The Warmest Romance

Chapter 583

Chapter 583

A sense of crisis suddenly arises, the original company's things are already a big stone in his heart, now this Ruan poem gives him a pressure!

As for whether Yu Yimo cares about Ruan's poems or not, he will know when he tries.

Twenty minutes later, Ruan Shishi was called back to the reception hall.

At this moment, the leaf maple Peng end sits on the sofa, the complexion is gloomy some frightening.

"Secretary Ruan, I've been waiting for you for 20 minutes, but I haven't heard you give me any update." He gave her a cold snort. "Don't you want to be perfunctory?"

Ye Fengpeng was full of Zhongqi and his voice was as loud as a bell. Now his voice suddenly increased, which made Ruan Shishi tense and a little at a loss. action

She took a deep breath and tried to explain, "I'm sorry, Mr. Ye, I've just seen it. Mr. Yu is still in a meeting. I'm afraid to disturb you, so I didn't report it to you, but I've been observing the situation there all the time..."

"Hum!" Ye Fengpeng coldly glanced at her, "I don't think you are sure to put it in your eyes, and you Yu Zong, are you sure you didn't mean to avoid me?"

As soon as this sentence came out, Ruan Shishi's face turned white. She took a deep breath and quickly explained, "no, Mr. Ye, Yu is always really busy..."

"Busy?" Ye Feng puffed his beard and glared, "I'm going to see what he's up to. I don't even have time to see my future father-in-law!"

As soon as he patted the table, he stood up and walked out.

Seeing this, Ruan Shishi tightened his heart and stopped him immediately, "Mr. Ye, please wait a little longer!"

Yu Yimo is really in a meeting at this time. If she can't even watch one person, she will lose her face. Besides, Yu Yimo has clearly explained before she leaves, so that she can perform well.

She can't just be transferred to the president's office and just screw up the first thing he ordered, can she?

Ye Feng Peng snorted coldly, "wait? I can't wait! "

Ruan Shishi stood in front of him. He didn't know what to do. He suddenly thought of something and bowed to ye Fengpeng 90 degrees. "I'm sorry, Mr. Ye. I'm not thoughtful. Please sit down first. I'll ask Mr. Yu to come to see you."

Now, if it can be delayed a little longer, it can be delayed a little longer.

But who knows this move doesn't work for ye Fengpeng at all. His chest rises and falls with anger. As soon as he sits down on the sofa, Yu Guang looks at the tea cup with tea on the table. He doesn't hesitate to pick it up, raises his hand and smashes it at Ruan Shishi.

"Pa" a sound, the tea cup should sound and broken, with this sound together with the explosion, and Ruan Shi bleeding forehead.

She didn't react at all. In that case, she didn't have time to dodge. The tea cup rubbed her forehead, and the blood flowed down. There were several bloodstains on her pale, bloodless face. It was a little shocking.

All this happened so fast that Ruan Shishi felt warm in her head. When assistant Liu arrived and asked in panic, she felt dizzy.

"Ruan Secretary Ruan

Assistant Liu's legs softened with fright. When he glanced at ye Fengpeng sitting on the sofa, he did not dare to ask any more questions. He immediately left the room and ran to the meeting room.

In a hurry, he ran to the door and saw that the meeting was still going on. The assistant did not dare to move, so he asked Du Yue to report the situation.

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