The Warmest Romance

Chapter 750

Chapter 750

Chapter 750

At this moment, the four people in the car are highly focused, holding their breath and paying attention to every move around.

All around is boundless night, the car is driving low beam, slowly moving forward, at this time, Yu Yimo suddenly frown, "No."

"What's the matter?"

Su Yu turned to look at him.

"Stop the car!" Yu Yimo's throat rolled and said in a deep voice, "I see light over there."

As the shadow slows down, Su Yucheng and Luo Yu follow Yu Yimo's eyes. Through the window, they see darkness.

Yu Yimo is still staring at that direction, his eyes are terrible. After a few seconds of silence, he suddenly says, "turn around, go!"

The shadow caught the urgency in his words and immediately drove around, slamming on the brakes.

At this time, the gun sound cut the sky, "whew" towards them.

"Damn it! It's a trick

Su Yucheng scolded secretly, holding the guy in his hand, immediately rolled down the window and drove a few times toward that side.

"Bang bang!" The sound hit the car body, but it didn't penetrate, because their car body was made of special materials, and ordinary bullets couldn't penetrate at all.

Just then, a light came from behind, and a car followed them and caught up.

Su Yucheng clenched his teeth and said, "I'm in ambush. The grandsons of Lord Luo are more and more daring!"

Yu Yimo frowned and looked gloomy. "That email is fake. It seems that they deliberately brought us here. It's urgent to get rid of the car behind us."

Since they dare to set them up, they must have done everything. If they fight head-on, the four of them may have no chance of winning against the unknown number, so they have to run now!

The shadow car is very skillful. It rushes through the dirt road and gets on the asphalt road, but the car behind is very tight.

Yu Yimo gritted his teeth and inhaled deeply, "Su Yucheng, you cover me, hit him on the left, I'll burst his tire!"


Two people look at each other, immediately ready, the window rolled down, Su Yucheng first probe, aimed at them a fierce attack.

Yu Yimo takes a deep breath. When he hears that the main fire is aimed at the left, he immediately leans out of the window and tries to aim at the front tire of the car behind.

Both cars are moving, so it's difficult to aim at nature. He held his breath, aimed his gun at the tire, pulled the trigger, and at the same time, with a "whew", a bullet came out of the car, went through the front window and hit Yu Yimo's left arm directly. josei


As soon as the rear tire burst, the speed dropped sharply, and the body suddenly tilted, almost rollover.

On this side, Yu Yimo snorted and quickly pressed the wound with his right hand.

Su Yucheng's face was cold, and he said anxiously, "Lao Yu, you are hurt!"

Yu Yimo frowned and said, "it's OK! Let's go

If you kill one thousand enemies, you will lose eight hundred.

This time they were both defeated and none of them benefited. What he didn't expect most was that in order to hurt him, the people in the car aimed directly in the car. They would rather break their own car glass than hit him!

Sure enough, all the people under Lord Luo are ruthless!

The car shuttled back to Qingyun villa.

Luo Yu immediately brought the medicine box and began to treat Yu Yimo.

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