The Warmest Romance

Chapter 777

Chapter 777

After all this, he looked at Ruan Shishi and said, "Miss Ruan, you're going to have to wait alone."

Leaving this sentence, he raised his chin to his men, who immediately understood, launched the speedboat and turned around directly.

Ruan Shishi was surprised and said, "don't go!"

They're leaving. Are they going to leave her here alone?

Her voice was blown away by the sea breeze, but she couldn't get rid of it. She could only watch the speedboat fly back and forth like a silver fish to the coast.

Ruan Shishi's nose is sour, and her tears are falling down. When it comes to this time, will someone come to save her? action

At the same time, on the main road of Nantong in Jiangzhou City, a black car suddenly braked, and the friction between the tire and the ground made a screeching sound.

Yu Yimo on the driver's seat frowned and immediately pulled over to the side of the road and dialed back to the phone.

In a few seconds, there came a strange sound, and he hung up before he got through.

Yu Yimo's eyebrows are deeper. At this time, the mobile phone suddenly receives new news. Click to see it. It's a video.

In the video, Ruan Shishi is tied to a ladder with waves all around her. She looks haggard and says, "what do you want to do?"

Nearby, a processed voice came, "Miss Ruan, I came here to tell you that the tide has started to rise now..."

Yu Yimo's hand holding the mobile phone unconsciously tightens, his eyes suddenly sink down, and his arms are blue.

Who dares to attack Ruan's poems!

Suddenly, the mobile phone rang again, and a message came in.

"It must be fun to watch this woman die slowly."

In an instant, Yu Yimo's back was stiff, and the anger at the bottom of his eyes was like a wave, and his whole body was cold.

Two seconds later, he started the car, stepped on the accelerator, turned the front of the car directly, and went to the sea east of Jiangzhou.

He knew where the lighthouse was, because ten years ago, he almost lost his life there.

Yu Yimo steps on the accelerator wildly all the way, but he still feels that the speed is too slow. Suddenly, the car phone calls in, Yu Yimo presses to answer, and Su Yucheng's voice comes from there.

"Lao Yu, where are you now?"

A change in the past with the nature of Su Yucheng's tone is a bit serious.

Yu Yimo twisted his eyebrows and said in a deep voice, "something happened to me, and you acted according to the plan."

Su Yu Cheng Dun half a second, busy mouth asked, "what's the matter?"

Yu Yimo answered the wrong question, "according to the original plan, I will try my best to get there."

With that, he pressed hang up.

On this side, life and death are at stake. On that side, it's urgent. He can't give up either side. Now he can only arrange it like this. Su Yucheng and shadow can solve the problems there. Now he has to rush to save Ruan Shishi.

The car runs fast to the east coast of Jiangzhou city. Yu Yimo stops the car outside the beach, pushes the door to get off the car, and walks quickly to the other side.

Far away, he saw the shining lighthouse, his heart suddenly a little dull.

Just looking at the sea over there, he was a little out of breath.

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