The Urban Dao Child.

Chapter 381 - End Game.

Chapter 381 - End Game.

After Lisa took down the second Superhuman she did not know what to do, so she headed to regroup with Kiya and analyst the situation. The two people had a similar thought. They did not waste time and moved to the regroup point. 

They did not have any digital and direct communication methods, thus Kiya left some signs on the walls along the alley as she moved to regroup with Mika. She left signs on the walls and the ground to tell Lisa about her movement as well. Lisa was quick on the uptake, she ran through the alleys and reached the regroup point, and found the two girls standing with their guns aimed in her direction. 

They only lowered it slightly after they confirmed that Lisa was the one who approached. Mika asked, "Any signs of the third superhuman?" 

Lisa shook her head and said, "They always act in a team of three, it could be possible that the third superhuman is inside the fort and laying in wait for us to arrive. We will be able to take him down together if that is the case." 

Kiya nodded and said, "Indeed, we cannot assume things to be this simple. However, I do not know why this feels a bit too easy." 

Mika nodded and said, "I agree, the target can have a better card up his sleeve?" 

Lisa nodded and said, "Three-pronged approach. I am better at moving in the shadows, so can you take the lead? I will be there to make a move at the critical juncture. Does this sit well with you two?" 

The two girls exchanged a glance and they nodded. Lisa did not know but before she came here, Mika was telling Kiya about how she finished a superhuman on her own. This surprised the two girls but they also came to find that the skills Lisa had were top-notch and higher than them. 

After watching her skills the two people agreed to follow her completely. They were smart enough to know what was the difference between them and her. She was decisive while they still had some hesitation when it came to dealing with a situation like this. 

After they made the plan they all moved to the prison fort. The fort was a three-floored building, with eight watchtowers around it. They had guards patrolling the grounds at every one-minute interval. The lighting of the parameter was dim, some vague shadows could be seen at the patrol but their lax behaviors were enough to show their level. 

The elite criminal lay low while the small guys played bigshots. This sort of security was worse than having none. Lisa had broken away from the two when they reached the edge of the parameter. After a simple nod, three people broke up the team, Lisa vanished into the shadows while Kiya and Mika slowly moved forward. 

The watchtowers were equipped with a big torch. They had no pattern of movement to look for infiltrators, however, this was a disadvantage for the two people. They never knew when the light is focused on them and it becomes a death mission. The two girls decided to observe the path of the light. 

After reckoning for five minutes they found that the light may be moving irregularly, but it also left a few blind spots in the trail. They took half an hour to make it through the web of patrols and searchlights. They had marked a tunnel in the fort earlier when they made the plan and decided to use it as the point of infiltration. 

The tunnel was used dug out by the guards who fled this place in the past. These two were just here to exploit the leftovers. The criminals were lazy and never took the pain to seal these off. However, they did make people guard the exit of the tunnel inside the fort. Kiya took the lead with her earth sense to walk in a crouched position. 

The ceiling of the tunnel was only a few feet high. Two girls walked inside at a slow pace, they had their guns set at ready. A few times, Mika almost shot but Kiya stopped her with a whistle as her signal. Dark places were always nested with rodents and crawlers. She could sense their movements and stopped Mika in time to save the element of surprise. 

They moved into the cramped space for over an hour before they finally came five meters close to the tunnel opening. Kiya walked under the light pouring in from the hole in over their head. She gestured to Mika with her hands. She told her that there were three people on the other side. 

Mika nodded and was about to move over when Kiya held out her stretched palm to stop her. She then opened her mouth and made a moaning sound. This sound not only shocked the people outside guarding the opening but Mika as well. 

Kiya winked at her and the latter understood how she was going to clean up the fish. 

Suddenly a guard said, "Who is there?" in a loud voice. 

Kiya took off her gun and threw it to the side and said in a pitiful voice, "Why do you yell? Do you want all those bad people out there to hurt me?"


On the floor above a guy said, "Shhh, dimwit bastards, can you not recognize that the voice belonged to a girl? Have you been sucking cocks a bit too much?" 

A guy with a dumb expression on his face said, "Sorry brother Jack. I did not expect a girl to be here." 

Another guy said, "That voice just now came from the hole. Let us check." 

