The Warmest Romance

Chapter 779

Chapter 779

Chapter 779

Only his mother and Yu Qingshan, who had already passed away, knew about it. Apart from that, he didn't tell anyone.

Now, in the cold sea, wrapped by the wind and waves, the rain keeps hitting him. More than ten years ago, the fear of dying swept back.

He took a deep breath and looked up at the lighthouse not far ahead. He wanted to be faster and faster, but his throat seemed to be stuck by an invisible hand, which made him more and more uncomfortable.

All of a sudden, his limbs became stiff and could not move. His body sank like a stone.

The whole body was submerged in the sea water that moment, the world seems to be quiet, that moment, Yu Yimo's mind flashed some pictures.

That woman, she is smiling, crying, lovely, sad, all kinds of images like a movie across the general rapid.

At that moment, an idea of survival became very strong. As soon as he gritted his teeth, he tried to control his body and continued to move forward slowly

It's not far away. He's going to see her!

The light on the lighthouse was shining. Slowly, it was getting closer and closer. Finally, he approached the lighthouse and saw that the nearest escalator was empty. There was no Ruan Shishi at all!

As soon as his heart tightened, there was a sound in his ears. He clenched his teeth and continued to swim around the lighthouse.

Around to the other end of the lighthouse, he saw Ruan Shishi tied to the escalator. The sea water had covered her chin, and she was completely unconscious. josei

Yu Yimo frowned. He quickly swam over, reached for the escalator and called out, "Ruan Shishi! Wake up

Even after a few calls, the woman didn't respond at all. Yu Yimo was more and more nervous. He took out the Swiss Army knife at his waist, plunged it into the sea and cut off the hemp rope tied between Ruan Shishi's ankles.

All the ropes were cut off. Yu Yimo carried her to her back, pulled up the escalator and put Ruan Shishi on the shelf of the lighthouse.

The surrounding waves are like a monster that only eats people. I want to mess up the whole lighthouse.

Yu Yimo was very urgent. He immediately explored Ruan's breath and found that she still had breath. He was relieved. He reached out and touched her cold body, but he could not help frowning.

This is absolutely not good. Lighthouse is definitely not a place to stay for a long time. Even if they don't drown in the night, they will freeze to death.

Yu Yimo tightens his brows and his heart hangs in his throat. He reaches out his hand and mechanically rubs Ruan Shishi's arms to help her recover her temperature. At the same time, he turns around to look for anything useful.

This lighthouse is not big. It only serves as a guide for the nearby fishing boats. Everything is simple structure, and there are no necessary first-aid supplies.

Yu Yimo stood up and walked around. When he saw the lifebuoy hanging above the lighthouse, he seemed to see hope.

He immediately stepped forward, climbed up a small ladder and took down the lifebuoy and a piece of rope.

At this time, he can only rely on this to bring Ruan Shi to the shore. Only in this way can they be saved!

He tied one end of the rope to Ruan Shishi's waist, tied the other end to his waist, and made a circle on the lifebuoy. After all this, he put the lifebuoy on Ruan Shishi and pushed her into the sea.

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