The Warmest Romance

Chapter 506

Chapter 506

So she felt cheerful and quick, and immediately accelerated her movements and Kwai boiled water.

Ruan Shishi has been busy in the kitchen for more than an hour, and the fish soup is almost ready to stew. It's as white as milk, and it has an attractive aroma. With the delicious tofu, it looks good.

Ruan Shishi took a taste and nodded with satisfaction. Compared with the pot she stewed last night, this one is not too successful.

Put the fish soup into the heat preservation soup box, she changed her clothes and rushed directly to the hospital.

She specially prepared two copies, one for Yu Yimo and the other for Du Yue. In this way, no one can say anything.

When she got to the door of the ward, she raised her hand and buttoned the door. Then she pushed the door in.

In the ward, Yu Yimo is sitting on the bed with a laptop in front of him. He looks serious and seems to be working.

Hearing the sound, he looked up and saw a woman in a light blue shirt come in, with two lunch boxes in her hands. She was silly and cute.

Yu Yimo looked back at the computer screen and said coldly, "well, that's it. I'll talk about the rest when I go back to the company."

After he gave a few short orders, he turned off the computer, put it aside, and looked up at Ruan Shishi.

"I It's stewed. You can drink it while it's hot. "

Seeing that he was not busy, Ruan Shishi opened her mouth and went forward to put a heat preservation box at the head of the bed.

Looking at her, Yu Yimo unconsciously thought of what Su Yucheng said last night. Unexpectedly, she really came.

"What soup?" Slightly picked to pick eyebrow, he body back one lean, the vision sweeps another lunch box in the woman's hand, can't help but ask, "what is that inside?"

Ruan Shishi looked at the lunch box in his hand and said in a soft voice, "it's also soup. It's for Du Yue."

On hearing that it was for Du Yue, Yu Yimo's face suddenly became cold.

Originally, he thought that she was specially stewing nutritious soup for him. Unexpectedly

A trace of displeasure passed in his heart. His thin lips were tight, and his voice was cold unconsciously. "I've had a meal, but I can't drink it. Take it away."

Looking at the man's sudden cold down attitude, Ruan Shishi was a little surprised. A few seconds later, looking at his appearance, he was a little angry.

She got up early in the morning to stew soup for him, and he said he would not drink it without looking at it?

Looking at Yu Yimo's cold face and continuing to work, she seemed unwilling to say a word to her. Ruan Shishi was so angry that she immediately picked up the incubator, turned around and walked out.

"Don't drink it, just give it to Du Yue." action

Hearing the woman's words, Yu Yimo frowned, "dare you?"

As soon as he heard that she was going to give his soup to another man, even if the man was Du Yue, he felt uncomfortable.

As soon as Ruan Shishi got angry, he said angrily, "why can't I make my own soup? I was stabbed by fishbone several times! If I had known, I would not have done it! "

Her eyes flashed when she said that.

She even stewed fish soup? Does she know he likes fish soup? And listen to her tone, this soup is specially stewed for him.

As she was about to leave, Yu Yimo immediately reached out and grabbed her arm, saying in a deep voice, "let me have a look."

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