That said they all moved over and saw a pitiful Kiya sitting on the floor inside the hole. The lights were dim yet they could tell what was that the girl below was very beautiful. The guy named Jack asked, "Who are you? What are you doing here?"  action

The girl said, "I do not remember, who I am, Sir. I hit my head and cannot remember anything. Can you please help me with some water? I will do anything for you." she blinked her doe eyes at the end of her line. 

The words, 'will do anything' were enough to shock the three men. Jack looked at the guys and said, "I take the lead and you follow."

The two men shook their heads in disagreement. These were all men deprived of sexual comfort for who knew how long. There were females on the island but they were all scarce resources. Thus a jade girl like Kiya was something they did not wish to be taken away. 

Suddenly, Jack clicked his tongue and raised his gun, and shot at the two men. They never expected this guy to shoot at them all of a sudden. 


With just two shots the problem was solved. Jack sneered and said, "Idiots, and then he jumped down in the pit." 

As soon as he landed, the fine hair on his neck stood up, and before he could even react his head burst open like a watermelon. Mika took the shot. Kiya had already turned her head away when the guy jumped down, but some blood and brain matter splashed on her back and she glared at Mika, who stuck out her tongue to the girl and acted cutely. 

The pit was not deep but only ten feet and it was only a few feet wide, so the girls climbed up by supporting themselves against the walls. They scanned the surroundings before they made a move deep in the fort. Mika took the lead and Kiya covered her. They moved slowly but the pace was steady. 

On the way, they shot down a lot of people. The striking detail of these encounters was that every shot was a headshot. The angel may be different or the point of impact may be different as well, but the bullets all landed on the heads. The two girls were tired but they were determined to see this task through. 

Throughout their intrusion they had not caught a single glimpse of Lisa. However, they were not worried about her. Given her sneaky skills, she could escape the place if she could not dissolve the threat.

What made them wary in all this silence was that no alarm was triggered. They were told that the fort had an alarm system, and if triggered, the number of people flooding the fort will drown them before they even had a chance to think. 

They reached the room where the target was said to be living and found a burly man standing at the door with his hands crossed in front of his chest. Mika asked Kiya what to do, the latter told her to engage straight on. They had no other choice at their hands any how. This guy was a strength type superhuman, his movements will have no care for stealth. 

They came to stand in front of the guy. Kiya gave up the gun and held her dagger in a reverse grip. She even borrowed the dagger from Mika, just in case she lost hers. Mika had the guns to act as a support. Kiya could augment herself with the earth element to be just a slight bit weaker than the opponent. 

The superhuman was not shocked to see them. He lowered his hands to her sides, and suddenly charged at them. Kiya rushed forward as well, and punched at the guy. She used her left fist at the guy. As soon as the fists were about to collide, Kiya opened her fist and changed the trajectory of her hit. 

The next moment, using the soft and hard boxing technique, she turned her body using her feet and slashed his knife at the guy's abdomen and using just one hand she flicked him over her body. At this moment, Mika fired her gun at the guy, turning him into a sieve. 

Kiya still sensed the signs of life coming from the guy and she stabbed her knife right in his skull with all the brutality she could muster in her heart. The nanites took a few milliseconds before they turned the guys brain into mush and made him take the long road. 

The two heaved a sigh of relief, they had never thought that the things they learned in the training would come in so handy during a mission. Kiya was trained by Kaya and Mika was taken under his wing by Talen. The two had never came in contact with a superhuman before, only some videos of the fights. 

When they saw how capable these people were, they did have doubts but their trainers told them not to freak out. Laohu Bai said to them, "A calm mind is sharper than a sword." 

This time, when Kiya met a superhuman the first time, she was confused, thankfully, Lisa gave her the tip. Finally, the play came to an end. They took down two superhumans. Greatly boosting their confidence to deal with such situations.

Mika tossed Kiya's gun to the latter and they both moved forward towards the door. They positioned themselves at each side of the door and their guns were pointing at the door. The objective maybe in the front but they also paid attention to the surroundings, in case any stray rats came out. 

Just as they got close to the door, they heard a clicking sound. The door was pushed open from the inside. The two people jumped back a step and raised their guns to shoot when they heard a sweet voice, "It is me." 

The voice made them numb. They found Lisa walking towards them with a bloodstained dagger in her hand. They sighed and asked, "How?" 

Lisa did not reply but only smiled mysteriously. She had long since killed the guy inside the room without alerting the superhuman, and was waiting for the two to arrive.. The game has came to an end with their victory. 

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