The Warmest Romance

Chapter 507

Chapter 507

Chapter 507

Ruan Shishi said angrily, "what are you looking at? It's fish soup. You don't want it! "

Yu Yimo frowned and held her arm tightly. "I said your hand."

Ruan Shishi was stunned. Before she could react, the soup box of her mobile phone was taken away. As soon as the back of her hand was hot, she was tightly wrapped by a big hand.

As soon as she lowered her head, she saw the man holding her little hand, frowning and looking over and over.

"You..." Ruan Shishi earned a lot, and he was a little embarrassed.

"Don't move."

Yu Yimo frowned and saw that there were red punctured dots on the tip of her index finger. He raised his eyes and his voice softened a little unconsciously. "Does it hurt?"

To let the man rare gentle eyes, Ruan Shi's heart beat suddenly.

"No It doesn't hurt. "

She quickly took her hand out of his hand, her eyes flickering, "soup, you drink while it's hot, I'll send it to Du Yue."

With that, she walked out quickly.

Before we got to the door, the man's voice came from behind, "here's a minute, come back immediately."

Ruan Shishi, unable to laugh or cry, unconsciously quickened his steps and walked out of the ward.

Knock on the door of Du Yue's ward, say hello to him, she handed over the soup box, "this is my fish soup, you remember to drink it while it's hot." josei

Du Yue was not in a high mood and said thanks to her.

Ruan Shishi hesitated for a moment and could not help asking, "by the way, you and An'an How's it going? "

After Ann left her yesterday, it seems that she should have come to find him, but Ann didn't send a message to her after that. I don't know how they are.

Mentioning song yun'an, Du Yue's face was slightly stunned, and an imperceptible fluctuation flashed through his eyes. He said slowly, "not so good."

Indeed, yesterday he sent a message to song yun'an, and found that he was pulled by her.

After two people hit kiss, she ran away like Cinderella, and then deleted her contact information. Isn't that bad?

On Ruan poetry slightly Zheng eyes, Du more hook lip wry smile, "she pulled me black."

Ruan Shishi listened and blinked. She didn't know how to go on, so she had to smile awkwardly to ease the atmosphere. "Maybe she didn't know her heart yet."

Du Yue nodded and said nothing more.

Ruan Shishi came out of his ward, feeling a little depressed, and then returned to Yu Yimo's ward, looking a little gloomy.

Yu Yimo saw her come in, glanced at the clock on the wall and said, "four minutes."

Ruan Shishi looked back at the clock. It was funny.

She didn't expect that Yu Yimo was still so naive. She said that one minute really timed her.

She went to the bedside with anger and smile, glanced at the soup box, and said with a cold face, "drink quickly, I will take away the lunch box."

Yu Yimo raised his eyebrows, picked up the soup box, opened it, and there was a smell. The milk white crucian bean curd soup looked very good.

He picked up the spoon, tasted it, and his thoughts flew away unconsciously.

Looking at Yu Yimo's sudden silence, Ruan Shishi was a little flustered and asked, "what's the matter? Isn't it good? "

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