The Urban Dao Child.

Chapter 51 - Innocence Proved.

Chapter 51 - Innocence Proved.

Yang Dao took Yurika to sit down outside the police station where a luxury car was parked for them. Harvey was tasked with three things. One, check up on the cop responsible for the investigation. Two, arrange a hearing with the magistrate ASAP before the sun comes up. Three, find the real sinner. 

Harvey was doing it all with the help of his 11 companions and assistants. His efficiency was very high, which is why he was assigned to help Yang Dao. Feng Yun would do her best to help Yang Dao, and Harvey was the best in his field. Inside the station, Harvey picked up his cell phone and dialed a number. The call connected, and he spoke in a commanding tone, "Where is my evidence?"

The other side replied, "5 minutes, a person will hand you an envelope. The second task is being completed as well, the evidence will be sent online to your mailbox."

Harvey nodded, the other side continued, "What about the payment?"

The lawyer replied, "When I get the evidence, you get the payment. It is the same old. I won't pay a penny without verifying the authenticity of it."

The man sighed, "Sure, Harvey, old rules. You never change, do you?"

Harvey did not have any interest in small talks and immediately hung up. He glanced at his assistants, who were trying to put up a sound defense for Yurika, and walked over to help them.


Inside the car, Yurika was still holding on to Yang Dao and sobbed slowly. The boy patted her back and asked, "Tell me what happened? From the start."

Yurika spoke in a low voice, "I came here. Then last month I started dating this guy from the sports department. His name is Alex. He looks good, is caring. Just too horny. I only date them and don't let them close. Holding hands is the maximum for me, you know that. Then this guy was acting patient with me. I don't go out to party places at night. But since he said it was his birthday, so I made an exception. Suddenly the place was raided by police and I got arrested..." at the end of the speech the girl started crying again. 

Yang Dao patted her chest. Now he knew who the primary target was called Alex. He trusted Feng Yun, so he knew Harvey will solve it for him. Yang Dao closed his eyes and sighed. He spoke, "By the way, did you graduate?"

Yurika cried "It is tomorrow. Now they will cancel my degree. Dao, what do I do?"

Yang Dao said, "They will not. I will let nothing like this happen. Don't worry." he heard a knock on the window. He rolled down the glass. In front of him stood Harvey.

The lawyer spoke respectfully. "Young Master, the evidence is here. The digital hearing is also ready. We should go the magistrate will be on in five minutes."

Yang Dao nodded and said to Yurika, "Rika, come on. If I found one more tear falling from your eyes, I will leave right away." his voice was both helpless and forced. Yurika was a naughty girl. She liked to meet new people and thus she would date guys casually. Yet she was not that easy as well. Till now no one has ever even got her first kiss, let alone scoring. Sometimes back in bell city, Yang Dao would have to fight off some clingy guys for her. 

Yurika on the inside was a softie and a queen of cry babies in the world. She would cry hourly, watching a funny video, she would cry. Somebody was rude to her, she would cry. It wasn't limited to herself only, but even if she saw someone scold others, she would cry. Yang Dao was the only one who could handle her when they were young. He would always threaten her about being left alone for crying too much. This resulted in the girl developing a tolerance.

His words today were also a trigger to this tolerance. Who would want to be alone in such a situation? The tears stopped. The two people got out of the car. Yang Dao gave her a water bottle and said, "Chug it down."

After so much crying, dehydration was possible. Yurika timidly took the bottle. Yang Dao took off his coat, rolled up his sleeves, and loosened his tie. He said to Harvey, "Mr. Harvey, please lead the way. Also, I apologize for my behavior earlier. The situation forced me not to be on my best behavior."

Harvey was surprised, but he immediately shook his head and waved his hand, "No, no, young master. It is not your fault. I don't mind. When were you rude?"

Yang Dao smiled helplessly. These guys won't let him be humble. The trio walked into the police station. They came to a secluded special room where a big screen was arranged along with some chairs in front. The direction of the police station and the lady inspector responsible for Yurika's case were present. 

Yang Dao glanced at Harvey in askance. The lawyer gave him a reassuring smile. After a nod, Yang Dao and Yurika sat down in the chairs for the observers and the suspect, respectively. While the Director of the station was serving as an overseer, to make sure that the proceedings are followed by the rule. The laid inspector sat down beside Yurika silently. 

The big monitor on the screen turned on. The director spoke, "All Rise." following his voice, everyone stood up. On the monitor, a chubby old man appeared. He nodded and said, "Sit down. Let the proceedings begin."

The crowd sat down and the director spoke, "Introduce the case, the victim, and the charges filed."

The lady police inspector stood up and spoke after a slight bow to the magistrate, "Sir, 5.40 yesterday our team was tipped off about a drug deal being held in Arcana Pub, in Craft Street, Onyx City. We conducted a raid, and after a search, the suspect was found with 200 grams of crystal meth in possession. The suspect was then detained. 

The suspect is named, Yurika. An orphan who grew up in Bell city orphanage. She moved to Onyx City three years ago as a student in the city university. Her records are clean and she is an exceptional scholar. The suspect also completed her education with exceptionally top marks.

She is now charged with charges 32 A, illegal possession of drugs, 32 B, drug peddling, and 01 F, misleading/non-cooperative in the investigation."

The lady inspector completed her task professionally and sat down in her chair. The magistrate asked, "The defense may proceed."

Harvey stood up, "Your honor, the defendant pleads not guilty and we have all the evidence to prove this, so without wasting our time with an opening argument, I would present a set of photographs and also the CCTV footage to the court." he snapped his fingers, and an assistant stood up from the side. The assistant passed on a brown envelope to the Director of the police station.

The man in uniform opened the envelope and took out the content. Then he placed the photographs inverted over a scanning device that was projecting the scanned objects to the magistrate directly. Next was to play the disk that contained the recording. 

The whole process lasted about 15 minutes. In the end, the lady inspector sat there as she grit her teeth, Yurika was shocked with her eyes wide open. The Director was also gritting his teeth while Yang Dao and Harvey had a smirk spread across their faces. The magistrate spoke, "Is this evidence authentic?"

Harvey snapped again. The same assistant passed the director two authentication certificates with an 'A' rating for both the photographs and the video. The director placed the certificates on the scanner. At this moment Harvey spoke, "Your honor, as you know, my client is an exceptional student, actually she is the valedictorian of this year's batch. She topped her grade. Tomorrow morning the university will hold a graduation ceremony, not only will she miss it but standing under the banners of a criminal will also harm her prestige. I plead with the court to announce your decision tonight itself and also provide my client with a letter to the college so that they don't make things unnecessarily difficult for her."

The magistrate spoke, "The court has heard your plea. After watching the evidence, the defendant has been framed by two people. The court announces that Miss Yurika is innocent of all charges filed against her. While the court also asks the police force to be more thorough in their investigation and not rely on interrogation. I hope the real culprits will be taken into custody ASAP. The following documents will be released by the Director of the police force under his personal seal. The court is adjourned."

The screen only displayed the magistrate signing some documents as it turned black. Harvey spoke, "Half work is done."

The director asked him, "Half work?"

Harvey smiled and said, "Now we clean up your house and the city."

The director and the Lady inspector were stunned by these words while Yurika sat in her chair with blank eyes. She still did not understand why will her 'cinnamon roll' (expression for a cute boy) boyfriend would do that to her. Yang Dao shook his head and stood up. He walked over to her and patted her shoulders. He said, "Come, let's buy you a dress, you are graduating tomorrow."

Yurika snapped out of her daze and hugged Yang Dao as she said, "Dao, thank you."



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