The Warmest Romance

Chapter 796

Chapter 796

Today's ye Wan'er is no longer the little girl who used to chase after him and call her brother.

Du Yue nodded, "yes."

Yu Yimo turned his head and looked out of the window. Suddenly, he thought of something. He added faintly, "this weekend's itinerary will be canceled."

Du Yue Leng for a moment, can't help asking, "Mr. Yu, will you go to Yicheng this weekend?"

In the past month, Yu Yimo has never given up looking for Ruan's poems. Jiangzhou city has been turned back and forth several times. Finally, he decided to expand the scope, and even went to Yicheng to look for them himself.

Yu Yimo, hearing the speech, closed his eyes slightly, leaned back in his chair and said in a soft voice, "well."

He was never a person who would give up easily, and he would not give up looking for Ruan Shishi!

What's more, that woman owes him too much. He must find her and ask her to return those who owe him hundreds of times!

Things in the world are too impermanent. Some people may separate and meet again at the next corner, while some people will meet again once they are separated.

Time flies, all the things that are not firm enough become more and more clear after years of polishing, and what can stay in the end is often the most sincere and unforgettable.

Five years later.

In front of the door of a small white building in the suburbs of the United States, there is a white car. The car is spacious. Wearing a tight top and loose jeans, Ruan Shishi outlines her perfect figure.

Although she is now the mother of two children, she is still full of girlishness, with delicate and smooth skin, and looks like an 18-year-old girl.

There are two children's seats on the back seat. Two small people are sitting on the left side and the right side. One is wearing a purple skirt, the other is wearing a black suit. Except for their hairstyles and dresses, their facial features seem to be carved out of the same mold. action

At this moment, their two small groups are bickering with each other.

"It's clear that chicken is the first to have eggs..."

"No, there must be eggs before there can be chickens."

"No! Where do you get eggs without chickens? "


Two pink dumplings, you and I, no one is willing to give in. The little boy's face is red, but his voice can't compare with that of the little girl. When he is worried, he creaks out a series of English, and the little girl next to him is not willing to be outdone. He also replies in English. From time to time, there are several Chinese words in English.

Ruan Shishi, the co pilot in the front row, has been listening to their argument for more than half an hour. Now, listening to their continuous debate on this topic, I can't help laughing and crying.

Seeing the driver coming this way out of the window, Ruan Shishi looked at the two little people in the back row, patted his hands and said, "song Yisen, song Yisha, would you two be quiet?"

After hearing the speech, the two little Tuanzi turned to look at her. Song Yisen pursed his mouth and asked, "Mom, do you think there were chickens or eggs first?"

Ruan Shishi was stunned. She was obviously confused by this problem. She looked at Song Yisen's handsome face, and then at Song Yisha, who was lovely. She couldn't make a decision for a moment.

No matter which one she chooses, she will always deny another person. She doesn't want to.

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