The Warmest Romance

Chapter 773

Chapter 773

Chapter 773

This time, no matter what, she must leave Yu Yimo. Only by leaving him can she leave danger. Only in this way can she and her baby be safe!

The next morning, Ruan Shishi woke up very early. She packed the things she was going to take away, packed the rest, contacted the moving company, and directly transported them back to the previous residential area. Then she rushed to the hospital to say goodbye to Professor Ruan and Ms. Liu.

Ms. Liu still can't accept it. Looking at Ruan Shishi, she asked, "can't you stop going, Shishi?"

Ruan Shishi smiles at her and whispers, "Mom, don't worry. I'll be back soon."

When Ms. Liu heard this, her eyes turned red. She couldn't help raising her hand and wiping her tears. "Don't try to cheat me. I've heard your father say that you've even contacted the school over there. You can't tell when you'll come back!" josei

Looking at such a mother, Ruan Shishi had no taste in her heart. Her nose was sour. She turned her head and looked at Professor Ruan sitting on the bed, and then at Ms. Liu. She felt even more miserable and speechless.

In fact, she doesn't want to go either. She also wants to stay in Jiangzhou to accompany the two old people. But now she is forced by the situation. If she wants to keep her child, she must leave Jiangzhou and go to a place where Yu Yimo and ye Waner can't find her.

Finally, Professor Ruan couldn't help but say, "come on, don't cry. My daughter is going out of the country, not getting married. Let others see what it looks like!"

Ms. Liu smell speech, some wronged wipe eyes, also don't speak.

Ruan Shishi bit her lip, took a deep breath, looked up at them, and said, "parents, don't worry, I will take good care of myself, don't worry."

After a few words of reassurance, Ruan Shishi said goodbye to them and left the ward.

The moment the door closed, her nose was sour, and her tears gushed out uncontrollably.

It wasn't until she got out of the hospital that her mood slowly returned to normal.

Ruan Shishi took out his mobile phone, looked at the time, saw the text message sent by song yean, and conveniently opened it.

"Shishi, I'm afraid it's going to take another hour for the company to deal with some affairs. Please be patient for a while, and I'll pick you up in an hour."

Ruan Shishi's fingers flicked on the screen quickly, and soon returned a message, "OK, I'll wait for you."

Press the send button, she breathed a sigh of relief, stopped a taxi and went straight back to the small apartment to get her luggage.

At the moment when the door was opened, Ruan Shishi looked at the empty room and suddenly felt that something was missing in her heart.

This small apartment also carries too many memories of her past

Unconsciously, an hour later, she received the news of song yean's departure. She took a deep breath, pulled her suitcase and went out. Before closing the door, she turned to look at the room again.

Finally, she sighed as if she had put down everything. She put the key to the door on the desk at the entrance and left with the suitcase.

Leaving here, for her, is also a farewell.

She and Yu Yimo once drew a full stop at this moment.

Out of the neighborhood, Ruan Shishi takes the box to the side of the road and waits for song yean to come.

Left and right, waiting for a long time, no one came. Ruan Shishi was hesitating whether to call and ask, when a black car came towards her.

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