The Urban Dao Child.

Chapter 479 - Learning.

Chapter 479 - Learning.

Yang Dao and Yue Jing sat under the shade of the garden pavilion. After the girl calmed down, with a wave of his hand, Yang Dao dispelled the barrier surrounding them and looked around. He found a serving disciple standing not far away from the place. He walked up to her and asked her to bring some snacks and tea inside the pavilion. 

The disciple was overwhelmed by the young master walking over to her for such a thing. Usually, the people in high places will all holler at them. The disciple bowed and quickly ran away from the place to fulfill the task. 

Yang Dao returned to his seat in front of Yue Jing and said, "Big Sister, maybe if you could excel your brother, probably there is a chance for your father to acknowledge you. However, you have a lot to learn." 

Yue Jing was still somewhat dizzy, she nodded subconsciously. The boy saw this and left her alone, he took out the herb compendium he was supposed to learn and began to read it leisurely. The book was filled with a lot of information regarding herbs. This compendium only had the details regarding level one herbs. 

Yang Dao was reading the book slowly and asked, "Big sister, why is this only limited to the level one herbs?" 

Yue Jing said, "This book is to see if you can handle all this knowledge. If you can digest it, and pass the exam, then you will be given the holy herb compendium. It contains the details regarding all the herbs in existence. All over the immortal plane. Also, only when you have learned about herbs of level three, will you be allowed to refine pills." 

Yang Dao asked, "That is why I asked, why such regulations?" 

Yue Jing said, "This is to make sure that the alchemist has enough quality. You cannot just let anyone stand in front of a cauldron and start refining pills. Spirit pills are made of heavenly treasures, one mistake in refinement, and the whole stock of material is ash or poison. So, to avoid this, the restrictions. Understood?" 

Yang Dao nodded his head with his gaze still locked at the book in front of him. Alisha came over with a service disciple in tow. The latter was carrying a tray, holding a few snacks and a tea set. She gently set the tea set on the table. Yang Dao said, "We can serve ourselves." 

The disciple bowed and left. Alisha asked, "Young Master, would you have something special for dinner?" 

Yang Dao replied without lifting his gaze, "You should as the guest, Senior sister." 

Alisha turned her gaze to Yue Jing, who replied, "Anything would do." 

Suddenly she heard a pat noise, as Yang Dao closed the book and glared at her. He said, "This is what you need to fix. Since you are been asked, what you want to eat, you should tell them what you wish to eat." 

Yue Jing was flustered by his gaze and spoke, "Okay, I will say. I would like to have tomato egg scramble."  action

Alisha smiled and asked, "Anything else?" 

Yue Jing fell into thoughts, she was not a picky eater and she never had a strong opinion of individuality. The boy said, "Spicy tangy noodles, roasted duck, and some nector for dessert." 

Alisha nodded and left the pavilion to instruct the kitchen about the menu. Yang Dao said, "Big sister, you cannot decide what food you want to eat, would you be able to deal with the challenge lying ahead of us? Do you really wish to be married off like a tool?" 

Yue Jing frowned at his harsh language. Yang Dao said, "Felt bad? Remember this feeling. Imagine if the mention is so bitter how will the actual situation be like? So in order to avoid feeling like this, you better toughen up." 

Then he did not wait for her answer and opened his book. The girl was very confused at the moment but she was also feeling warm in her heart. She was aware that Yang Dao may be using her but she was happy that somebody in this world needed her. Her family never showed any such care towards her. Now, this never met before, cousin of hers let her vent her emotions, clarified the doubts she had in her mind, and also, showed her a path ahead. She felt very warm. 

As she was lost in her thoughts, Yang Dao was reading the book. The two people only woke up when Alisha came to tell them that the dinner was ready. 

The three of them came to the dining hall and Yang Dao saw that Alisha was not sitting down at the table but she was busy serving him. He said, "Senior sister, you better sit down. I can serve myself." 

Alisha wanted to refuse but then she saw his squinted eyes. Yang Dao was only ten years old and had some baby fat left on his face. Alisha almost wanted to rush up and pinch his cheeks. She sat down and the three ate in silence. 

After dinner, Yue Jing stood up and said, "Dao, I will leave. Big brother would be waiting." 

Yang Dao said, "You are staying here tonight, this place has a lot of rooms, also, tomorrow we go back to the alchemy hall and I take the comprehensive exam." 

Yue Jing was surprised by this statement. She said, "You mean you have finished learning the entire content of the book?" 

Yang Dao said, "Umm, about three quarters are finished. You can quiz me on this." 

Simultaneously, Yue Jing asked him, "Name three herbs from lower to higher level and their uses." 

Yang Dao said, "Ummm, Snow Star grass, lower-grade, level one, found in high cold places and is used to prepare the ointment to cure basic cut wounds. This blade of grass looks like a snowflake but is green in color.

Fish Tail Flower, middle-grade, level one, rare herb, is used by cultivators who have a water spirit root to purify and strengthen their affinity towards the element. 

Fire star rose, high grade, level one, rare herb. Only found in volcanic regions and is used to cure injuries of fire-type beasts.

The herbs I named all have can be used when mixed with a few more herbs and without refining a pill. Anything else?" 

Yue Jing stood up from her chair and walked up to him. She held his face in her hand and asked, "Dao, have you ever read this book before?" 

The boy shook his head and said, "You are squeezing my face a bit to head big sister." 

His lips had become fish lips. Yue Jing broke into a smile and she kissed his cheek hard. She said, "My dear, you are a genius." 

The boy wiped his cheek with his sleeve and said, "You underestimate me. I am a millennium genius." as he raised his chin upward.

Yue Jing chuckled but suddenly she stopped and took out a communication jade from between her waistband. Yang Dao frowned at this and waited for her to finish listening to the message. The spirit message was from Yue Ming, who said, "Where did you go? Did you forget your job to wash my feet when I get back?" 

Yue Jing was embarrassed, humiliated, and slightly angered. Yang Dao waved his hand to Alisha, signaling for her to leave. He said, "Tell him that Elder Jing asked you to stay at my place and forcefully teach me for a week." 

Yue Jing hesitated but she recalled what Yang Dao said to her back in the garden. She nodded and after calming her mind she said, "Big brother, Master tasked me to teach Yang Dao. He has a test in a week. I apologize, please forgive me." 

Yue Ming replied almost instantly, "This is a good opportunity. Stay there and be useful to me. Learn more about that Yang trash. I want to know if he has a secret behind his strength. Do you understand?" 

Yue Jing replied back to him in positive and then the communication seized. Yang Dao said, "I have a change in plans. We will not be going tomorrow. You stay here for a week, and I will teach you how to be cunning. So that when you go back to the place, you will not be bullied by him"

Yue Jing chuckled and asked, "Is cunning something that can be learned?" 

Yang Dao smiled and said, "If you can learn chess, then you can learn cunning. I have my ways, so my student, do not doubt your teacher, be humble and accept the jewels of my wisdom." 

Yue Jing chuckled and played along as she said, "As you say, oh wise one. When will we start?" 

The boy smiled and said, "Tomorrow morning. Tonight we will play and have fun, it is boring here. Also, I will help you with martial skills too." 

Yue Jing nodded as she looked forward to this week to come. 

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