The Urban Dao Child.

Chapter 378 - Twist & Turn.

Chapter 378 - Twist & Turn.

The Island Of Sin. 

Lisa and the girls were hiding in wait to attack. 


Jade City Race Track. 

Yang Dao had met with Icarus. The sun had gone down and the crowd has gathered together. Icarus said, "This guy has been running around calling himself the fastest racer off the grid. Last week he rubbed off ten pink slips in total. Then he called you out by name and said, he wanted to see if you were worthy enough to drive the Quinn." 

Yang Dao raised his brows and asked, "Dude, where did you find this cartoon?" 

Icarus sighed and said, "I do not know if you have improved or not but this guy gives me a vibe similar to you when you rode 'Silence.' You better watch out." 

Yang Dao nodded and said, "When did I agree to this though?" he did not agree to the race at all. 

"Shut up, you need to make up for your absence. Get your ass inside the car and beat him up," said Icarus with annoyance. 

Yang Dao sighed and said, "Bitch, you lost your car to him as well?" he knew this guy a bit too well. 

Icarus scratched the back of his head and said, "Well, he did take away my saber but I was not racing, it was Sasha. However, she overturned at the last pin and lost, had a terrible collision. The car was finished thankfully she ca,e out with light bruises. I still had her stay in the hospital." 

Yang Dao raised his eyebrow. He recalled Sasha's driving skills from their training camp in college. She was not a rookie to overturn in a race. She had her early driving in the mountains filled with twists and curves. 

As the boy was indulged in thoughts he was brought back to reality by a sharp engine sound. Icarus said, "Here comes." 

Yang Dao did not turn around and said, "Hybrid engine? Hmmm seems like someone spared no efforts to race me. They are even using this car." 

Icarus nodded and said, "This Chaser is a worthy opponent of your Quinn. What do you think of his skills?" 

Yang Dao could sense the movements coming from behind him. He said, "Sub-standard." this was not his arrogance but it was his skills. After mastering the elements, he has grown stronger in his driving. 

Icarus nodded, he had full confidence in the guy. They were talking when a moonshine blue car parked behind him with a screech. The door opened and a boy with white hair came out of the car. He walked over to Icarus with big strides and suddenly stopped. 

The reason behind his pause was a black car parked at the side. He walked over to the car and was about touch it when a cold voice sounded, making him freeze, "That is not something you can touch." 

The guy raised his eyebrow and found Yang Dao looking at him with no expression in his eyes. He sneered and said, "So, you are the fabled, Young Master Feng. Well, it is only a matter of time before it belongs to me." 

Yang Dao said, "Icarus, pet a dog but never pet an illusion. Also, I have a meeting to attend. Let us get this done." 

The man with white hair nodded and the people began to arrange the race. The two cars moved to the starting line, with their engines fired up. The man with white hair said with his window down, he said, "My name is Terrence." 

Yang Dao did not reply. He had no interest in conversing with a passing character in the story. Icarus stood at the podium holding a green flag. 


On the other side, Lisa was holding an assault rifle, squatting down on the ground, leaning in the shadows of the building at the edge of the city. Mika had a sniper rifle aimed at the soldier, who stood on a watchtower. 

Kiya held a binocular checking the surroundings and said, "Clear." 

Mika squeezed the trigger and with a minimal sound, a bullet ejected from the muzzle piercing the head of the soldier. The target fell on the floor of the watchtower. Kiya said, "Hit, move." 

Lisa nodded and started to move forward. She said, "Five minutes." 

The speed of the three girls was higher than the normal elite soldiers. On the way, the trio met three patrols. They diffused the situation as soon as they encountered it. They were aided by their level one practice of Elementalist. 

Their senses were high and responses were flickering light. However, things were not as simple as they seemed to be. Lisa froze as soon as she reached closer to the old prison fort. 

She said, "It is fishy, we hide and wait." 

Kiya and Mika were told to follow her lead and they did. As soon as the commands were issued the two moved and hid in an abandoned building. They controlled their breathing and aura. No questions were asked, and they all sat down with the cover of the shadows. 


Yang Dao was driving the car at a high speed on the track. His skills were even sharper than in the past. Icarus and the rest were stunned when they saw the situation. Yang Dao was leading Terrence with a lead of twenty meters. The difference came at the corners. The time was reduced by a lot. 

Suddenly Yang Dao raised his eyebrow and pressed the breaks. The speed slowed down and he let the guy get ahead. However, the gap did not increase too much. Inside the car, Yang Dao said, "Hmmm so this is how they lost." 

Terrence was a level two Elementalist and he created a disturbance on the roads. He was an earth elemental. Yang Dao pressed the pedal and Quinn roared. He came neck to neck with the guy and kept at it. Suddenly he sensed another distortion coming his way. 

He said, "Not this time." and he bent the earth and diffused the coming distortion. It did not stop at just that, the distortion he cast made Terrence lose control and the guy was forced to press the brakes hard. 

Yang Dao chuckled and pulled away.. He decided to deal with Terrence after he crossed the finish line.


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