The Warmest Romance

Chapter 1037

Chapter 1037

Chapter 1037

Taking advantage of these two days, Yu Yimo quickly signed a large project of cooperation with foreign enterprises. Suddenly, the company's rumors from top to bottom have weakened a lot.

However, the disclosure of confidential documents is a fact. Even if yu Yimo makes more outstanding achievements, he can't cover up what happened before. Everyone is waiting for him to give an explanation, but Yu Yimo is calm and doesn't mention the result of handling this matter for several days.

Yu group president office.

Yu Yimo sits at his desk and looks at the curve of the stock market on his tablet. His brows are tight.

Suddenly, the door was pushed open, Du more quickly came in, look a little serious, will hand in the hand of the document, mouth way, "this is the trace of Su Yucheng found."

Yu Yimo, hearing the speech, immediately looked away and turned over the document.

On Ruan Shishi's birthday, Su Yucheng entered the bar in his own bar from the morning until he went out in the evening, and then entered the bar two hours later.

This is determined by the monitoring probe that can be found outside the bar. If so, Su Yucheng almost stays in his bar all day, and has no time to commit a crime at all.

Yu Yimo frowned. Before he could ask, Du Yue next to him continued to report, "the records of his subordinates are below."

Hearing the speech, Yu Yimo continued to turn. The more he looked, the more gloomy his face became.

All of them, Su Yucheng and some of his most effective subordinates, have traces to follow, perfectly avoiding the time of the crime. That is to say, on the surface, Ruan Shishi was kidnapped on her birthday, which has nothing to do with them.

But the most suspicious is this point, the alibi is too perfect, it seems to cover up something.

Yu Yimo takes a deep breath, plays with a black pen in his hand, and flies through all the strange places in his mind.

After thinking for a moment, he looked up at Du Yue, "the monitoring outside the bar can't explain anything, can you call out the monitoring inside the bar?"

Du Yue truthfully replied, "I'm afraid we can't do that. Our set won't work in Su Yucheng."

Yu Yimo frowned slightly and did not answer.

He and Su Yucheng have known each other for so many years. They are comrades in arms fighting side by side and brothers cutting their heads for changing their lives. They know each other and their strengths and weaknesses.

Maybe it's easier for someone else to get a surveillance, but it's su Yucheng. It's better to open the window to tell the truth than to steal it under his hand.

Yu Yimo inhales deeply, closes the document in his hand, goes to the shredder and throws it in.

After half a second, he said in a deep voice, "prepare the car and go to Su Yucheng."

Now, it's better to be frank and clear.

Ruan Shishi was tied up on his birthday, and he found out that it was not Luo Jiuye who kidnapped her. Whether Su Yucheng did it or not, it had something to do with him.

Arriving at Su Yucheng's bar, Yu Yimo goes directly to the wine cellar.

He had just sat down for less than ten minutes when the door was pushed open. The familiar sound of footsteps came from far and near. Not long after, a voice with a smile came, "old Yu." josei

"Why do you want to come here in broad daylight?"

Su Yucheng seemed to be in a good mood. He picked out a bottle of red wine from the wine cabinet, put it on the table, and brought two goblets from the side.

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