The Warmest Romance

Chapter 1036

Chapter 1036

Chapter 1036

Her cheeks were red with anger, her eyes were cold, with obvious determination and alienation.

When Yu Yimo heard the speech, his heart was tight, and he could not speak any more, and his doubts gradually dissipated at that moment. josei

It turns out that Ruan's poems are so exclusive to him and Yu Jia.

Before he had time to speak, Ruan Shishi had already stepped away.

Looking at the resolute figure of the woman, Yu Yimo's heart is filled with a complex emotion. His chest is inexplicably stuffy. Until the mobile phone rings, he slowly recovers.

He felt out his cell phone and saw that it was a call from his grandmother's entourage. He hesitated for a moment and pressed the answer button. "Hello, well, I've arrived."

Walking out of the men's clothing store, he didn't walk far along the corridor, passed through the planetarium and arrived at Biyun Pavilion. When he came to the door, he saw the old lady sitting on the sofa with a look of loss.

He took a deep breath and stepped forward, "grandma."

Hearing this, the old lady raised her head. When she saw him, the bottom of her eyes burst out with light, "silence is coming!"

Yu Yimo's voice softened a lot by slightly hooking his lips. "Grandma, have you tried the clothes yet?"

The old lady shook her head, reached for his hand and said, "imor, I just met two children. They look like you when you were a child. Do you think I want to have a grandson

Smell speech, Yu Yimo heart a tight, pause a few seconds, open mouth to ask, "with my childhood very similar?"

, as like as two peas, "yes, that eyebrow is exactly the same as yours!"

All of a sudden, Yu Yimo's heart is complicated. The face of Sensen Shasha passes through his mind. He is silent and does not speak.

Sensen and Shasha are clearly the children of Ruan Shishi and song yean. How can grandma say they are like him? What's more, at the beginning, he took Sha Sha's hair and sent it to the identification Department of the hospital for paternity test. From the beginning to the end, he was always at the door, and the report would not go wrong.

At this time, the old lady suddenly opened her mouth, raised her hand and patted the back of his hand gently, "Yimo, when can you let Grandma hold your grandson?"

Yu Yimo is silent.

"Now look at the situation of the company, if there is a good news, then all the bad luck will dissipate." Grandma said, a deep look at him, euphemistic reminder, "to silence, the succession of things, you should also think about it."

Yu Yimo subconsciously resisted, but after all, it came from his grandmother. He couldn't refute, so he had to reply, "grandma, I know."

The old lady nodded, took her hand and said earnestly, "you just know. You know grandma's body, too. Don't let me wait too long."

Yu Ming nodded and accompanied the old lady gossiping for a while. Then she coaxed her to try on her clothes.

Accompanied the old lady to buy clothes, then had dinner together, this just sent the person away.

On the afternoon of that day, the media platform issued news that Yu Yimo accompanied his wife to go shopping for dinner, and the grandparents and grandchildren were close, and Yu Yimo was filial and sensible.

As soon as the positive manuscript was sent out, the whole network immediately showed more affection for Yu Yimo. In addition, with the old lady sitting in the office, some of the company's shareholders who complained about Yu Yimo were quiet for a few days.

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