The Warmest Romance

Chapter 1204

Chapter 1204

Chapter 1204

Needless to think, she has already guessed that song yean must be very anxious at this moment. She suddenly disappeared, and then there was no news. He must be worried.

As soon as the phone was dialed, it rang and someone answered.

"Hello? Shishi, where are you? "

"Good night." Ruan Shishi took a deep breath, "I'm safe now. You don't have to worry about it, but now because of some things, I may not be able to go back for the time being."

Song yean's voice over there was obviously a little anxious, "what do you mean?"

Ruan Shishi bit her lip and said, "I can't make it clear for a while. I'll talk to you slowly when I go back, OK? Good night?"

When she said this, there was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone. A moment later, song yean's voice came again, "Shishi, send me the position, and I'll pick you up."

"Good night, don't worry about me, I'm safe now..." josei

"I don't feel at ease when you are by his side for a minute or a second. Shishi, send me the position."

Song yean's voice suddenly became more resolute, and his tone could not be refused.

Ruan's heart was tight, and suddenly he didn't know how to choose.

She is very guilty about Abbot Zhenyuan. She also wants to find out about these things, including finding Yu Yimo. She once promised the old lady that she could not leave without persuading Yu Yimo to meet her.

And there, song yean's attitude is hard, his worry about her is reasonable, and she doesn't know how to refuse.

"Poetry?" Not hearing Ruan's voice, song yean asked anxiously, "did you hear what I said just now?"

Ruan Shishi took a cool breath and made a decision. He said word by word, "good night, I really have something important to deal with this time, so everything will wait until we meet."

Finish saying, she no longer listen to the man's advice, directly hang up the phone, shut down the machine.

After all this, she put her cell phone on the table and felt a sense of guilt.

She also knows that she seems to be unfair to song yean, but she has to do what she promised to the old lady, and she also has to find out the whole story about Abbot Zhenyuan.

With a long sigh, she took a look out of the window and went to the bed to lie down.

Now, only sleep can make her not be troubled by all kinds of troubles. She lies down, covers the quilt and sleeps deeply.

After waking up, I don't know how long it was. In short, it was dark outside. She was so sleepy that after sitting up, she got up and went to the bathroom to wash her face.

Back in the bedroom, she looked at the simple decoration of the room, a little disappointed, the whole room, even can not find a glass of water, half a bit to eat, she woke up feeling hungry, empty stomach, extremely uncomfortable.

Just then, there was a knock on the door, and then a middle-aged woman's voice rang out, "Miss Ruan, dinner is ready, you can come down for dinner."

Hearing the speech, Ruan Shishi's eyes lit up immediately. He went to the door and opened the door.

Outside the door stood a middle-aged woman with a kind face and a smile.

She gave Ruan Shishi a smile and said, "Miss Ruan, go down to dinner."

"Good." Ruan Shishi was inexplicably fond of her, and she was just hungry, so she followed her downstairs.

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