The Urban Dao Child.

Chapter 316 - Elemental God-Prince.

Chapter 316 - Elemental God-Prince.

Yang Dao sat down in the room. He was brought to by the elder of the Sylph territory. The dao child was experiencing a tough time at the moment. His heart and mind were not in his control. The wind has made him uncontrollably impulsive and free in his behavior. A few moments ago, he almost molested Sushi. He had known that the spirit being was very charming and beautiful but never had he developed such thoughts. 

Ryu Jinshi told him that this was the test of the element before he attains the level of the wind god. After the Elemental priest, the next level was the god level. An elemental god is someone who can control his source of energy to convert it into different elements on a whim.  action

The four familiar spirits could do this and they were almost invincible. However, Yang Dao was the Dao Child, and he needed to learn about all four elements before he can be called the true Dao child. The reason was that the power the four familiar spirits had behind the converted elements was lower than their root elements.. 

Yang Dao, as the child of the heavens, cannot have such a flaw in his strength and to balance the four elements, he must know how to use them and not convert them. The conversion was only to help him expand his energy reserve and variety. 

While every mortal was limited to be the elemental priest in their lives. The Dao Child was blessed to be the god of the elements that ruled over the world. 


Yang Dao closed his eyes and tried to calm down the raging impulse inside him. The wind was not easy to control. He was having a hard time even sitting still. How was he to control the wind. His clothes and hair were fluttering as the wind blew around him fiercely. 

Suddenly, he recalled a memory from his days in the orphanage. Yang Dao was ten years old, and he was listening to Sister Tina telling a story to the children his age. The story was about the dragon of wind. 

Sister Tina said, 'The wind dragon was so fast that he could travel to the end of the world in just a thought.'

Yang Dao was an unusual child, so he could not help but ask the lady, "How can anyone be that strong? It is impossible, no?"

Sister Tina rubbed his head with an affectionate smile and asked, "It means that the dragon of wind was as strong as your imagination. You can travel to the end of the city if you imagine it, right? But the wind dragon had the speed of imagination." 

The young boy exclaimed, "Teleportation?" and the story was left behind. Yang Dao began to tell everyone what teleportation meant. Sister Tina just sat there holding the fairy tale book with a smile on her face as Yang Dao's explanation captivated all the children. 


Yang Dao was meditating, recalling this memory buried deep in his mind, made a curve appear at the corner of his lips. He realized that the wind was as fast as his imagination, so how could he control it? The best way to restrain one's thoughts was to let go of them. 

Let them go and explore everything. Following this thought process, the boy let the wind around him and inside him free. The intensity was so strong that some things in the room started to shiver. 


Outside the nest house, Ryu Jinshi sensed a strong wind behind him. He smiled and then he knelt in front of the door facing inside. The elder of the death faction was also surprised by the wind just now and his surprise turned to shock as he as the Wind God kneel to the door. he did not know why Ryu Jinshi did that, but he followed the lead and knelt behind him. 

This moment he heard Ryu Jinshi speak, "He has mastered the first element. He is the God of Wind." 

His words were not meant for anyone but the other three familiar spirits who were able to sense the changes inside Yang Dao back in the human world. 


Feng Yun was about to board the helicopter and go to a meeting when she sensed the change. She smiled and stopped a step before the chopper cabin. She mumbled, "Second brother is lucky." 

The other two people also had the same reaction as her. Laohu Bai sighed as she smiled, "Finally let go of the restraint." 

Atsuji Kurogame smiled and his eyes closed to hide the tears of joy in his eyes. Yang Dao had not only mastered the first element, but he had also mastered the two laws at a minimum. The mastery of his two laws meant that the corresponding realm had regained its balance. 

Yang Dao had mastered Light and dark laws completely today along with his mastery over Wind Element. The test of the elements will come when the realms he had been too had regained their balance. 

He had learned the laws corresponding to the earth element when he had only learned wind element. In the realm ruled by the azure dragon, the master of the winds, he had come after learning the earth element. 

This was a strategy to make his progress slow and steady. The familiars did not want him to gain too much strength too quickly and then diverting his path. This has happened in the past. The Dao child gets the powers and strength too quickly and diverts their path.

Yang Dao was a stable child and has never lost sight of the goal. However, the familiar did not wish to take a risk. They delayed meeting with him on purpose and called it heavenly rules. 

Yes, at first they wished to meet him as soon as he was born. Then they recalled how the eagerness had never been helpful. If the child had never seen any hardships, then he/she takes everything for granted. So they let him fend off for himself. 

They were his servants, but they had no control over his life. They did not meet him for his good and could not interfere with his life. That much was true. Half deliberate while half coincidence had made the story as it was. They will take on the blame if Yang Dao came to know the fact. They loved him and cared for him the most, but it was their duty to make him an idol Dao Child. 


Inside the world of spirits, the wind started to blow. Not a single corner was left without a breeze blowing there. The Undines experienced waves in the water, formed by the clash of wind against it. The Gnomes heard howling sounds as the wind passed through the vents of their homes. The salamanders relished in heatwaves coming from the volcano top in their territory. 

Sylphia was filled with dancing leaves. Yes, the wind had blown up some broken leaves in the air and they were now dancing in the air current. The scene was very beautiful. Yang Dao sat inside the house with his eyes closed. He was not controlling the wind inside him and letting it do what it wanted. 

The elements we practice can influence our behavior, and thus Yang Dao lets his thoughts free. Like a wild tiger out of the cage. He became one with nature and, unknowingly, a cocoon of azure light enveloped him. 

After a couple of hours, the cocoon faded away, leaving only a boy with an azure halo over his head. The halo will be the base of his crown. The crown of the elemental god-king. The sixth stage of Elementalists can only be achieved by the Dao Child. Every familiar spirit had one such halo with the color of its corresponding element. Only the Dao Child can have a complete crown, as he will be the master of four elements. 

Yang Dao flicked his eyes open and stood up slowly. He did not know about the halo over his head. He sensed the wind around him and was shocked to know that he could sense the whole world. His eyes became wide and his breathing escalated. He could sense the empty spirit council citadel from his location, then the gnome territory at the opposite corner of the world. 

He recalled that the wind dragon in the story had the speed of imagination. Today, he also had the speed of imagination. He walked out unconsciously, only to find Ryu Jinshi kneeling in front of him with reverence in his eyes, and behind Ryu, the whole Sylph territory was kneeling. 

The people spoke in unison, "We greet the Wind God."

Ryu Jinshi snorted loudly and said, "My master is not an ordinary god. He is destined to be the only God-king among elementals. You shall call him, His Highness, The God Prince, as you wait for him to ascend the title of the kings. Understood?" 

His loud voice seemed to have echoed in the whole realm. The Sylphs replied with a loud yes and they greeted the confused boy once more. 

"We greet, your highness, the God Prince."

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