The Urban Dao Child.

Chapter 398 - Destroyed.

Chapter 398 - Destroyed.

Yang Dao was dead set showing these people what strength meant. He compared the people to parasites. Parasites were organisms that lived off of other beings, in return giving them nothing but holding back their growth. His words were cruel, and his gaze was brimming with loathing as he looked down at the people below the balcony. 

The people grit their teeth, some balled their fists almost ready to rush at Yang Dao and beat him up. But then they recalled how he defeated the strongest man in the region. They did not have that many guts in them to go and challenge the strongest. 

Yang Dao said, "You people are all pretenses. Nothing more, nothing less. You all think that fire is all about strength, but you forget that if it was only strength, then cooking the food would not be a delicate process.  action

Fire would not give you the warmth you seek on lonely breezy nights, it will not have lit up the dark that scares your children. Fire is not only limited to what you see or sense outside but it resides in your hearts, the desire to achieve something, the passion you feel for someone. These are all fires, yet here you are, thinking that being the last one standing is fire and that it makes you strong. 

Misunderstanding the sacrifice and resolve of your people into a facade of arrogance. I only have one word for you, Pathetic." 

The people did not feel anger now. They were enlightened. Yes, Yang Dao had just used the Dao Resonance to make the people open their minds, and look at the horizon similar to his. This was his plan, to preach the Dao to them. 

Yang Dao had come to an understanding that Dao creates and Dao destroys everything in existence. Whether it is mindset or way of life, they all contained dao within themselves. However, being overwhelmed by one emotion only could not be the proper dao, it was imbalance. 

Yesterday, he realized that the imbalance of this place was not among the people or the way of life, but the emotions. The elements represented the emotions of a human being, and if the emotions were in chaos, so were the elements. Light and Dark represented thinking, Life and Death represented the cause of a being, and the elements represented the emotions that made one a being. 

This equation only clicked to Yang Dao when he was falling into a state of false epiphany. As he spoke at this moment, Dawn was scribbling it all down on a notebook in her hand. She was writing with her eyes locked on Yang Dao. The dao resonated with her as well, and she was enlightened. However, the effect was not so intense on her mind as she had already witnessed how fickle her arrogance was in front of true strength. 

She loved her family but never looked at the others because she was elusive about it. She had thought that given the strength of her grandfather none of the people were worthy of her love, she did not have friends as well. Yang Dao and Feng Yun opened the doors to a new world for her. 

She saw how the two people being servant and master were so close. How they addressed each other as sister and brother. She did not question them at that time but now she understood that strength does not mean for one to shun away the world but to bring it together. 

Yang Dao was not aware of the tsunami of change his words set off in the heart of the little girl. He kept talking to the people, telling them how they could have been stronger if they only did not interpret the fire as a label of strength. 

He said, "If you were truly the strongest then the world would not have been into pieces where the four elements were to stay in four distant corners. Do you know, how much you could have achieved if you were together? I found that none of the fire region people can manipulate another element, it must be the same for the other places. Do you know the reason behind this?" 

The people all looked at him, they were true to the fire in their hearts and this question made them very curious. Yang Dao sighed and said, "The people here grow up thinking about the strength of fire, they have never experienced anything else. They grow up watching their parents covered in a layer of arrogance. Ever since I have come here, hardly do I ever see anyone with expressions on their faces. 

All I see is how some people leer at the others with their disdain-filled gaze. You people hold back not only those whom you think are strong but also those who can become strong. Your arrogance clouds their young minds and their chances of being elementalists are killed in the cradle. You people are murderers, you may not hurt others physically but you do kill their future." 

His voice was not loud but calm, however, an invisible wave of dao was carried within. Everyone who heard him was surprised, they sensed their long-lost emotions once again, the shame of being looked down upon by a young man, the guilt of ruining the future of their youth, the anger over their own illusions. 

Too much negative gives birth to a positive. This cycle of the world cannot be avoided. Yang Dao could sense their emotions through the resonance in his heart. He smiled and thought in his mind, "Amber, come out." 

The bird obeyed his command and came out of the ring. Yang Dao said, "Look at her. Does she look arrogant to you?" 

The people looked at a golden bird resting on Yang Dao's forearm. They were surprised to see the bird. The emotions displayed by Amber at this moment were not her usual ones, her ruby eyes flickered with wisdom, warmth, and calm. The Dao resonance was a mysterious thing, it made the people understand the emotions inside the golden crow. It was like a universal translator of emotions. 

This invisible translation broke the walls of arrogance that the people had put up.. The imbalance was destroyed.

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