The Warmest Romance

Chapter 776

Chapter 776


Ruan Shishi was shocked, and her blood was boiling. She clenched her teeth and glared at the driver, "you are ye Wan'er's person, aren't you?"

The driver chuckled, but didn't answer directly. He turned his head and looked at the man next to him. The man immediately understood and took out his mobile phone to aim at Ruan Shishi.

Ruan Shiqi's body was shaking. "What do you want to do?"

The driver said with a smile, "Miss Ruan, I've come here to tell you that the tide has started to rise. In two hours, you will be submerged. These two hours may be your last two hours in the world."

Ruan Shishi's eyes widened in amazement and looked down at the sea. When she woke up just now, the sea had just passed her feet, but now, it was in her calf.

At this rate, in two hours, she will be completely submerged.

The place where she was tied was on the ladder with the lighthouse deep into the sea. It was safe to go up again, but with the tide rising, the ladder would be submerged, and then she would be drowned alive.

Aware of this terrible result, Ruan Shishi was extremely cold. She turned to the driver and said, "what do you want to do?"

The driver laughed and said nothing. He raised his chin to his next man. He motioned and handed him the mobile phone that had recorded the video.

The driver leisurely points the screen. After a moment, he smiles and looks at Ruan Shishi. "You still have the hope to live. I'll give you a chance. You can make a phone call now."

Ruan Shishi, hearing the speech, unconsciously tightened his brows and became more and more puzzled.

If they really want her life, why give her a chance to save herself?

Without waiting for her to figure it out, the man had aimed the screen at her, "but you can only call him."

Ruan Shishi raised her eyes, and when she saw the contacts on the screen, she subconsciously tightened her heart.

It's Yu Yimo!

She gritted her teeth and looked at him. "What the hell do you want to do?"

The driver said with a smile, "I'll give you three minutes to fight or not. If you don't fight, you and the baby will feed the fish."

Hearing this, Ruan Shishi closed her eyes in agony. Despair, melancholy and feelings mixed together, which made her unable to calm down.

She wants to live, she just plans to start a new life, but now she has to face the choice of life and death

"So, do you want to make this call?"

Ruan Shishi gritted her teeth and made up her mind to say, "I'll fight."

Even if it's for the baby in her stomach, she has to fight for it.

The driver smiles, raises his hand to dial the phone and puts it in Ruan Shishi's ear.

Listening to the "Dudu -" voice, Ruan Shishi closed her eyes in pain.

All of a sudden, when the phone was connected, the man's voice came, "hello?"

Ruan Shishi shuddered, inhaled deeply, and said, "Yu Yimo..."

Throat tightening, she paused, gritted her teeth to say the rest of the words, "help me..."

The man at that end obviously stayed for a moment. Soon, he said, "where are you?"

Before Ruan Shishi could speak, his mobile phone was taken away. The driver hung up the phone neatly and sent the video just taken.

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