The Urban Dao Child.

Chapter 478 - Proposal.

Chapter 478 - Proposal.

Yang Dao's question shocked Yue Jing. After a few moments, when she gained her composure, she broke out in a peal of laughter. She said, "Dao, you make funny jokes." 

The boy, however, had no expression on his face, that could relate things to joking. He said, "Let us talk when we reach the cloud palace." 

Yue Jing calmed down, on the surface, that is. Her heart was beating very fast. Her wishes did not matter in her family of three. Her mother passed away while giving birth to her. Yue Jiren blamed her existence for the demise of his wife. He did not show it in front of the people but that was only to preserve his image in the household. 

Her elder brother Yue Ming had taken after her father, and always bullied her. The reason she could even come so far was because of her talent in alchemy. Yue Jiren did not have the habit of letting the assets go to waste. As a daughter, Yue Jing had never been given the true warmth and love that she deserved from her father. 

The two people came to the cloud palace in silence. Alisha was waiting for Yang Dao, as soon as the boy came inside the palace, she said, "Young Master, please call upon me the next time you go out there. I am not only your aid but protector inside the sect as well." 

Her eyes depicted the anxiousness she had been going through. Only when she found Yang Dao well and fine, did she calm down. Yang Dao smiled and said, "I will keep it in mind, Senior sister Alisha." 

With that said, he led Yue Jing to a garden, where they sat under a pavilion. The boy said, "Big sister, let us talk." 

Yue Jing shivered out of her daze, she said, "Dao, why do you ask me things that we both know are not possible?" 

Yang Dao said, "Until you try, how do you know it is not possible?" 

Yue Jing was an innocent person, she had been hiding her emotions behind a faint smile on her lips for as long as she could remember. Her tears ran dry a long time ago. She shook her head and said, "You do not understand." 

Yang Dao asked in a soft voice, "You can try to make me understand. Can you not?" 

His eyes were locked with her and he made sure to be patient with her. Only by letting the pent-up feelings flow can he get Yue Jing on his side. Yang Dao was aware that he was an outsider and cannot truly inherit the throne of the patriarch of the Yue Family. His involvement in this whole scene was an effort of his grandfather to stabilize his family. 

Since he will not be accepted by those scrawny old coots of the Yue family why not have someone from the Yue family instead. When he thought about that, a name presented itself to him, Yue Jing. She had all the characteristics needed for being a successful and well-received head of the household. 

She was the daughter of Yue Jiren, so she already had the backing, her status of an alchemist and a prime disciple of the sect elder put her way over her sneaky brother, Yue Ming, who was busy making contacts everywhere. 

Yue Jing heard his words and said, "Dao, do you know why my mother died?" 

The boy shook his head, and Yue Jing continued, "She died, giving birth to me. My father hates my existence and he plans to marry me off to someone for his gain. A lot of people might think that it is wrong for him to do so, but I do not agree. I killed my mother, so my father has every right to discard me for his gain, and I do not mind it. After all, this life was given to me by him." 

Yue Jing had resigned herself to the present situation a long time ago. She did not wish to struggle. The more she struggled the more her father will hate her and the more she will blame herself. Yang Dao shook his head and said, "If you think you were at fault for the death of your mother, then tell me, why did not even keep yourself alive? Do you think any mother can blame her child for whatever happens to her? Unless the child is a complete lost cause? My mother surely would not. 

How can Uncle Jiren blame you for something that was not in your control? Tell me did you choose to exist or was it fate that made you come into being? Also, a cultivator dying of childbirth, are you thinking a bit too much? Lies, given the strength of Yue Overlord, could have saved her, there must be another reason behind this." 

His tone was confident and his reasoning shocked Yue Jing. It was not that she had never thought like him, but that was only limited to the first half of what he said, she never thought the second half. Her eyes were brimming with surprise. She shook her head and said, "Why would father blame me if the reason behind mother's death was not my birth?" 

Yang Dao said, "We can find the answer from my grandmother, would you like to check?" He was sure in his deduction. He was sure that there must be some other reason behind why Yue Jiren's wife died. 

Yue Jing wanted to know but she was hesitating. She grew up thinking that the death of her mother was her fault, now if some other reason presented itself, would it not mean that her father just hated her for no reason? She was scared of the change the discovery will cause inside her emotions. Thinking about this she held back her curiosity and was about to deny Yang Dao, but the boy took out a messaging talisman and sent a message to Jenny before she could even react. 

Yue Jing asked, "What have you done? What if this message is intercepted by someone? Dao, you are a child, why do you meddle with all this complicated stuff?" 

Yang Dao smiled and said, "Indeed, I am a child but I was brought over from my home to your family so that my grandpa can stabilize the scene a bit. Your father has begun to take all and every measure to climb the chair of the patriarch. I am not a messiah, big sister. But I hate those who impose themselves on others." 

Although his lips had a smile, his eyes were cold. He hated those who disrupted the order of his life. Yue Jing did not know what to say, the boy said, "You are thinking a bit too much. This communication talisman is secure. Do not worry, except for four people, no one else is aware of them. You are the fourth." 

He told her this so that Yue Jing does not tell anyone about this. This was indirect blackmail, like, if I got caught now, it means you snitched me out. Yue Jing understood this and clenched her small fist. She said, "You are very cunning Dao. I seemed to have misjudged you." 

She was emotional and not dumb. Yang Dao shook his head and said, "Big sister, I can never be the head of Yue overlord. The old coots back there will raise objections on this, so why not you be the matriarch? You have all the qualifications that a great leader should have. Or do you are stupid enough to believe that your brother is superior to you?" 

He did not stop and told her the reasons for his conjecture and the logic behind why she was the better leader. He was feeding her confidence. She needed it. As they were talking the sun fell, and the jade inside Yang Dao's space ring vibrated. 

The boy took it out and a voice rang out around them. The boy waved his hand and cast an elemental source energy barrier, this was the first thing he learned when his brain was given the knowledge of elements. The voice belonged to Jenny. 

Yang Dao had asked her, Is there a reason why Sister Yue Jing is treated badly by Yue Ming? He did not ask a direct question because he did not want to sound like a real schemer here.  action

Jenny replied to him in a similar manner, "Dao, child, Yue Jing is an innocent soul. Her mother passed away during labor and to some extent Yue Jiren blames her but that is not the truth. When the children were not born, Xia Xue was outside exploring a secret realm. She wished to gather the spirit beasts, and raise them side by side with her children. However, things did not go as planned. 

Inside the secret realm, she met a poison practitioner and was overwhelmed, so she had no other way but to burn her life force to escape that maniac. Later Yue Jiren hunted down the whole sect of that person, but Xia Xue, her life force could not be revived and during labor, she passed away. Yue Jiren did not even take a look at Yue Jing's face until the family elders found that she was a talent in alchemy. 

I feel sad for that child. Dao, if you tried to harm her. I will forget that you are my grandson." 

With that warning, the message ended. Yue Jing had tears in her eyes. It was clear that she could not get herself to believe that her mother did not die to give birth to herself but it was something that was not even remotely related to her. 

Yang Dao stood up and walked to her side. He patted her back and the girl, seemingly have found a ray of hope in this despairing situation and she clung to him, as she let off all her pain. Yang Dao patted her back and patiently waited. Only after half an hour did she stop, Yang Dao said, "I will ask you again, big sister. Do you want to be the matriarch of the Yue family? Not for anyone else, but to get recognition in your own eyes. That you were not the person you were treated like by your father and brother?"

He exploited her vulnerability in order to make her strong.. He made a proposal, that could change her life completely.

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