girl had built an iron fortress around her heart that no one shall come in and then leave whenever they wished? 

The answer is -- no. You had not and you would not because people only saw what they wanted to see. 

They had made perception of her in their minds and no truth or fact in this world was capable enough of changing the tales they had weaved of her in their minds.

And that's why she used their perceptions of her on them as a tool to deal with them. Creating fear in their minds was one of the very few virtues Zhenyi possessed, so she used it when Song Lily tried to play the role of a good mother in law which she truly was not, and it was not a fact hidden from everyone that Song Lily was not very fond of zhenyi. 

She demonstrated that she was not the one to be messed with, and with Long Shaoming's retirement decision, she was the true mistress of the house now whether she lived here not. 

Zhenyi also chose tonight to show Liu Shishi no matter how much she and Chen Yuling planned and plotted, they couldn't get her out of Long Jie's life. she was his wife, would be the only woman he wed, and she would make sure of it. she was aware Chen Yuling was a bigger problem than she believed. 

Zhenyi's trail of thoughts broke when she heard the sound of a click on the concrete. She turned to found Su Mian, Long Jie's grandmother trying to step down the stairs to the garden. She walked towards her and helped her to descend the stairs. Grandmother thanked her and zhenyi smiled in return which the old woman reciprocated this time.

Didn't know why but Zhenyi was not wary of this old woman, instead, she found her cute and cool; two words she would use to describe a human. 

Neither of them spoke but kept on walking on the vast meadow-sized garden. The night air of soothing zhenyi's erratic emotions. The atmosphere here and Country B were very different from one another, she was not used to Beijing's climate. 

Zhenyi noticed that the old woman had no intention of breaking the silence, so she spoke first, "Did I passed the test? " 

the old woman looked at her smiling face and asked with a furrow, "Which test?" 

Zhenyi didn't turn towards her and kept walking, but with a slow pace to match the elderly woman. She spoke, "Test of if-I'm-worthy-of -your-dear-grandson?"josei

Zhenyi was no fool, she had noticed her expressions when Long Wenna was spitting nonsense. She was foreseeing Zhenyi to stand for herself, and she didn't disappoint her. the hot Xin blood flowing in her veins revealed its nature. 

" Oh, that... you did," she said with a knowing smile that says that she believed that Zhenyi would not disappoint her. " With flying colors also," grandmother added after a pause. 

"But are you worthy of my grandson? " her question halted Zhenyi's steps. She never thought about it. She was of the view she was too good for him, but it was before the wedding. 

Zhenyi's illusion about long jie shattered when she saw him as long jie, not a long or her fiance but him. 

He was not what she thought all along. He was arrogant, bossy, and most of all an asshole yet at the same time a caring, intelligent, and broken man who was of the view that his past described his present and future. 

That day at the mountain, he could have left her to die and save his life, but he was adamant about saving her, not because of his manly ego, but because he was afraid, afraid of losing her, and she had seen it in her eyes. Though she would never admit it aloud. 

But the question was -- was she worthy of long jie? 

"I don't know." Zhenyi turned to look at the other woman and spoke, "I don't know. " She surprised herself by answering the question in all honesty and sincerity. "But I know one thing that I'm keeping him forever." Zhenyi being zhenyi added stubbornly. 

She had announced to everyone inside that Long Jie belongs to her and her only. Just as she once told Ming Jia that she was a spoilt kid and spoilt kids didn't share what belonged to them. She even informed her dear mother-in-law that not even death could part them. 

Grandmother Mian nodded but did not comment. Zhenyi's answer was enough to soothe all the worries she had in her heart.

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