The Warmest Romance

Chapter 780

Chapter 780

Because of the buoyancy of the lifebuoy, Ruan's body would not sink. In this way, as long as he swam forward and pulled the rope, he could pull Ruan close to the shore.

However, whether he can successfully swim from here to the shore is another question.

Yu Yimo raised his eyes and looked at the Black Sea ahead. His heart tightened unconsciously. A dull invisible pressure shrouded his heart and made him feel uncomfortable breathing.

No way! He can't be afraid! Once the thought of fear grows in his heart, then he can't swim to the shore!

Yu Yimo clenched her teeth and turned to look at Ruan Shishi, who was unconscious beside her. She suddenly held out her hand and held it tightly. "Don't worry, I will take you ashore!" action

The woman in the coma didn't respond at all, but he had an indescribable power in his heart.

He took a deep breath, jumped into the sea and swam forward, pulling Ruan Shishi towards the coast.

In this way, his speed is much slower than just now. While he has to swim forward with great effort, he has to push and pull Ruan Shishi to let her move forward together.

The fear of the unknown comes. Yu Yimo's whole body is cold and shivering. But with the last point of perseverance in his mind, he just sticks to the end!

When he swam to the shore, his last strength was exhausted. He pulled Ruan Shishi ashore, his limbs were completely numb and stiff.

Holding his last breath, he dragged Ruan Shishi to the beach far away from the tide. When he got up again, his legs softened, and his eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of black cloth. He lost his center of gravity, fell to the ground and lost his consciousness.

Ruan Shishi felt like she had a long dream. In the dream, she was in the boundless sea, and could not see any hope of life.

Suddenly, the storm hit, strong wind carrying waves directly involved her, instantly submerged her

"Oh, no!"

Ruan Shishi suddenly exclaimed and opened her eyes. What she saw was white. She gasped like a fish. Her forehead and back were wet with sweat.


A familiar male voice with some anxiety came, and then song yean appeared in the field of vision, "Shishi, are you awake?"

The man's eyes sparkled with surprise and excitement.

Ruan Shishi took a deep breath and looked at the people in front of him. Then his consciousness became clearer.

“…… Where am I? "

Song yean said quickly, "in the hospital, you were kidnapped. You were too frightened. You got cold again. You had a high fever all night. It was only this morning that your fever subsided."

Ruan Shishi raised her eyes and looked around. Then she slowly recovered.

The white room without extra color is really the ward of the hospital, but yesterday, how was she rescued?

Ruan Shishi was about to ask, but her throat ached. She frowned, and song yean had already handed over a cup of warm water. "Drink some water first."

Ruan Shishi nodded and drank a glass of water at one go, which relieved the dryness of his throat.

"I just What's going on? "

Song yean's brow tightened. "You were kidnapped. I received the information from the kidnappers yesterday, so I went to the seaside to find you. At that time, you were lying on the beach, covered with ice, which scared me."

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