The Urban Dao Child.

Chapter 379 - Engage.

Chapter 379 - Engage.

Lisa and the two girls hid inside an abandoned house. They had left micro motion sensors outside the parameter before they came in. Kiya asked as she checked the mini monitor display, "What is going on?" 

Lisa said, "According to intel, there are three superhumans inside the prison fort. I did not take this seriously, but the silence around the region made me believe this intel." 

Mika asked, "Why did you not believe the intel earlier?" she had seen Lisa in action and was sure that her skills were not shallow. She did not understand why she would not follow the intel. 

Lisa said, "The intel was just a speculation of the scouting equipment. Thi place has never been scouted or reckoned by humans so were had no idea what they might have in store for us. So, I did not believe the intel. Now I have a question. What do you think we should do to deal with the superhumans?"

Kiya shook her head and said, "I have no idea, let me think." 

Mika said, "Do they have an invincible detection for a kilometer?" she has never dealt with the superhumans. 

Lisa heard her question and nodded. She said, "The assignment was not to kill Sylvester but to deal with these three. One each." 

Kiya said, "Yang Dao can deal with three hyper humans on his own and without breaking a sweat. So we should still be able to deal with these guys at the cost of some injuries? Can we not?" 

Mika chuckled, "I wonder if he will take a second look at us after filled with scratches." 

Lisa smiled and shook her head. She was aware that these two were joking and Yang Dao was not a person to go after looks only. She still said, "Do not worry, I will let you in on a secret. I was rescued from a hidden research facility at New Dawn. The experiments had ruined my voice. It was because of Master and Miss's generosity that I got it back and even to the point where I can cast hypnotism by just speaking. So do not worry about injuries." 

Kiya and Mika were surprised and nodded. They wanted to ask more when Lisa said, "There is movement. We can leave the conversation for later."  action

Mika said, "What is the plan?" 

Kiya said, "Block the monitor vision, diffuse the strength. Sounds good?" 

Lisa nodded and said, "Good, Mika. You are a fire elemental, right? Cast a smoke barrier. Kiya, you are with me. Diffuse strength, I will distract the scout's senses." 

The two nodded, and they moved. Mika got out of the house and then squatted down near the door. She took out a flare from her pocket and ignited it. The flare emitted a bright red light and also red smoke. Mika controlled the smoke and cast a thin curtain on it. She did not stop at this. She took out another flare to make the gauze thicker. 

After five flares, she was able to cast a hundred-meter curtain to block the vision of the superhuman scout. As she finished her task, Kiya and Lisa moved out of the house as well. They carried two assault rifles in their hands. Lisa said, "Mika, watch our backs okay?" 

The girl winked at her with a smile. Kiya and Mika moved out at high speed. The y were limited by their strengths and range of activity. One hundred meters versus one thousand meters. The point in their favor was that they had a lot of covers to hide. 

The whole island of sin was akin to a slum, and the closer you get to the prison for the vacant it became. The trio was located in the last block of buildings, so they did not come across any movement and could operate without any problems. Earlier, when Lisa told the two people her story, she saw some movement on the mini monitor.

The feed was broadcast live to the device from the satellite. The movement she mentioned was the teams coming out for patrol but avoiding their block. She could predict what was going to happen, so she asked them to discuss and come up with some method to deal with the inbound superhumans. 

This was her experience from the countless training scenarios simulated in her mind. The people followed her lead as well, and they devised a plan. Mika was to camp on the roof of the building to take out or engage any threat the two may not be able to detect while they were on the ground. 

Kiya was the main force as she had a stronger physique to deal with the enemies up close, while Lisa will be confusing the scout with her movements and tricks. The action began.


Lisa was shuttling through the streets at a fast speed, while Kiya was slowly following her. They were running around the slum block in circles. Suddenly, when running to a crossroads, Lisa stepped back, and said, "Attack." in a low voice. 

This was the key for Kiya, following behind her to engage the lured superhuman. Yes, one of the superhumans has found them and caught up. Kiya suddenly exerted some strength to her feet and leaped a distance of ten meters in two steps, and punched at a vague outline in front of her. 

They could even differ an outline thanks to the smog. Kiya punched right in the face of the outline. She was a level two Elementalist, trained by Kaya. She was calm, but robust enough to clobber at the enemy with a force that can make them lie down. 

The superhuman responded. Thanks to his fast reflexes he dodged the incoming attack and countered Kiya with a kick to her waist. The girl was surprised for a second, but reacted with her muscle memory and took a step back to avoid the attack. 

Then, as soon as the leg was retracted, she moved in along with it and punched at the superhuman's waist. The opponent was fast and better than her, but she used the minute lapse between his movements and hit him hard. 

The punch connected with the waist, but it was Kiya, who reeled back from her position. She pursed her lips as she said, "This guy has an iron body. Damn." 

Lisa was about to move ahead, she said, "Use hard and soft. I will go to the draw out another cookie." 

Kiya nodded to her words without moving her gaze away from the target. She took a Tai-chi stance and squinted her eyes at the superhuman. Despite the overwhelming strength and hyped-up reflexes, the superhuman had a normal vision.. He was contained by a smokescreen. 

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