The Warmest Romance

Chapter 752

Chapter 752

Seeing that Du Yue's face was a bit hesitant, Yu Yimo immediately understood and took him to the next balcony.

Du Yue closed the door on the balcony and said, "I received a message this morning."

As he said this, he took out his mobile phone and handed it to him.

Yu Yimo didn't answer. After a glance, he saw a few photos with collateral information. In the photos, Ruan Shishi and Jiang Huanchen were together, some of them were in the cast, some of them were in the car club, and they were all taken secretly.

Du Yue saw that Yu Yimo's face became gloomy, so he quickly explained, "I checked. It should have been taken by a paparazzi from a small media company. He wanted to use these photos to knock a sum of money, otherwise it might have been exposed."

Yu Yimo frowns, pauses and says, "buy out the photos. As for the company, it will be settled in the future."

With that, he walked out of the balcony with a black face.

He just asked Ruan Shishi to talk about Jiang Huanchen's endorsement of redeur, but he didn't expect that she could get on well with Jiang Huanchen and be so ambiguous. He really belittled her!

He picked up the suit from Du Yue and walked towards the second floor.

Su Yucheng was surprised and asked, "Lao Yu, you haven't eaten breakfast yet..."

The man didn't answer. He left a lonely figure and left directly.

Su Yucheng some curiously picked to pick eyebrow, turn a head to see to come out Du Yue from the balcony, the mouth asks a way, "how?"

Du Yue shook his head, "nothing's wrong."

Su Yu has a preconceived idea, curled to curl a mouth, "have no dint."

At the same time, on the other side, Ruan Shishi was holding a fruit basket and a bunch of flowers, standing at the elevator entrance on the first floor of the hospital, a little nervous. action

She heard that ye Wan'er woke up yesterday afternoon, so she came to see her early in the morning.

Anyway, if it wasn't for ye Wan'er, she would be the one lying on the bed at this moment. And after such an accident, whether her baby in her stomach could be protected is another matter.

After all, she would like to thank Ye Waner.

"Ding -" the elevator door rang. She stepped up and pressed the floor where ye Wan'er's ward was.

Out of the elevator, she walked along the corridor for a while, found the ward number, took a deep breath, raised her hand and knocked on the door.

Soon, footsteps came from the door. The door was pushed open. Ye Zeyu stood at the door and looked down at her. A look of disgust appeared at the bottom of his eyes. "What are you doing?"

Ruan's heart was tight. She knew that he was ye Wan'er's brother. She looked down and said in a soft voice, "I want to see ye Wan'er."

Ye Zeyu hummed coldly, "you are not welcome here. Go away."

Drop this sentence, say, he turns round, want to close the door after hand.

At this time, a voice came, "Zeyu, what's the matter?"

A woman appeared at the door, pushed the door open again, looked at Ruan Shishi outside, frowned, and asked her, "are you the woman that our Wan'er saved?"

Ruan Shishi took a deep breath and nodded, "I want to see her and thank her."

Mrs. Ye frowned tightly, stared at her and said without hesitation, "if I remember correctly, you are the woman who has been pestering Yimo before, right?"

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