The Warmest Romance

Chapter 719

Chapter 719

"Thank you doctor, thank you doctor!"

Ms. Liu was also very excited. She even said thanks to director Feng. When she looked back at Ruan Shishi, her eyes were also full of tears.

She held Ruan Shishi's hand excitedly, "Shishi, we are not in vain at all!"

Ruan Shishi nodded and looked at her mother in front of her. She felt a little sour.

This time her father was hospitalized, Ms. Liu was always with her and took good care of her. She never complained. She could almost see that she was a lot older.

Ruan Shishi opened her arms and hugged Ms. Liu.

Soon, the door of the operating room opened again, and the nurse pushed Professor Ruan out and transferred him to the intensive care unit to observe the condition at any time. Ruan Shishi and Ms. Liu stood by and waited for him to wake up.

Ruan Shishou was outside the intensive care unit. I don't know how long it took. Suddenly, a clear male voice came from the side, "Shishi, aunt!"

Song yean strode towards this side, with a burning look between his eyebrows and eyes.

Seeing him, Ruan Shishi felt relieved for some reason. She took a deep breath and said, "Why are you here?"

It's said that song yean has a very important meeting and negotiation today. Even if Professor Ruan enters the operating room, she doesn't dare to disturb him, but she didn't expect him to show up.

Song yean walked up to her and said, "uncle, how can I not be around when I have surgery? But I'm a little late. How's uncle? "

Ruan Shishi took a look at the direction of the intensive care unit, "the operation was very successful, but my father hasn't woken up yet."

As soon as she finished, Ms. Liu, who was guarding the window of the intensive care unit, suddenly said, "wake up Your dad's awake! "

Both Ruan Shishi and song yean were surprised. They came forward and saw Professor Ruan lying on the bed slowly opening his eyes.

"Ask the doctor to have a look!"

Several people were in a hurry and informed the doctor. Soon, the doctor came and did all the examinations. Everything was normal. Then he informed that Professor Ruan would be transferred back to the ward.

Several people gathered around Professor Ruan and watched him being pushed into the ward. Although he was a little pale, he was still in good spirits.

For a moment, Ruan Shishi was also relieved.

Slowly, Professor Ruan was able to speak, and he was in good condition.

Ms. Liu was also very excited. She looked at Song yean and said, "Xiao Song, you are really our lucky star! As soon as you come, Lao Ruan will wake up! "

Song yean laughs, half joking, "it's the first time I know that I have this kind of special function."

As soon as these words came out, Ruan Shishi could not help laughing.

Although Professor Ruan had just finished the operation and was still very weak, he was in a better mood when he watched them talking and laughing around him.

At the same time, on the other hand, as soon as Yu Yimo receives the notice of successful operation from director Feng, he immediately takes time to rush to the hospital.

Professor Ruan is his teacher after all. If the operation is successful, he will arrive at the first time.

Though he thought so, Ruan's face flashed in his mind. For a moment, he quickened his steps.

Through the corridor of the inpatient department, Yu Yimo walks towards Professor Ruan's ward with ease. action

But before he got to the door, he had heard the laughter coming from the door. He walked to the door and looked into the ward.

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