The Warmest Romance

Chapter 585

Chapter 585

Chapter 585

Ruan Shishi recalled that he still had a wound on his head that had not been dealt with!

She raised her hand and unconsciously touched her forehead.

When her fingers touched a sticky, pain came from the wound. She gasped and trembled unconsciously.

Liu assistant some anxious, gently remind, "Secretary Ruan, your wound can't delay, will leave scar!"

Ruan Shishi raised her eyes and saw her sincere anxious eyes. A burst of warmth appeared in her heart.

She and assistant Liu just got to know each other. They are not very familiar. She cares about her, but Yu Yimo

As soon as she closed her eyes, she could think of the man's indifferent eyes just now, as if she was really just a little secretary under him.

That's all.

Ruan Shishi looked at assistant Liu and said in a low voice, "assistant Liu, I'll trouble you about the company. I'll go to the hospital."

Assistant Liu nodded quickly, "go quickly!"

Ruan Shishi wiped the bloodstain with a clean paper towel. For fear of scaring passers-by, she specially found a gauze to stick it on the wound first, and then hurried out of the office.

As soon as the door opened, she was startled to see the figure outside.


Du Yue retreated half step without any trace, slightly lowered his head and said in a soft voice, "Secretary Ruan, I'll take you to the hospital." josei

Ruan Shishi's heart was tight, and he moved his lips. Two seconds later, he said in a soft voice, "OK."

At this time, since Du Yue offered to take her to the hospital, she didn't have to be hypocritical.

On the way to the hospital, the car drove steadily and fast. In more than ten minutes, it reached the gate of the hospital.

Looking at the familiar hospital, Ruan Shishi hesitated.

This is the nearest hospital to the company and the hospital where Professor Ruan is hospitalized. She is worried that she will meet her parents. If they see the injury on her head, they will keep asking.

But now, the wound on her head can't wait, so she has to go to bandage it first.

Du Yue sent her to the dressing room. It seemed that she wanted to go in with her. Ruan Shishi frowned slightly and looked back at him. "Thanks for sending me here, dutezhu. Next I'll go alone. You go back first."

Her attitude was a little cold and stiff, completely different from that of talking to him in the office the day before. Du Yue also noticed something. He pursed his lips and said in a soft voice, "Secretary Ruan, it's president Yu..."

Ruan Shishi's head rang with a buzzing sound, snatched in front of him and interrupted him, "I'll do it alone. Thank you. Please go back."

Her voice was deep and cold, with a sense of rejection.

Du Yue smell speech, had to no longer force, nodded, then turned to leave.

When he walked away, Ruan Shishi was relieved.

She didn't want to hear anything about Yu Yimo, and she didn't need his so-called help. Her heart was already cold when Yu Yimo and ye Fengpeng sang together in the reception hall just now.

Thanks to her naive thought, Yu Yimo kept her around again and again, helped her protect her again and again, should have a little care for her?

But the reality is not, there is no, even if she is bleeding, wronged to the extreme, in front of Ye Wan'er or people related to ye Wan'er, he will not look at her more.

What she should have seen through was that she cheated herself again and again.

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