The Urban Dao Child.

Chapter 75 - Chad Eldest.

Chapter 75 - Chad Eldest.

After Yang Dao came back to the crowd he stood in the middle of the crowd intentionally. He wanted to avoid the chief Instructor. He did not like her 'cheap' move. To be honest, during spars such moves were not called for. Yet Laohu Bai used it on him without any restraints. It displayed her frivolous temperament. 

If the spirits can demand the Dao Child to conquer them then why can Yang Dao not peg them down a notch? He also has standards regarding the people in his life. Feng Yun had raised the bar a little too high for the other familiar spirits. The boy did not hesitate to show his dissatisfaction regarding the way Laohu Bai conducted herself. 

Laohu Bai came back to the crowd, her eyes carried a tint of guilt within. She gestured the commanders under her, to let them start the training. The males stepped forward, and one of them said, "I am Commander Talen. You will address me as Instructor Talen. I will be responsible for teaching you survival skills."

The second male followed him, "I am Commander Victor. You can call me instructor Vic. I am responsible for teaching you mountain climbing, rafting, and paragliding." the man had a cheery smile on his face. 

After them, the two girls stepped forward, the first one spoke, "I will teach you military combat. You will address me as Instructor Lin." her cold voice scared the students.

The second girl stepped up, "You guys will learn Gun Fighting from me, you can call me Instructor Kaya." she had a sweet voice and a sunny feel about her.

Talen spoke up, "The training will be divided into two parts. You will learn survival skills every night from me. The site will be the forest garden behind the university. You will be living in the forest from now on. Except for meals and morning classes. You are not allowed to leave the forest. Questions?"

None spoke, Instructor talent nodded as he stepped back. Instructor Victor stepped forward and said, "You will be learning Adventure sports from me, then martial arts, and finally gunfighting. Once every three days. Questions?"

Yang Dao spoke, "Report."

Victor nodded, Yang Dao asked, "Sir, what is the reason behind learning survival skills for a longer duration than the others?"

Victor smiled as he replied, "In a war, those who live longer have a greater chance to turn the table. Thus, we implied this training method."

Yang Dao spoke up again, "Report."

Victor was surprised and nodded, the boy spoke up, "Permission to speak freely, sir."

Victor spat, "Granted."

Yang Dao asked, "Sir, if a coward is left alive on the battlefield, then he would defect the forces for the winning side. It does not matter whether you live longer or not. What matters is that your life made a difference. On the battlefield, to survive one needs to fight. To fight you need to be strong. Strength only comes from body training. I apologize if I spoke out of term, Sir."

His words shook the four people. They did not expect a college student to speak like this. Just when Talen was about to step up. Laohu Bai stepped forward. She said, "What the student said is correct. You all will be living in the forest but only for your lessons. If you cannot survive in the face of an enemy then you should die. This does not mean that you will not be given the survival lessons. The lessons will be held regularly. But before you learn survival in the forest, you will all have to complete a set of physical drills and also an obstacle course. Questions?"

Yang Dao saluted and stepped back in his ranks. Talen spoke, "You 60 people will be divided into two groups of 30 each. Each group will have a squad leader. At the end of the training, the best squad will be given a reward. You can start from the left row, you say 'A' and 'B'. Those who say A can step out to the left while those with B can step to the right. Start."

The training field rang out with the shouts of A and B. The group of 60 people was quickly divided. Instructor Talen spoke, "You all now decide among yourself. Who will be your squad leader?"

Students discussed among themselves, Icarus was selected to be the squad leader of the B squad. Yang Dao's name was pushed forward to lead Squad A. This time he did not put up any protest, his temperament has changed. Now, he did not mind whether he is low-key or high-key. All he cared about was the peace of his mind. If accepting this title can make the rest, grow along with him. Then why not?action

Instructor Talen said, "Squad Leaders, step forward."

Icarus and Yang Dao stepped forward, they both were handed two armbands. Both were the same color except for the marking of A and B. The hulky commander spoke in a deep voice, "I hope that the two squad leaders keep it in mind that it is a friendly competition. Help each other grow. Question?"

They shook their heads and stepped back after a salute. Talen said again, "You sixty are just one class among the dozens of classes. In the last week of the training session, we will hold friendly games. They will be based on your training. So learn well."

The students all replied, "SIR, YES, SIR."

With that done, Lin took them to the open area asked them to form a circle, the shorter ones in the front while the taller ones in the back. She was introducing the basic definition and uses of martial arts. The students all heard attentively. That was because Lin was not only a girl, but she was a beautiful one at that. 


As the students were learning, Laohu Bai's phone buzzed. She sighed when the identity of the caller was found. She picked up that call in a despondent manner. From the other side, a deep silky voice sounded. The person asked, "Xiao Bai, what did you do to make Yunyun so angry?"

Laohu Bai spoke in an aggrieved tone, "Eldest, I tested Young Master, and during the test, I lost myself in the heat of the moment."

The man spoke, "I told you many times to give up your simpleton mindset. But you never listened to me. Did you? Now tell me what was the test?"

Laohu Bai replied, "Martial arts sparring..." she then narrated the whole thing, making the caller sigh. He said, "Acknowledging the mistake is half the penance. Meet the Young Master, apologize. The rest is up to him. You do know that once you meet him in person if you do not have him acknowledge you. You will return to your source."

Laohu Bai sighed, "Yes, Eldest, I know. I will."

The man on the other side said, "You have all the skills worthy of being a familiar spirit, but your arrogance, is what holds you back. We are the beings given birth by the will of the heavens, while he is the will of the heavens incarnated into a human. Think about it. Is ur arrogance worth it in front of him?"

Laohu Bai shook her head, "No."

The two people chatted for a bit more before the other party said, "Oh, I forgot to ask you something important in all this."

Laohu Bai asked, "What is it eldest?"

The man asked, "Did Young Master, spank your fluffy rump?" without hearing the answer he disconnected the call. 

Laohu Bai was stunned, then a vein appeared on her forehead. She smashed the phone on the ground and even stomped on it. Her pinkish fists were pale. She was pissed, this eldest brother was such a bastard.


While far away from her, in an office, a Man was laughing his lungs out. This was was the eldest.

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