The Urban Dao Child.

Chapter 380 - Hard Battle.

Chapter 380 - Hard Battle.

Kiya was engaged in a full-blown battle with a superhuman in front of her. She had her hands positioned in front of her shoulders and her fists were open palms facing the enemy with her left foot placed in front of the right foot. Her eyes were calm. 

Lisa had used her experience when she gave her this advice. She has seen Laohu Bai in action, the method of hard and soft boxing had left a deep impression in her mind ever since she had been through the scenarios in her mind. 

Kiya herself has seen the strength held in this battle art during her military training as a fresher in the college and later when Kaya trained her especially. The superhuman approached her with a quick movement and clawed at her face. 

She waited for the claw to come close enough and then she tilted her body to the left, letting the claw pass over her shoulder. She raised her right hand to grab ahold of the opponent's wrist and turned her back to the man. Then she tilted her body forward and somehow managed to lift the guy over her shoulder and threw him on the ground. 

The superhuman had not yet landed on the ground when Kiya delivered a strong punch to his temples. She then punched him twice again, before taking a step back. The softness was used to redirect the force of the opponent and inflict damage upon him. The punches were add-ons. 

The head seemed to be the most vulnerable part of his body but it was the most tightly guarded part as well. Kiya moved back after delivering the blows and the superhuman sprang up from the ground. He turned around and moved his hand. Just when Kiya was anticipating her move, the guy pulled out a gun from behind his waist and sneered. 

He said, "The game has changed." Kiya stood frozen in her spot, she knew that she cannot outrun a bullet, she was not that fast. She was about to give in to the situation when a bang was heard. 

The bang was distant, and Kiya knew that she was not the target of the incoming bullet. She woke up from her daze and saw the superhuman baking two steps. When she focused on his body, she found that the chest was hit with the bullet and it has broken some of his skin, the damage was not much. 

However, this shot was enough to make the superhuman miss his aim and Kiya moved in. The bullet Mika shot was special, it could electrocute things. The superhuman was numb as the electricity moved throughout his body, even in this state this guy was able to move like a normal human. Kiya would not lose to an injured opponent and taking out a dagger from her thigh strap, she slashed at the superhuman's nape in a swift motion.

The dagger was a sharp carbonium alloy and was sprayed with nanites. If the wound was not deep enough to kill the superhumans, the nanites will start eating their bodies from the inside as soon as the dagger rub off their skin. 

Kiya finished her slash and a blood flower bloomed from the nape of the superhuman. She backed away and quickly pressed a few buttons on her wrist display to activate the nanites. The nanites were so quick that the superhuman, who had just woken up from the numbness began to slow down again. 

He fell to the ground as his nervous system was rendered useless by the release of a neurotoxin. Kiya saw this and took a deep breath. However, she did not leave the spot, they were told to ensure that the target is dead before they move to the next target. She did not wish to leave this guy to come up later and trouble her. 

She sat down in the shadows of the house at the end of the crossroads after she picked up her assault rifle. Although she was waiting it did not mean that she was resting. She could not let her guard down. 

The biggest trouble in this mission was that they were barred from any communication. Yes, the people were not allowed to talk to each other during the battle. They were to depend on their skills to help each other and make it out of this place. The rest of the girls had given up. Even professor dew had found her loved one and got engaged to him a few days ago. 

Kiya waited patiently for all the signs of life in the superhuman to cease before she advanced. 


Lisa had been running in circles and she had avoided the area where Kiya was fighting with the superhuman. She was not strong physically, she was an assassin. Her job was to kill the enemy with one strike but after even one minute of circling the hundred-meter area, she had yet to find the second superhuman. 

As her gaze was scanning the surroundings, suddenly her senses screamed danger and she dived on the ground, rolling to the right side in an instant. She had developed these instincts from the sufferings in the simulations. They were never wrong. As soon as she finished the roll, she found a superhuman standing at the corner of the building on her left with a gun aimed at her previous position. 

The superhuman squeezed the trigger and fired at her after adjusting his aim, but Lisa was not a normal human as well, her bloodline had evolved after she was treated with the tears of the phoenix, not only did it heal her throat and voice, but also, cleansed her bloodline. She was not to lose to a superhuman in terms of reflexes and sensory responses. 


This sound was not coming from the silenced guns but the collisions of the bullets. Lisa was shooting not at the superhuman assailant but the bullets fired at her. This was her way to defend herself. 

She noticed something and a sneer came up her lips. She became even braver in firing at the guy as she moved forward while shooting. With a flick of her finger, the gun turned from semi-automatic to automatic and the fire rate increased.

The bullets shot from the superhuman's gun were firing slowly after Lisa flipped the switch. The guy stood at the same spot while Lisa moved forward. She overwhelmed the opponent closed the distance. 

Suddenly she jumped to her right as she shot at the bullet from an angle. The angle of deflection was as such that the bullet found its way right to the superhuman's chest. The impact was strong and the guy flinched a little. This little flinch was all that Lisa needed. She fired ten more bullets on the superhuman.  action

The opponent she faced, was not a strength type superhuman but the scout. Lisa figured this out when she saw the opponent standing at one spot and engaged in a shoot-out with her. Ten bullets were enough to kill the guy but she did not want to slack off. She took out a kunai from her thigh belt and threw it at the superhuman, who fell down to the ground.  This kunai had a micro-vail inside it filled with nanites.. The superhuman would surely die after ten seconds. 

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