The Warmest Romance

Chapter 1205

Chapter 1205


Chapter 1205

The dining room is on the first floor, and the kitchen is semi open. When Ruan Shishi walks by, he can see that a big dinner is ready on the marble table.

Nutritious porridge, saury fish, fried vegetables, crab roe tofu and other dishes are all delicately cooked, which makes people have a good appetite.

Ruan Shishi could not help but picked up the chopsticks. Just after a few mouthfuls, he heard a voice coming from the side.

The voice came from the direction of the stairway. When Ruan Shishi looked back, he saw some familiar faces. Yu Yimo was sitting in a wheelchair. Xiao Meng was pushing him behind him, while brother long was standing aside, reporting to him in a low voice.

Seems to feel her eyes, three people almost coincidentally looked at her, when brother long and Xiaomeng see her, can't help but stare big eyes, face flashed surprise.

Xiaomeng couldn't help blurting out, "sister Shi, why are you here..."

He wanted to ask, but suddenly he thought of Yu Yimo beside him. He stopped talking and looked at the man in the wheelchair, but he didn't speak any more.

Ruan Shishi smiles at brother long and Xiao Meng. Then she looks at Yu Yimo's cold poker face. The smile on her face suddenly becomes stiff. She glances at him and then moves her eyes away, as if she didn't see him at all.

Yu Yimo naturally saw her eyes. He frowned and didn't say anything. After a pause, he told brother long and Xiao Meng, "let's go out and talk about the rest."

Xiao Meng immediately pushed the wheelchair and pushed him into the yard.

Thinking of the scene where they said hello to Ruan Shishi just now, Yu Yimo raised his eyebrows and said, "are you familiar with her?"

Xiao Meng said quickly, "don't you know, Mr. Yu? Recently, we have been following sister Shi to find your whereabouts. "

The Dragon elder brother nodded, "thanks to Ruan, otherwise we would be like headless flies and have no way to start."

After listening to their praise of Ruan's poems, Yu Yimo was dubious.

Did this woman really bother to find him when he disappeared?

Even if he didn't completely believe it, a trace of joy appeared in his heart. He said in a low voice, "let's hear it."

He would like to hear how she went to find him when he disappeared?

Xiaomeng didn't think much about it, and told her the whole story. "At first, I learned that sister Shi had been secretly protecting her since she came back from abroad. Then, once, she met Miss ye in the hospital, and they had a dispute..."

Listening to what happened behind the rockery in the hospital between Ruan Shishi and ye Wan'er, Yu Yimo wring his brows unconsciously.

Unexpectedly, ye Wan'er is more ruthless than he imagined. If he hadn't heard from Xiao Meng himself, he would never have believed

Xiao Meng just met with Ruan Shishi and confessed his identity at first, until later they agreed to go to Yu Yimo together. All the things were told in detail as far as possible.

When they went to look for clues together later, brother long could not help but say, "in fact, the one time Xiao Ruan impressed me most was in Qingshan temple. None of us expected to meet Lord Luo that time..."

Hearing that he mentioned Lord Luo, Yu Yimo immediately thought of what she said when she met Ruan Shishi today. It turned out that she had really met Lord Luo

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