The Urban Dao Child.

Chapter 399 - Price.

Chapter 399 - Price.

Yang Dao successfully destroyed the emotional imbalance that the people were suffering from. However, creating something was much more difficult than destroying something. The boy had yet to figure out how to make people support him in this recreation. After all, the method he had come up with was not something they could easily accept. 

However, he would have to try no matter how hard it was. He sighed and mumbled, "It is not easy to be the dao child." 

Amber said, "Master, the people have all understood what you just said, but some of them have a question, after all, I look like a bird." 

Yang Dao smiled and said, "Go, show them your true form." 

Amber flapped her wings and took the skies, the people followed her with their gazes. At first, they thought the bird will fly away, but suddenly, they held their breaths. They had never seen a bird so big. The feathers were glowing like they were covered with flames, talons like molten steel, ruby eyes sending chills down the spine.

The crowd watched the huge monster bird flying over the region in a stupor. They could only imagine the possibilities of Yang Dao unleashing this bird over them if they ticked him off. They all gulped. Yang Dao was noticing that the changes in the expressions.  action

He turned and said, "Sister Yun, your turn." 

That said, Feng Yun, who had been standing behind him in absolute silence flew up in the sky and when she reached above the golden crow, her body flashed with a vermillion spark and it transformed into a phoenix. The size was four times as big as Amber's. The golden crow turned back to her small size and came back to Yang Dao, gently landing on his shoulder. 

The people turned pale when they saw another monster creature appear. Just when the horses of their imagination were stampeding they heard a soft voice, "I can be arrogant if I wish to. After all these two are my subordinates, however, I know that there is a sky above the sky and a mountain over a mountain. If I am blinded by my arrogance and somehow call upon the wrath of the heavens, what will it make me? A mound of ash." 

As his words dropped Feng Yun came back to his side, looking as graceful as ever. Dawn had placed the lady on a new throne in her heart. Yang Dao said, "What I am going to propose now, will be difficult for you all to accept but know this, it will make your future a peaceful and better one. Do you have the guts to accept what I am going to tell you now?" 

The people were fired up when they heard him telling them that they can improve the future of the coming generations. A lot of people in the region were young children because the great war had just come to an end ten years ago. A decade is not long enough to make the people forget the horrors they have been through. If this new way said by the Young King of Flames helps him with a better future then why not. 

The people replied, "YES, LORD." 

They decided to hear it out first. Yang Dao nodded and said, "Your fire region stood tall in the battle, however, it is not because the other elements are weaker but because the human error. Just like you the people do not understand the importance of emotional balance. How about it, what do you say to this arrangement, that if I defeat the other three regions, Will you all be willing to come together and form a society where you can live and grow together?" 

The excited crowd suddenly became silent, They did not expect him to suggest such a thing. You know, that a lot of their relatives, loved ones, had fallen in the war thanks to the other regions. How were they to accept such a thing so quickly? 

Yang Dao sighed and said, 'Your people also took lives. Both sides suffered the loss of life and love. Why can you, the one who stood till the end, be the one to lead the way to a new world too? Do you place the hatred of those who had gone away above the growth of those who stand in front of you?" 

The people again fell into the dilemma, they had just come out of their arrogant barriers, how could they walk into this new thinking so easily. Yang Dao was not a tyrant he said, "You people take three days. You think about what I said. I hope you can see that only when you are together can you change your lives for the better. Everyone needs a counterweight. The other regions are those counterweights. Go home and come back after three days. I will wait for you." 

In the end, his tone was that of a calm and wise man. The people all bowed to him and left the place with complicated emotions. Feng Yun asked, "Why did you not just tell them to follow this plan?" 

Yang Dao rolled his eyes and said, "You testing me again. Well, the reason I did not force them was that when you build something you need a strong foundation. If you are too strict in the foundation the building falls when it is exposed to tremors. Got it?"

He told the people the price they would have to pay, life is costly, but the price one pay for it is not materialistic. Now the people would all have to decide on their own whether they wished to pay the price of a better life or not. 

With that analogy, the boy flicked his long hair over his shoulder and walked away from the balcony. Feng Yun and Dawn looked at each other and burst into a giggle. Yang Dao could hear them giggling but he was not angry. He has made the last gesture on purpose. 

He was now heading to a bedroom arranged for him by Jual. After using the Dao resonance, he would always feel tired. the reason was that if he channeled the Dao resonance, it will make his body tired and exhausted. Dao can not be shared with the people for free. The price he paid was his energy. 

Thus he needed to rest otherwise given the strength he had now, he could last for a month without even napping. 

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