The Warmest Romance

Chapter 795

Chapter 795


How can she not know that the reason why Yu Yimo is so desperate to investigate the motorcycle accident is not for her! It's for the woman of Ruan Shishi!

Because of Ruan Shishi, she even lost huochuan this time!

Jealousy, anger mixed together, let her almost unbearable, she stood in front of the window, watching the black car out of the yard, this just grabbed a vase on the table beside, hit the ground.

If Ruan Shishi dares to come back again, she will pull her to hell even if she has to fight for her life. She will never see the light!

Half a month later, the court in Jiangzhou city decided to go to the scene.

At the hearing, ye Wan'er sits beside Yu Yimo and looks at Huo Chuan in the defendant's seat. A burst of complex emotions emerge in her heart.

At the end of the trial, the judge announced that "the defendant Huo Chuan, who was suspected of attempted homicide, was sentenced to five years' imprisonment and was sentenced accordingly."


The judge's hammer makes a sound, everything, a hammer.

Huo Chuan raised his head and suddenly looked in the direction of Ye Wan'er. A few threads of light flashed from the bottom of his eyes.

It's only five years. For ye Wan'er's sake, he is willing. Five years later, when he comes out again, she is still his young lady, the object of his unconditional obedience, and he is still her most loyal subordinate. This will never change.

Ye Wan'er raised her eyes, just to Huo Chuan's eyes. Her heart sank. She felt guilty for some reason, and felt a sense of shame.

If it wasn't for Huo Chuan, I'm afraid she would be the one sentenced to prison at this time.

But a few seconds later, her guilt was fleeting and quickly dissipated.

She and Huo Chuan have always been people of two worlds. It's natural for him to pay so much for her. When he comes out, she will pay him more.

With this thought, ye Wan'er's mind suddenly balances a lot.

At the end of the trial, ye Wan'er walked out of the court with Yu Yimo in her arm, swept away the gloom on her face, and said with a smile, "brother Mo, go to my house for dinner tonight. My father said that I haven't seen you for a long time, and I want to have a drink with you."

Yu Yimo hears the speech, the eye bottom is dark and unclear, deeply looked at Ye Waner one eye, the mouth politely refuses a way, "pass a period of time."

With these words, it happened that his mobile phone rang. He pressed the answer button and went to one side to answer.

A few minutes later, he came back, looked at ye Wan'er and said in a low voice, "I'll send you home. I have something to deal with."

On hearing this, ye Wan'er immediately frowned, "brother Mo, I..."

Without waiting for her to finish, Yu Yimo turned around and walked quickly to the car beside her.

Ye Wan'er stood in the same place and stamped her feet.

Since when has Yu Yimo become more and more unfamiliar with her?

Finally, she had no choice but to bite her lip, so she got on the car arranged by Yu Yimo and left.

On the other side, in Yu Yimo's car, Du Yue takes a look at the car carrying Ye Waner. He hesitates and asks, "president, Miss ye..."

"Stare." Yu Yimo's eyes are cold and dark.

Although the trial of the motorcycle accident has come down, it doesn't mean that ye Wan'er is innocent. It's not just about this. There are too many things that ye Wan'er is suspicious of.

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