The Urban Dao Child.

Chapter 355 - Golden Crow.

Chapter 355 - Golden Crow.

Amirah watched Yang Dao cleaning the place and was confused. The boy did intend to explain anything to her as well. So, she could only stand on the edge of the room and watch him do things. 

As the molten lave flowed inside the mass grave the flesh began to evaporate and the level began to lower as well. The stench that plagued the land below also began to side. Yang Dao began to descend as the corpses began to melt. The process was fast, yet the corpses were too much. 

Some had fermented and some had become a bunch of bones over the time but they were all piled up and acquired a lot of space in the grave. Yang Dao was not in a hurry to clean them up. He was also looking for something as the lava flowed down. 

He was sure that there was something hidden under the grave and to find that thing he had to be patient. After ten minutes, his patience bore fruit. The corpses vanished leaving behind only a pond of lava. Yang Dao waved his hands and the lava parted as if a bar of tofu chopped by a knife. The sight below him made the floating young man smile. 

Below the grave hid a piece of rock. It was as big as a football, but it had an exquisite feature about itself. The rock was very smooth and it had golden lines crisscrossing all over its surface. What made Yang Dao happy even more was that the pattern on the rock was an exact match of the pattern he found inside the room. 

He landed on the ground and walked over to the rock. He noticed a few more lines on the ground, that seemed to be leading to the building complex and this confirmed his doubts about the energy. The source of energy was this rock. However, he was not very interested in touching and exploring the rock at the moment. The reason was those dead bodies piled over this pit must have some reason. 

He was sure that if the people were drawn in this place because of this rock. This rock was discovered and led to bloodshed. Later the people who made the discovery all fell to their deaths and thus the treasure was lost. The later arrivals all thought that it was a mass grave and started to pile up dead bodies. 

Yang Dao did not think that the people who died here were all due to their own battles. He opened his dao eyes and the picture in front of him changed. This rock was the blob of light and the glow coming from it almost blinded him. However, the glow had no trace of darkness inside it. This confused him. 

He leaned over a bit and the life seed in his right arm shook alike. An instinct told him that this rock contains a life. He blinked to let his eyes return to normal. He wondered what sort of life form can reside inside this rock. He could sense that an immense amount of heat was radiating from this rock as well. 

This made him even more hesitant to act. Suddenly it clicked to him. Why did this rock attract the people in this place? He thought, "Could it be this thing is feeding on their lives in return for source energy powers. After all, not everyone who was placed here had elemental skills from the beginning. This place also seems to be in defiance of the laws of nature, however, it is more like an isolation barrier for those who broke the laws. 

Why did this thing need so much life energy? It does not seem to be radiating any evil vibes to me. The healing pattern inside the rooms also seemed to have a connection with this rock. What should I do? Given the temperature of this thing, I certainly cannot take it outside here. Also, going out will be a big project now that I have to carry that girl. What to do?' 

Just as Yang Dao was lost in thoughts, the rock in front of him shivered a bit and a feeble voice was transmitted inside his mind.  action

"Who are you, why do you have the Dao resonating with yourself? How can a mortal have such an achievement in this place." the voice shocked Yang Dao to his core, he did not know who spoke and how did they communicate to him with thoughts. He began to look around vigilantly. 

The voice was heard one more time, "I am inside the rock. You answer me first and I will answer you as well. A fair trade." 

Yang Dao instinctively asked, "Who are you?" 

"I am a golden crow, born inside the core of the sun. However, I came to this world after I was bored over there." said the voice in his head. 

Yang Dao again asked, "Why are you inside the rock?" 

"Oh well, when I traveled to this place, I found a rock very hard. I could not melt it down, you know, I can meltdown this whole planet but that bloody rock was the only thing that I could not melt, thus I began to melt it, Unknowingly, when the rock was melted I was already this deep under the crust. When I found that the hole was so big, I fell into the molten rock. Who knew that thing will harden almost immediately." sighed the creature inside the rock. 

Yang Dao gulped and asked, "How are you alive then?" 

"Umm well, I could only carve this rock from the inside and make channels on the outside using my psychic abilities. I have been consuming the life energies of those who died in this place. I am not evil, I did not kill anyone, but consumed the forces of those who live in here, and are killed in battle. That is all." explained the crow inside the rock. 

Yang Dao asked, "How do I trust that what you are saying is the correct thing?" 

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