The Urban Dao Child.

Chapter 317 - The Coversation.

Chapter 317 - The Coversation.

Yang Dao was overwhelmed by the greeting and he did not know when he became the god-prince. Regardless of that, this was the difference between him and the familiar spirits. Yang Dao had become an Elemental God Prince and not an ordinary Elemental God like them. 

He waved his hand to stop the repeated chanting. He asked, "Ryu, you need to give me an explanation." 

Ryu Jinshi nodded and said, "Yes, Master." 

Yang Dao nodded and his gaze wandered over the crowd. He asked the azure dragon in a low voice, "Can I get something to eat?" 

Ryu Jinshi nodded and beckoned Sushi. He said, "Is the food ready?" 

Sushi nodded with a smile. She said to Yang Dao, "Master, would you like to eat with us all?" 

Yang Dao smiled gently and nodded. His answer made the girl smile, and she directly led him to the place where the people would eat. The sylphs did not eat inside their homes. They all ate at a big table that could accommodate thirty or so sylphs together. This was done to keep the society well connected and united. 

Even if the people had any disputes, they will be solved over the table. The elemental spirits were all harmonious together. They would eat together whether they followed the death faction of the life faction. After he was told about the reason by Sushi, Yang Dao nodded in appreciation. This reminded him of the mess in the orphanage. 

Ryu Jinshi was standing behind him silently. He was the god of the wind and the ruler of the realm, so these spirits were all his subordinates and, like Laohu Bai, he did not interact with them much. This was an autonomous place. 

The elder who had helped Yang Dao with the room came over. A woman followed him. The old man bowed to Yang Dao and said, "Lord, my name is Sissas. I am the leader of the death faction in this secular place. This is Ihniff, the leader of the life faction. She was occupied with an important task earlier and could not welcome you. Please forgive us." 

Yang Dao waved his hands and said, "It is okay. I understand. Please have a seat. I would like to ask you a few questions." 

The two sylphs had no idea about what the young boy might ask them. They sat down anxiously. Yang Dao was about to ask when his stomach growled. The boy blushed. He was really hungry. Unlike the realm of light and dark, this place had no restaurants and food. Sushi appeared with lots of fruit in her hands. 

She placed them on the table and said, "Master, you can partake of these. They are all sweet and they have no seeds. I cleaned them with water so you can eat them directly." 

Yang Dao gave her a look of gratitude and took a big bite of the fruit in front of him. He had never eaten such wonderful fruit, every time he chewed it was as if he ate a different fruit. His favorite fruits were litchi, peach, mango, and grapes. The boy could taste those familiar flavors coming from this fruit. 

The food hunter was triggered and the fruits in his sight became a delight. The boy ate like no tomorrow, surprising the Sylphs. However, he was not scary. A few children would peek at him from behind their parents or elders. Yang Dao would smile at them and share his fruits with them. This simple gesture of his won the hearts around the territory and in Sylphia, the wind does carry your words. 

After an hour when Yang Dao was done hogging the fruits, he let out a light burp, making the people chuckle. Ryu Jinshi glared at people and they all quietened down. If these guys had any knowledge of human movies or crime stories, then they might imagine Yang Dao as the good cop while Ryu Jinshi will be the bad cop.  action

Yang Dao waved his hand to stop the Azure Dragon from suppressing the people. He turned his head to the two elders sitting next to him. He asked, "I heard Ryu and elder Sissas talking earlier. You had gone to help someone with labor. I hope things were fine, Elder Ihniff?" 

Bother the elders were touched by the question. Given that the boy was just a passing gust of wind in this place, he still observed the things around and even expressed his concern. Ihniff nodded and said, "The child came to the world completely fine. I was about to name her when I was told of your arrival, lord. So, we delayed the process for some time." 

Yang Dao nodded and said, "Does naming a child take that long?" 

This question was more crucial than it may seem. Ihniff nodded and said, "We elemental spirits believe that our name is how the gods of life and death recognize us. We name the child after birth and the same name is the only thing that goes along with us from this world to the other. Thus the naming ceremony is important and needs to follow some rules." 

Before she could take a breath, Yang Dao asked, "What are the rules of such a ceremony? Also, what is the use of these rules?" 

The lady replied, "The rules of the naming ceremony are that the child should be awake so that the name sound will resonate with his soul and will be imprinted there. As for the second question, Lord, we do not know who made these rules, but one thing is clear. These rules help us live. Some people do not follow the rules. after all, it is not a mandate of the gods. Personally, I feel like, if rules can help us make life easy, then it is good while at the same time some rules are too hard to follow." 

Yang Dao nodded his head. He turned to face Sissas. He asked, "Elder Sissas, do you also have such rules to follow when someone dies?" 

The elder nodded and said, "Yes, Sir. Once someone dies, we cremate them with rules followed by ancient times. The body is carried to cremation grounds, the dead are placed on a pile of wood, then the eldest person in the next generation sets the pile on fire. The body burns and turns to ashes, the ashes are later sprayed and scattered to the wind from the high cliff." 

The man pointed at a mountain in the distance. Yang Dao asked, "Why do you scatter the ashes?" 

Sissas replied, "We are the beings of wind, and after death, we become the wind. This is the code we Sylphs live by. Every elemental being has a different code, the undines scatter the ashes on the surface of the water, the gnomes bury the ashes in the farms. while the salamander's people evaporate upon death. They are the beings of fire." 

Yang Dao nodded and asked, "What other important rituals do you people have?" 

Sissas told him about the praying ceremony they do after someone dies, they would also hold a yearly prayer for such people collectively. This prayer was synonyms for the birthday people hold. Ihniff nodded from the side when she heard the descriptions. She also added her tidbits to the mix. She told Yang Dao about the marriage ceremony, how they would pray for prosperity every year. 

The dao child was surprised to learn all this. In his human eyes, this was a waste of time. However, the elemental spirits were the beings of nature, and in a way, they were the very nature themselves, so his mind could not understand their thinking behind it. He was not in this world to change their ways. He was here to restore the balance. He had already done his bit now the rest was up to the spirits of life and death. 

He came to visit the elemental beings out of curiosity. He wanted to see what was different between the people in the human world and the world of spirits. And after this interaction, his eyes had opened to a new horizon. The rules these people follow were their own to follow. Humans also had such rules. Cremation and burial funerals. Marriage and naming ceremonies. 

While the humans would be running after success and wealth for a better life, the elemental spirits were content with what they had. This was the difference between humans and spirit beings. The boy fell into contemplation. 

Was it alright to let the things be the way they were? His purpose was to ease up the path of people from all walks of life. Dao was the same to everyone, whether they were humans or spiritual beings. Dao will test the people by instilling emotions inside them. The deeds committed by the people were the only thing that would get recognition. whether good or bad, it would all depend on that only. 

Thinking about this, he fell into another epiphany, and Ryu Jinshi cast a barrier around him. He said, "You all send the word. Master will be visiting the other three territories before he leaves." 

The elders exchanged a glance and, after a nod, they left to send the message. 

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