The Urban Dao Child.

Chapter 50 - Fear.

Chapter 50 - Fear.

Onyx City Police station, inside the interrogation room, three people sat together. It was a typical dark, cold room to intimidate the suspect. A light bulb hung from the ceiling, under it laid a square table. A lady wearing a police uniform was leaning forward on the table with her hands. She spoke, in an indifferent tone, "Student Yurika, if you plead guilty the court will be lenient with you. Otherwise, you tell us from where did you find that thing? I assure you, we will make the culprit pay."

By now Yurika had calmed down a bit, she replied in a shaky voice, "Ma'am, I swear to you, I do not know where it came from. I was in that club for only half an hour. You can ask anyone in my college that I have always been a good student and have done nothing wrong. Please ma'am help me, I am innocent."

The male police officer spoke in a cold voice, "The most beautiful angels become the cruelest of devils, Miss Yurika. We have searched your hostel room and found one similar packet there as well. What do you say now? Your roommates said that you are not that kind of girl, but we found two packets in your possession. Now tell me, are you trying to shield somebody?"

Yurika was shocked when she heard another packet was in her hostel. She shook her head and replied, "Sir, I really don't know how the packet got there. Please believe me."

The man shook his head with a sigh and replied, "Miss Yurika, I am sorry, even if I want to believe you the evidence is not supporting you."

The two cops exchanged a glance, and the woman spoke, "We will take you to the court in the morning. There you will be allocated an attorney. That person will present your side of the case. We just hope that given your condition and records, the court is lenient to you." with that said the two of them took her outside the interrogation room. 


After half an hour, In the car, outside the police station, the yellow-haired man's phone rang. After he took a quick call, a burst of creepy laughter rang out. He spoke, "Let's go, it is done that chick is ruined." 

The creepy bald man smiled and turned the key, ready to go. Then suddenly, they heard a loud noise. Both people looked out of the window and were shocked. Not only them, but even the whole police station was surprised. They immediately sprang up in action. They all rushed outside, ready with their sidearms.


Three red helicopters were nearing the police station at a high speed. Phoenix Group had the permission to fly almost everywhere, they had a whole level in the sky reserved for themselves. The choppers slowly descended from the sky.

The director of the City Police came out of the station, he roared, "WHO FUCK CAN TELL ME WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?"

The people shook their heads. The choppers landed softly in front of the station, right on the main road. The two choppers on the side opened and 12 people wearing suits stepped out. This was the lawyer team Feng Yun sent. The center most chopper showed no sign of action. The pilot got down and pulled open the back door.  action

Titanium steps opened and a dashing young man wearing a black suit stepped down. The 12 older men stepped forward to him and walked toward the station. Yang Dao was unlike his usually innocent self. At this moment, his aura was so intimidating that the people were all shocked. He took two steps before he turned to the pilot and said, "Glide around, don't cause trouble to the people."

Then he walked again, his eyes located the director of the police station, he asked a lawyer on his side, "Is he in charge?"

The lawyer nodded and said, "He is the director here, Connie Bran."

Connie bran was a middle-aged man, because of his exceptional record he was promoted to his current post only three months ago. Faced with this young man with shiny eyes and a calm face, he sensed pressure like never. He stepped forward and asked in a loud voice, "Who are you? What is your purpose here?"

The lawyer beside You Xi Wang said, "This is Young Master Feng Yang dao, brother of President Feng, owner of the Phoenix Group. I am Harvey Trent, his attorney. My client received a call from your police station regarding one of his friends being held here. May we talk inside?"

The director was shocked to hear about Yang Dao's identity. He nodded stiffly and led them all inside. The people on the road were still shocked, and some even cheered.

"Who the hell is this young man? Cool, car."

"Yeah, look at that swag. He sure looks good."

The three choppers flew back in the air as Yang Dao entered the Police station. 

Yang Dao sat in front of the Director calmly and spoke, "The caller was Inspector Haward Russell and my friend is Yurika. She has been arrested under the charge of drug peddling. I only hope that she is not dealt with unjustly."

The director nodded and said, "I guarantee you, she will not be dealt with unjustly. But also, if she is found guilty, I will not let her go free because of your connections." his voice was stern and unmoved. Yang Dao simply nodded. 

He asked, "Is it possible for me to see her?"

The director rang a table bell, a constable walked in. He spoke, "Call Inspector Haward."

The constable saluted and left. After a few minutes, Inspector Haward knocked on the door. The director spoke, "Come in."

In walked a square-faced man. Wearing a suit with a police badge shining on his waist. The man saluted and asked, "You called me, Boss."

The director nodded. He gestured towards Yang Dao and said, "This is Mr. Feng Yang Dao, you called him regarding a suspect being taken into custody?"

The inspector was surprised to see that the person he called would come over in such a high stance, yet he nodded calmly. The director spoke, "Take him to meet the suspect."

Hayward Russell nodded, glanced at Yang Dao, and said, "Come with me."

Yang Dao nodded to the director. He stood up and followed the inspector out. The inspector spoke, "What is your relationship with Miss Yurika?"

Yang Dao said, "You don't need to know that, do you?"

The inspector was surprised at the back talk Yang Dao gave him. He rebuked him, "This is a police station and I am inspecting the case of your friend, so you better be disciplined. Otherwise, regardless of your identity, I will have you in a lock-up."

Yang Dao said, "You can try. I will see how you get me inside a lock-up."

Yang Dao was not polite to this man. His lawyers had told him already not to answer anything honestly without a lawyer by his side. At this moment they were all outside dealing with the bail proceedings.

Haward snorted and led Yang Dao to the lock-up cell where Yurika was. Yang Dao spoke as he stood in front of the cell in a cold voice with his gaze pointed at the clerical department, "Mr. Harvey, how much time do you guys need?"

His voice was not loud, but somehow it reached Harvey and his lawyer team. They shivered, picking up the documents rushed to the cell block. Panting, Harvey presented the documents to Inspector Haward. He spoke while panting, "The bail documents."

The inspector's face changed. He could not believe that these people got the suspect bailed so soon. He was unaware of Yang Dao's identity. It was because he has never dealt with such big people. 

Yang Dao spoke, "Open the cell, let her out." then he turned to Harvey, "What is the status of the investigation?"

Harvey replied, "The hidden camera footage has been gained, Young Master. In ten minutes, they will be here along with a witness. We have asked for the magistrate to allow us a special hearing because Miss Yurika is a bright student, such an incident will stain her future."

Listening to Harvey's words, Inspector Haward shook. These people were too big for him to deal with. He opened the cell and said to the stunned Yurika, "You have been bailed."

Yurika reacted, raised her head in confusion and surprise. She did not know anyone who can have her bailed. Suddenly an extremely soft voice landed in her ears, "Rika..."

Yang Dao had a habit. He would call his close ones by nicknames. Yurika shivered as soon as she heard this voice. She saw Yang Dao standing at the cell door wearing a stylish suit. Her body moved on its own. She flew into his arms and started bawling her eyes out. Yang Dao patted her back and said with a chuckle, "Are you the older one, or am I? Why are you always a cry baby?"

Yurika punched his chest as she cried. Yang Dao could only calm her after a few minutes. When he raised his head, he saw the inspector was missing. He spoke to Harvey, "I smelled fear from the inspector. Get people to dig him up. Also, don't spare anyone."

Harvey replied, "Yes, Young Master" and then he left. Harvey was not a common corporate Lawyer. He was the head of the former head of the bar council of Jade city. His connections were almost endless. So this thing was nothing for him. 

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