The Urban Dao Child.

Chapter 356 - Drag.

Chapter 356 - Drag.

Yang Dao questioned the voice in his head. He did not trust the thing inside the rock. He had no reasons to. The rock shivered at this question and the voice in his head rang again, "I do not know if this world has anyone equipped with the laws of nature, but these laws can help you discern whether what I say is true or not." 

This was a surprise for Yang Dao. The boy asked, "What do you mean?" he was familiar with the laws of nature and had mastered four of them till now. However, the reason he had asked this question was to find out the level of the entity speaking to him. 

The higher your understanding of the laws, the higher your spirituality. This was something he had found from the book of life in the spirit world. Thus, the question was to test the spirituality level of the self-proclaimed 'golden crow'

The voice rang again and said, "The law of life can help you at this moment. When someone consumes the life energy of another living thing out of selfishness or other negative emotions in his heart, their life forces become stained with death energy. You can think of it as white marble with streaks of black crossing over it. You can check that if you have some comprehension of the laws." 

Yang Dao found that this explanation was in line with what he had comprehended thus far. He had already confirmed that this piece of rock did not contain any evil entity within itself with the use of his dao eyes earlier. He just wanted to test the intellect of this thing. The smarter the being inside, the warier he grew. 

However, since the other party was not malicious, he found no problem in helping it out and seeing what sort of creature was this golden crow. He sighed and said, "Tell me, how do I help you?"

The golden crow heard these words and became excited. It had lost count of how many years it had spent in this rock. Surviving inside and watching how humans fought with each other for pity meanings. Finally, someone came along to ease his plight. 

The golden crow said, "Melt this rock. Just enough to make a crack on it is enough. Can you do it? Although you are in the realm of the elemental king, it will not be an easy or short time process. You cannot stop once you start to heat this thing." 

Yang Dao nodded and said, "You do not have to worry about this, I will do it." he was confident in his skills and comprehension of the laws. He walked closer to the rock and placed his hand on the surface. The next moment, a strong heat began to flow outward on the surface of the rock. 

Yang Dao assumed that the rock was a piece of metal, that has been refined by the strong heat of the golden crow. Yes, in the process of melting it the bird had refined all the impurities contained within the rock. The effect was so drastic that it has transmuted into a sort of compound metal. Yang Dao was surprised when he analyzed the rock structure using his earth elemental skills. 

He knew that there were some hybrid elements created by the fusion of two primary ones, and this rock seemed to be the hybrid element created by the fusion of fire and earth. To bend this thing to his will, Yang Dao will have to control two elements at the same time. This was not an easy task for him. Even if he was the Dao Child. bending two elements to his will at the same time will be demanding to squeeze his mental power to the limits. 

It would have been different if he was outside and was just practicing. That way the toll would not go beyond the limit and he would be able to handle it. He could have melted this thing, but the source energy inside his body would only allow him to produce flames powerful to match the golden crow's level. Thus, melting this thing while being at this place was impossible for him. 

He suddenly asked, "How can you bend the laws of nature? Here we feel no hunger, thirst, even if we are breathing. I do not see any air outlets." 

The golden crow said, "Hahaha, novice, the floor you stand on is the earth that can sate all hunger. The place is surrounded by water. Quenching all your thirsts. As for the air, this is a function of the pattern you sat upon to meditate daily. You might not have noticed that the world is like a jigsaw. If you can put together the jigsaw, you get a pattern. That pattern is unique to every world and is called the world pattern. 

The mystery of this pattern is said to have emerged from the great dao. I do not know much if this pattern can make all barren places like this liveable by converting the source energy into the attributes needed by the people. You can call this place a natural safe-house." 

Yang Dao was surprised and never would have imagined that something like this can exist. He did not know what to say at this point. Taking a deep breath, he focused himself again to deal with the task at hand. He closed his eyes and tried to figure out how can he control two elements at the same time. 

He thought, 'If I can manage to focus fire element on my left and the earth on my right hand. I might be able to pull this off, but balancing between the two elements will be the key. Wait, it could not be that simple. This is not a rock, but a metal compound. Every metal is made from different factors playing together.  action

So what I need to do is to find the balance point. How much fire should be mixed with earth to make it interact with this 'rock'. Damn, this is going to be such a drag.'

The boy sighed when he finished drawing up a plan for his approach. He said, "You will have to be patient.. I need to calculate some stuff." 

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