The Warmest Romance

Chapter 1048

Chapter 1048

His words, said Ye Wan'er face a tight, immediately speechless.

A moment later, she looked up at Huo Chuan. "That's why you brought me here?"

Huo Chuan nodded slightly, "well, the only thing you do right is that you don't drive your own car."

In this way, as long as the car is discarded, even if they follow the license plate number to find the owner, they will not be found.

Ye Wan'er was tight and asked, "what about the surveillance video along the way?"

Huo Chuan said in a low voice, "don't worry, leave it to me."

With that, he turned to look at the car, "now is to clean up the car, your fingerprints, hair, all the things that can be forensics, should be cleared."

Ye Wan'er was so happy that she asked, "am I safe in this way?"

Driving into someone is not in her plan at all. Her behavior just now was just because she was too impulsive and stepped on the accelerator for a moment.

Now that something has happened, song yun'an's situation is still unknown. If it is really serious, song ye'an will definitely pursue it to the end. Now that she calms down, she realizes how stupid her behavior was!

Huo Chuan shook his head. "It's not that simple."

In an instant, ye Wan'er's heart pulled up. She subconsciously stretched out her hand, held his hand, and said helplessly, "Huo Chuan, what should I do? I don't want to go to jail! "

Five years ago, Huo Chuan went to prison for her. Five years later, she made a mistake again. What should she do this time? If she is found, song yean will definitely sue her for intentional wounding!

Huo Chuan wring his brow, "Miss, I told you long ago, can't be too impulsive."

Ye Wan'er got up, grasped Huo Chuan's arm and promised, "I won't be impulsive. From now on, I will listen to you, Huo Chuan! You have to help me! You have to help me

Huo Chuan heard the speech, but he didn't speak for a long time.

The more silent he was, the more scared ye Wan'er was. In the end, her tears fell down and she cried with tears. "Huo Chuan, now I have only you around me..."

A moment later, Huo Chuan finally let go, "Miss, I will help you, but from now on, you must listen to me."

How many times, because ye Wan'er himself impulsive, and how many wrong way, pay how much price, he clearly remember.

Ye Wan'er nodded, "OK, OK, I'll listen to you!"

Huo Chuan smell speech, nodded, turned to look at the car, "I go to clean up the car, you wait for me, finished, we leave here."

At present, the first thing to do is to get rid of Ye Wan'er, and then talk about the rest.

Central Hospital, song yean pushed all the work, keep in Song Yunan side.

Song Yunan has been transferred to the intensive care unit with an oxygen mask on his face and surrounded by cold machines.

Through the transparent glass, song yean looks at the pale person lying on the bed, and his heart is melancholy.

He didn't tell his parents about it. Even his sister couldn't be well protected. He didn't have the face to face them. action

"Good night." Ruan Shishi came out of the next ward, looking at the man's back, a melancholy emerged in her heart.

Song yean looked back at her and asked, "hmm? How's Sam doing? "

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