The Warmest Romance

Chapter 751

Chapter 751

Chapter 751

Su Yucheng took a look at Yu Yimo's bloody mouth on his arm. His face was livid, "Damn, these grandsons!"

At this time, the computer next to it suddenly "Ding Dong" rings, and then a picture pops up on the screen. It's an e-mail with a big line of words in red font, "old friend, long time no see, do you still like this gift?"

The four people looked at the screen with a gloomy face.

You don't have to guess who sent this email. I'm afraid no one else is so rampant except Lord Luo.

Su Yu Cheng gas clenched into a fist, arm blue muscle burst up, "this Luo nine ye, is staring at us."

Yu Yimo's eyes moved and his sharp eyebrows were covered with cold frost. "No, he's always staring at us. This time, he's coming back for revenge."

But in the final analysis, those enmity entanglement, is between him and Luo Jiuye two people.

The four were silent for a moment, but did not speak.

After a while, Luo Yu said, "I'm going to take it out. Bear it for a while."

Yu Yimo turned his head and looked at the frightening wound. His face didn't change at all. "Well, take it."

Luo Yu looked at the wound, frowned and gave his hand.

Such a wound, just look at will feel pain, but from beginning to end, Yu Yimo did not respond much, except frown, forehead sweating, other as if everything is normal.

After dressing the wound, Yu Yimo's lips turned pale.

Luo Yu put down his things, a little ashamed, "I'm sorry, this time blame me, if it wasn't for that email..."

"I don't blame you for this. Don't think much about it."

Yu Yimo interrupted him, stood up, raised his right hand, patted Luo Yu on the shoulder, and walked to the bedroom on the second floor.

This matter does not blame others, even if does not have this time, also can have next time, because he is very clear, Luo Jiu Ye will not let him off easily.

Maybe it's because of the injury, Yu Yimo goes to the bedroom, and his body unconsciously enters into a state of exhaustion. He lies on the bed and soon falls asleep.

In his sleep, the wound of his left arm was aching, and he was tormented by it. He woke up, and it was too late.

After washing, Yu Yimo goes downstairs. Su Yucheng and Luo Yu are eating breakfast at the table downstairs.

Seeing him coming down, Su Yucheng asked, "how's the wound?"

"No big deal."

It's not the first time he's been hurt like this.

Yu Yimo, with a light complexion, went over and took two sips of coffee from the table.

The shadow came from the door and said in a deep voice, "Du is getting more and more beautiful."

He said, Du Yue came in from the door with a paper bag in his hand. josei

He came over and put the paper bag in his hand on the table, "Mr. Yu, this is the clothes you want. Today's morning meeting has been pushed to tomorrow."

As he spoke, his eyes stayed for a moment on Yu Yimo's arm wrapped with gauze. He frowned and said, "Mr. Yu, you..."

Yu Yimo replied faintly, "nothing's wrong."

Then he put down his coffee and looked at Du Yue and said, "if you don't have a meal, let's have some together."

Du Yue said in a low voice, "I've eaten. There's something, Mr. Yu. I don't know if I should say..."

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