The Warmest Romance

Chapter 1479

Chapter 1479

While waiting for the food to be delivered, she went back to her room and received a new text message with a "Ding Dong" sound from her mobile phone.

She took it out and saw that it was a text message from a strange number. When she opened it, her body suddenly became stiff.

"You only have the last fourteen hours." historical

In the photo, Professor Ruan and Ms. Liu are taking a group photo next to a wishing pool on the street of Europe. Not far away, there is a man dressed in sunspots, staring at them, with a small Swiss Army knife pinned to his waist

Ruan's whole body was cold, and a chill came from the bottom of his heart. His original firmness and courage turned into fear at this moment.

She bit her lower lip and tried to wake herself up with the pain. She stood still for several minutes, then slowly recovered.

With trembling hands, she replied with a message, "action in the afternoon."

After returning the news, she went to the dresser, opened the drawer, took out the U disk that Yu Gubei gave her, and was silent for a long time.

I don't know how long later, the mobile phone vibrated, and the vegetable ingredients she ordered online were delivered. She picked them up at the door and then prepared to cook.

She made three dishes and one soup. She was very careful. The three dishes were delicious and delicious. She was so greedy that Shasha and Sensen were drooling.

After dinner with them, Ruan Shishi took the lunch box packed in advance to the living room, cleaned it up and planned to go out.

It happened that Xiao Meng also arrived. They met at the door.

Seeing Xiaomeng, Ruan Shishi took the lead in asking, "has Yu Yimo had lunch?"

Xiaomeng truthfully replied, "Yu always hasn't had time to eat. There is something wrong with the recent project. He is discussing with the person in charge how to solve it."

"That's just right. I'll send him one." Ruan Shishi shakes the lunch box in her hand, and then says, "you can watch Sensen and Shasha at home. Yu Yimo, I'll ask for leave for you."

"But Mr. Yu told me that if you go out, I must accompany you."

Ruan Shishi smiles at him, "it doesn't matter. Isn't there a driver downstairs? He can send me there. "

It's hard for Xiaomeng to refuse, because if Ruan Shishi left home, he would follow, and there would be only two people left in the family.

He nodded and agreed.

Ruan Shishi went downstairs, got on the bus and went directly to Yu group.

During this period of time, she was very busy. She didn't go to Yu Group for a while.

She sat in the car and didn't know that her every move had been monitored by Yu Gubei since she left the house.

Half an hour later, he arrived at the President Office of Yu's group. As soon as Ruan Shishi came to the door, he heard Yu Yimo's low voice. He seemed to be a little angry. His voice was a bit of criticism. After a while, an employee came out with his head down and his face like a dish.

Ruan Shishi took a deep breath, hesitated for a moment, and walked slowly towards the door. As soon as he opened the door, he saw Yu Yimo frowning and holding a pen to annotate something on the document.

Hearing the sound, his face was slightly heavy, and he said impatiently, "get out!"

Ruan Shishi's action is a meal. Standing in the same place, he doesn't know what to do. Neither does he advance nor retreat.

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