The Warmest Romance

Chapter 586

Chapter 586

Sniffing, Ruan Shishi enters the dressing room.

The doctor saw the wound on her head and frowned, "little girl, how did you get it? The wound is on her face. Maybe you want to leave a scar..."

Ruan Shishi clenched her two cold hands and replied with a bitter smile, saying nothing.

Scar or at least every time she looks in the mirror to remind her that she is nothing in Yu Yimo's heart.

At the same time, outside the dressing room, Du Yue stood in a hidden corner, observing the situation of the dressing room all the time.

He raised his hand and edited a message to report to Yu Yimo.

Soon, his mobile phone Ding Dong, received a reply, "continue to guard, to ensure that she safely home."

The person who sent this message is sitting on the sofa of his desk, with a faint smile on his lips, looking at ye Fengpeng.

From just now to now, ye Fengpeng has been playing Tai Chi for a long time. Yu Yimo knows clearly in his heart that he is going to find out what he is coming for.

"Uncle, have a cup of tea and moisten your voice."

Yu Yimo picked up the teapot next to him and continued the tea for ye Fengpeng. Then, he put down the teapot and took the lead in putting forward the main topic, "uncle, Ye's public opinion has been making a lot of noise these two days. Do you have any countermeasures?"

Ye Fengpeng was a little surprised, as if he didn't expect that Yu Yimo would talk about it first. He hesitated, looked a little sad, and sighed, "well, to tell you the truth, I just want to..."

Before he finished speaking, Yu Yimo said in a loud voice, "uncle, in fact, no one else can help you with this matter. Don't you know it in your heart? There is an old saying that you have to tie the bell before you can solve the problem. At this time, whether ye can solve the problem depends on what you do. "

His words directly blocked the request that ye Fengpeng didn't have time to say.

Ye Fengpeng's face was a little blue. After a pause, it was not easy to attack. He sighed, "it's not that simple now."

"Indeed." Yu Yimo narrowed his eyes slightly and said word by word, "the day of the incident is the best time for Ye's hand. You just need to apologize to the public, give reasonable solutions, and promise that such things will not happen in the future, and you can recover some losses in time, but now, it's a little late."

"At this time, no matter who helps ye, it will become a new target of public criticism. Uncle, do you know this truth?"

Yu Yimo doesn't beat around the Bush at all. He tells us the essence of the matter. Sure enough, ye Fengpeng looks a little ugly.

He explained what he said, which is obviously not going to help Ye. action

"Uncle, I advise you that at this time, public apology and compensation for migrant workers are the only way. Although the effect is discounted, it is better than nothing."

Ye Fengpeng eyebrow eyes micro movement, eyeground with hesitation, but after all, nothing to say.

Yu Yimo's attitude has been made clear that they won't help Ye. He is the only one who can save Ye.

Five minutes later, Yu Yimo sweeps the empty sofa in front of him, and his eyes stay on the steaming tea cup.

From the eyes, to the complexion are inch by inch cold down, to the end, only the bottom of the eyes with cold light.

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