The Warmest Romance

Chapter 720

Chapter 720

In the room, Professor Ruan is lying on the bed with Ms. Liu on his left and two people sitting side by side on his right, Ruan Shishi and song yean!

The atmosphere in the room is harmonious and joyful, and the laughter is constantly coming. Harmonious

is like a family.

Yu Yimo's heart suddenly tightens, and a strange wave covers his heart. His hand hanging on his side has been clenched into a fist unconsciously, and his heart is surging.

It turns out that song yean and Ruan Shishi have reached this stage. They have a good relationship with their parents. Is it time to get engaged?

On this thought, Yu Yimo's heart is full of anger. After a pause, he turns around and leaves quickly without hesitation.

If he goes now, won't he become a light bulb that destroys the atmosphere?

Du Yue is surprised to see Yu Yimo get on the bus directly after coming out of the hospital gate.

It only took him more than ten minutes to get in and out, which was too fast.

Seeing that Yu Yimo's face was gloomy, Du Yue had to swallow back the questions that came to his mouth.

Yu Yimo said in a deep voice, "go to Jinyuliangyuan."

With that, he took out his mobile phone and dialed Su Yucheng directly, "come out, drink."

Half an hour later, when Yu Yimo arrives at the place, Su Yucheng is already waiting at the door. He is sleepy, looking at the spirit is not very good.

Seeing Yu Yimo getting out of the car, he went forward and said, "brother, don't you know I had a task last night?"

Yu Yimo gave him a cold look and said coldly, "who said that he has never lost in the wine market, and now he is willing to give up?"

When Su Yucheng heard this, he laughed and said, "what do you want to lose? I Su Yu achievement do not know to admit defeat these two words how to write

He raised his foot to follow Yu Yimo's steps, observed his face, and suddenly laughed and asked, "who's bothering you? It stinks

After entering the box, Yu Yimo orders the waiter to serve wine.

Su Yucheng smiles, but is not anxious, opened a bottle of wine, drank a way, "recently you pour is idle, according to reason should not have any vexation."

Yu Yimo picked up his glass, shook the liquid in it, and said thoughtfully, "don't you think they are too quiet these days?"

Su Yucheng smell speech, waist straight some, complexion also serious a few minutes, "if you don't say, I really didn't find, in addition to Jiangzhou western suburbs occasionally a little movement, other really nothing."

"It's strange here." Yu Yimo's eyes sank a little. "It's a trick they used to play."

"I see. I'll let Luo Yu keep an eye on me when I go back."

After a while, Su Yucheng saw that Yu Yimo had already emptied half a bottle of red wine. He couldn't help joking, "how come today? Drink so much, not afraid to go back to be questioned by fiancee? " action

Yu Yimo's eyes flashed a dark light, light lift lips, "I didn't live with Wan'er."

Su Yucheng's eyes flashed slightly and asked, "you should not, there is still..."

"What's the matter?" Yu Yimo turns his head and looks at Su Yucheng.

Su Yucheng laughed, did not continue to say, "nothing."

Unconsciously, the night is deep, they drink a lot of wine, and rarely talk about many topics that they don't usually talk about.

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