The Warmest Romance

Chapter 582

Chapter 582

Gradually, he was not sure.

Now the online speech momentum is very fierce, such as what forces are secretly manipulating, grabbing them, Ye's biting, and even turning over the old accounts, they can't resist at all.

If yu Yimo refuses to help, the situation of the Ye family will be even worse.

Ye Fengpeng didn't dare to think much. He walked up and down in the reception hall. Obviously, there was not much patience left.

Mobile phone "Ding Dong Ding Dong" ring twice, are the company's staff sent the news, ye Fengpeng brow tighten, bite teeth, step out.

As soon as the door opened, he saw Ruan Shishi, standing not far from the door, talking to his colleagues.

Ruan Shishi turned his head and saw ye Fengpeng. He quickly walked away and asked with a smile, "Mr. Ye, what do you need?"

Ye Fengpeng asked impatiently, "you are not finished yet?"

"I'm sorry, I haven't received any notice. I'm afraid I'll have to wait for a while. Mr. Ye, please take a seat first."

Ruan Shishi comforted him and invited him back to the reception hall again. He also kindly changed the cold tea for a pot and served it to ye Fengpeng again.

As soon as she bent down, ye Fengpeng raised her eyes and swept her chest plate with her pure eyes. Then she saw the silver words on the black plate: Ruan Shishi.

This name is more familiar.

All of a sudden, ye Fengpeng remembered that when his subordinates reported the situation to him, they mentioned this name. The woman who got the certificate with Yu Yimo was Ruan Shishi!

Is she the Secretary beside Yu Yimo?

The bottom of his eyes flashed a little startled. Soon, he covered his emotion and asked coldly, "should it be very hard to be the Secretary of General Yu?"

Ruan Shishi chuckled, "it's not hard work. It's all my own work. Just do it well."

Ye Fengpeng pulled the corner of his lips, the coldness of his eyes was stronger, but he asked casually, "how long has secretary Ruan been working in Yu Shi?" action

Ruan Shishi answered truthfully, "nearly three years."

Smell speech, the man's eye flashed a cold light, did not say anything, after a few seconds, just light way, "it's late, please Ruan Secretary help me to urge, see Yu general when can end."

"OK, I'll go right now."

Seeing the woman leave the ward, ye Fengpeng stares at her back, and a pair of hawk's eyes show a little chilly light.

Before, he knew that the woman who got the certificate with Yu Yimo was working in Yu's family. Unexpectedly, now she is climbing higher and higher, and even stays with Yu Yimo.

What's more, it's clear that they are divorced, and Yu Yimo is even about to get engaged to his daughter. Why does he keep this woman around?

Did he really have feelings with this woman?

This thought flashed through my mind, and ye Fengpeng's face was cold for a few minutes.

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

He hopes to marry ye Wan'er in order to get married with the Yu family. At this time, he must not let any accident delay his plan!

What's more, Ruan Shishi is a kind of beautiful woman. Judging from her words and deeds just now, she is well behaved and intelligent. Which man will not be attracted by such a woman? No way! He can't let her ruin his business!

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