The Warmest Romance

Chapter 774

Chapter 774

Chapter 774

The car stopped in front of her, the window rolled down, and Ruan saw a completely strange face.

The man in the driver's seat first asked, "excuse me, are you miss Ruan?"

Ruan Shishi nodded hesitantly, "I am. What's the matter?"

The man explained without hesitation, "there's something wrong with the company. Mr. song can't get away, so he asked me to come and meet you first..."

Ruan Shishi hesitated for a moment, glanced at the watch on his wrist, saw that it was late, and then said, "OK."

The man in the car immediately got out of the car, took the trunk in Ruan's hand and put it in the trunk.

Ruan Shishi looked at her mobile phone and hesitated to send a message to song yean. When she asked, the driver opened the door for her and made a "please" gesture for her.

Ruan Shishi had no choice but to smile at the driver and get on the bus.

After getting on the bus, she looked up at the driver in the front row, took a deep breath and asked, "are you the new driver? Why haven't I seen you before? "

The driver said with a smile, "I'm not new here. Before, I was mainly responsible for the company. It's normal that you haven't met me."

The driver took out a bottle of mineral water from the side, turned his head and handed it to her, "please drink water."

Ruan Shishi smiles and replies politely, "thank you."

But at this time, her right eyelid "suddenly" jumped twice. In an instant, a strange uneasy premonition surged into her heart. She subconsciously looked up at the driver and couldn't help picking up the next mobile phone and sending a message to song yean.

"Good night, are you still busy?"

A few minutes later, her mobile phone "Ding Dong" ring, is to receive a new message prompt sound, she picked up the phone, see song yean back to her message.

"I'm on my way. Did you go downstairs?"

At the moment when he saw this line of words, Ruan Shishi was very worried. He looked at the driver in the front row and was about to speak. Unexpectedly, a strange fragrance came from the side.

She frowned subconsciously. Before she had time to speak, she felt dizzy. A few seconds later, her eyes were dark, her body was soft, and she fell on the back seat.

The driver in the front row raised his eyes and had a panoramic view of the back seat through the inside rearview mirror. When he saw a man fall down, he hooked his lips and laughed, stepped on the gas, turned the car around at the next intersection and drove to the east of Jiangzhou

Yu group.

Unconsciously, in the afternoon, Xiao Han followed Ruan Shishi's instructions, picked up the file bag and went directly to the president's office.

At the president's office, she saw that there was no one around, so she had to go to the door of the president's office, raised her hand and buttoned the door.

There was no response. There was no sound in the room.

As she was about to raise her hand to knock for the second time, a series of footsteps came from behind her. Then an Ran's voice rang out, "what's the matter?"

Small Han a surprised, subconsciously turn around, see standing two meters away an ran, some nervous, "an secretary, Yu always not in?"? I have a file to give him. " josei

An ran smelled the speech and glanced at the file bag in her hand. She didn't think much about it. She said faintly, "Yu always has something to do. He's not in the company. He doesn't know when to come back. If you send any documents, just put them on the table."

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