The Warmest Romance

Chapter 1047

Chapter 1047

The door of the operating room opened and the doctor stepped out. Ruan Shishi and song yean immediately came forward and asked, "doctor, how is she?"

"The situation is not very optimistic, comminuted fracture of the leg, brain trauma, we have done treatment, the specific situation also depends on her personal recovery."

Hearing these words, Ruan Shishi's body was stiff and cold. He moved his lips, but he couldn't speak.

She did not expect that the situation should be so serious!

Her nose a sour, tears uncontrollably gushed out.

At that moment, she looked at Song yean helplessly with cold body, "yean What shall we do? "

"Don't worry, I'll find a way." Song yean twisted her eyebrows, raised her hand and patted her on the shoulder, "you go to the ward to see Sensen and Shasha, I'll contact the doctor, don't be afraid."

After comforting Ruan Shishi and sending her back to the ward, song yean walks to the window of the hospital corridor and lights a cigarette.

Before long, a footstep came, a low voice sounded, "Sir, you're looking for me."

Hearing this, song yean took a puff of smoke, raised his hand to put out the light of the cigarette end directly, and turned his head, "Xiao Liu, from today on, you will stay by the side of Shishi and Sensen Shasha. No matter what, you should ensure their safety."

Small six hears sound, complexion has no waves of nod, "is."

The next second, the man's cold voice rang out, "in addition, I also want you to investigate, what happened today, who is responsible for it!"

"Yes, sir."

Liu left, song yean stood in front of the window, a change in the past warm eyebrows, eye bottom revealed a bit of cold light, deep and unpredictable.

The person he cared about most was stabbing him with a knife. He endured it again and again. This time, he would never swallow it again.

Last time Ruan Shishi was kidnapped on his birthday, Yu Yimo said he would go to investigate, but he waited for so many days without waiting for half a reply. This time, he won't bear it any more.

This time, once he finds out the truth, no matter who the other party is, he will not leave any more feelings!

On a rocky beach near the seaside in the suburb of Jiangzhou, there is a car. The door is wide open. Not far away, ye Wan'er is bending over and vomiting.

Just now, when she ran all the way from the museum, her stomach turned upside down and she couldn't help vomiting as soon as she got out of the car.

Just then, the driver's door opened and huochuan stepped down.

He took out his handkerchief, handed it to ye Wan'er and said, "Miss, I've wronged you."

Hearing this, ye Wan'er raised her hand and waved it away. She said angrily, "go away!"

At that time, after she ran into song yun'an at the entrance of the museum, she ran away. She wanted to go home, but Huo Chuan stopped her. He got on the car, pushed her to the back compartment, and drove all the way to the place where there was no shit.

She would have scolded him if it hadn't been for vomiting.

Huo Chuan was not angry. He put the handkerchief on the stone beside her and said, "Miss, do you want to drive this car back to Ye's house? You ran into song yean's sister. Do you think he would let you go easily? "

Ye Wan'er, who is patting her chest, turns white.

Huo Chuan said in a deep voice, "if you drive this car back to Ye's home, it's like you don't have to admit it to yourself. With song yun'an's ability, you can find you all the way along the monitoring of Jiangzhou today. Think about it."


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