The Urban Dao Child.

Chapter 76 - Apologize & Acceptance.

Chapter 76 - Apologize & Acceptance.

After smashing the mobile phone, Laohu Bai asked her subordinate Kaya to buy her a new one right away. She herself glanced at the circle of students where Lin was guiding them with step-by-step moves. Yang Dao was spotted by her. Thinking about how to apologize she walked over. The students saw her approach, backed off a bit, clearing a path for her.

Lin stopped the guidance when her superior arrived. Laohu Bai asked, "Did you guys really understood what your Instructor explained to you?"

The students replied, "Sir, Yes, Sir."

Laohu Bai nodded and said, "Now I give the squad leaders a chance, whoever can display these moves Instructor Lin just explained better will get a reward. This reward will be accounted for in the final assessment too. What do you think? Would you like to try?"

Yang Dao was thinking about what Laohu Bai would have wanted when Icarus shouted, "I will take this chance, Chief Instructor."

Yang Dao shook his head in exasperation. Just show him a beautiful girl and his low IQ turns to negative. All he could do now was to agree. He spoke in a helpless voice, "Ok I agree as well."

The two boys came forward from the group, Laohu Bai nodded and took a step back. She gestured to Lin to preside over the spar as she said, "Try not to harm each other as much as possible."

The two people nodded and stood in front of each other. Instructor Lin said, "Shake hands."

The two people shook hands as Icarus spoke in a low voice, "Rookie, let me see if you can still beat me."

Yang Dao shook his head and replied, "Be my guest, Noob."

Their exchange was a total banter, Lin said, "You are not allowed to deliberately target the pelvic region or the abdomen of your opponent. Breaking the rule means I will spar with you next, without holding back my strength."

Her cold words made the student tremble slightly. This was the aura of a soldier who has been fighting for years. The voice alone is enough to deter them. The two squad leaders nodded and they started to fight.  action

Yang Dao made the first move. Laohu Bai explained, "The one who makes the first move gains the initial control over the pace of the battle."

Yang Dao kicked his right leg, aiming to hit Icarus on the knee. It was a cruel move, just as Icarus stepped back with his left leg, the kick stopped, the next thing he saw was a fist touching his temple. Laohu Bai spoke again, "Stop. Always aim for the vital spots, this way you will be able to deal more damage, quickly solve the enemy, and move forward."

Her stop cry was aimed at Yang Dao, if his fist connected with Icarus then he would have ended up with a concussion at the minimum. She spoke again after explanation, "Start."

The spar started again, Icarus tried to take back the control. He ducked, took a step forward, held Yang Dao from his shoulders, and started to push him back. Yang Dao took three steps back when everyone saw that he was about to lose, both of his hands, grabbed Icarus's arm, suddenly Yang Dao turned his back towards Icarus, bent over and the next thing everyone saw was Icarus being slammed on the ground. 

Laohu Bai explained again, "Surprise element is always handy. It has a lot of applications, which you will be taught in future classes. As for now, squad A wins." her lips had a faint smile. 

Yang Dao helped Icarus stand up as he said, "This is what happens when you are restless."

Icarus grimaced, "Can you not make fun of me? Humph, monster Dao."

Yang Dao chuckled. Their banter came to an end when Lin said, "Shake hands and retreat. The others will take turns to spar." 

After shaking hands the boys retreated. Laohu Bai said, "The winning Squad Leader, come over."

Yang Dao walked over unwillingly. This lady gave him a repulsive vibe. Laohu Bai said, " Let's take a walk."

Under the confused gaze of everyone, the two walked away. Laohu Bai took the initiative, "I apologize for my earlier conduct, Young Master. When I came to this world, just like others I was an orphan too. Two years after my birth I was taken in by a Soldier couple, who could not bear children. They were good people and there I got everything I needed. One day, I awakened my true memories, I was 10 at that time, now I am twenty-six. It could be because of your birth that I awakened my memories. I met the others when I was 18, and before that, all this was just nonsense for me."

She paused and said, "I never once experienced struggle, when I enlisted my skills and prowess got me promotion after promotion. I made enemies because of my nature, one day new dawn bombed my family. None survived. This thing made my senses more clouded. The others have told me that if I did not restraint myself then it will be a problem. Until today I never took it seriously. When you left with a disappointed expression on your face. That moment woke me up."

She stood in front of Yang Dao and kneeled in front of him. She said, "Please do not discard me, Young master. I apologize for my mistake. Please punish me, but do not abandon me."

Yang Dao was a teenage boy, after all, watching such a beautiful lady apologizing to him. It was painful too. He said, "Okay, I forgive you, but I hope that you don't repeat the same thing in the future. Arrogance is good. Everyone has it but just don't let it overwhelm who you are. Spirits of the heavenly beings are the proudest and noblest of them all but, blind with arrogance is not a trait they should have. Arrogant people fall harder." his voice was soft, and his gaze was warm.

Laohu Bai said, "Young Master, do you accept me as your familiar spirit?" her voice was filled with expectations.

Yang Dao said, "I do." next moment, Laohu Bai's eyes flashed green, a tiger roar echoed from within her body while a green tree symbol shone in the center of her brows. The green glow emitted from her was very strong. Yang Dao closed his eyes. His body was covered with a green glow. He sensed that his body was strengthening. His muscles grew firmer, his body felt as if a firm mountain to him.

The glow resided and the boy opened his eyes. He asked, "Is it like the origin fire, Sister Yun gave me?"

Laohu Bai said with a soft smile, "Yes, mine is Origin Soil. It will strengthen your physique over time."

Yang Dao said, "You can now tell Sister Yun to not be angry with you. I don't know why but I can sense your moods more clearly."

Laohu Bai said, "It will grow cleared as you meet the others and our bond deepens. Yang Dao nodded and the two started to walk back. As for the witnesses of this event? None, All hail Illusion barriers.

This was how Yang Dao accepted the second spirit.

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