The Warmest Romance

Chapter 1480

Chapter 1480

At this time, Yu Yimo frowned and looked up. At the moment when she saw her, her eyes were slightly surprised, and then her face softened a lot. "What's the matter with you?"

"I think you haven't eaten yet. I'll bring you some today when the meal is too much."

Smelling speech, Yu Yimo said in a soft voice, "just let Xiao Meng send it? Why do you have to go

Ruan Shishi stepped forward, opened the lunch box and said in a low voice, "I haven't been out these days. I feel bored. Come out and breathe. OK, you can eat it quickly. The dishes are cold."

Then she picked up the papers on his desk and made room for the lunch box.

Maybe he was really hungry. Yu Yimo didn't say much. He picked up his chopsticks and began to eat. Ruan Shishi stood by and glanced at the computer on the table next to him.

This is what Yu Gubei said.

She took a deep breath, put her hand into her pocket, and gently rubbed the U disk in her pocket, thinking about what excuse to borrow Yu Yimo's computer.

Because Yu Gubei said that Yu Yimo's computer has a password, and it is equipped with a special firewall system, which can't be broken through. Moreover, once you enter the wrong password, it will enter the lock mode and can't be opened at all.

Therefore, if she wants to get close to the computer, she has to find out the password from Yu Yimo's mouth.

She stood there and didn't move, because she knew that Yu Gubei might be watching her at this moment, so she had to find a way as soon as possible

Suddenly, her eyes fell on a document on the desk. She reached out and picked it up.

"Is the business district to be developed in the west of the city?"

Yu Yimo, who was having dinner, said in a slow voice, "well, the plans handed in by the following people are the same, without any new ideas. Chengxi district is the new development zone of Jiangzhou in the future. If the economic development model is copied from Chengdong district and Chengbei District, there will be no breakthrough."

While listening to him, Ruan Shishi turned over the plan in her hand. Suddenly, she said, "why don't you let me have a try?"

Yu Yimo was a little surprised and turned to look at her, "try what?" historical

"Try to make this plan better." Ruan Shishi smiles at him, and then pushes him, "you go to the side to eat, I use the computer, when you finish eating, this side can be changed."

Looking at the woman's eager expression, Yu Yimo hesitated for a moment, then asked, "are you sure you can change it?"

"Of course Ruan Shishi quite definitely nodded, "you didn't know my business ability before!"

Seeing this, Yu Yimo slightly hooks the corner of her lip, and then gets up to give her a place. He takes the lunch box to the direction of the coffee table, then pauses back, gives her the password and turns on the computer.

He entered the code very quickly, but Ruan Shishi read it clearly. After she wrote it down silently, she put the plan to the desk and started to write a new plan by manipulating the computer on the other side.

Seeing Yu Yimo sitting down at the coffee table, Ruan Shishi's heart slowly dropped.

Now, when I come across the computer and untie the password, the next step is to import the things in the U disk into the computer while Yu Yimo doesn't pay attention.

This is the first time that Ruan Shishi has done such a thing. In addition, Yu Yimo is not far from her. When she is nervous, she accidentally touches the folder beside her with her elbow, "pa!" The folder fell to the ground.

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