The Warmest Romance

Chapter 797

Chapter 797

She pulled out a smile, on the two cute full of expectations of the big eyes, dry smile twice, also can't say why.

A moment later, Ruan Shishi had a flash of inspiration, suddenly thought of something, and even said, "Mom can't say for sure about this problem, but I know someone will know for sure!"

"Who is it?"

"Who is it?"

Song Yisen and song Yisha asked in unison, like purple grape's eyes circling in their eyes.

"It must be your most lovely sister-in-law!" Ruan Shishi couldn't help laughing. "Today, we'll fly for a few hours, and we'll soon arrive at Jiangzhou airport. We'll meet your dearest little aunt!"

When they heard this, they danced happily and forgot to ask about the topic again.

There is no doubt that their little aunt is song yun'an. In recent years, song yun'an often goes to the United States to visit them, and sometimes stays for a period of time. She comes and goes, which can be regarded as the key person to accompany song Yisen and song Yisha.

In addition, song yun'an is as crazy as child king. He is good at dealing with children, and his relationship with them is very good.

Listening to the two little guys change the topic of conversation, Ruan Shishi is secretly relieved. It happens that the driver sent by song yean comes and starts the car to take them directly to the airport.

Four hours later, the flight from the United States to Jiangzhou city landed safely. Ruan Shishi raised her eyes and looked out of the window. Suddenly, she felt a different emotion.

Unconsciously, she has left Jiangzhou city for five years. In these five years, she has never returned to the city where she has lived for more than 20 years. Now, when she comes back again, she naturally has some feelings.

"Mom, are we here?"

Next came the voice of song Yisha's grandmother, and Ruan Shishi turned her head to see the little girl's sleepy eyes rubbing her eyes, her face softened a little unconsciously.

She reached out and gently pinched her little cheek and said in a soft voice, "wake up? When we arrive, we will get off the plane immediately... "

When it comes to getting off the plane, song Yisen on the other side suddenly turns his head. His big black and white eyes are rolling in his eyes. "Mom, will dad come to pick us up?"

Ruan Shishi whispered, "it's the little aunt who comes to pick us up. Dad is on a business trip today. We can only see him tomorrow."

Hearing this, song Yisen flashed a trace of disappointment on his face and said, "I miss my father so much. I haven't seen my father for a long time."

Seeing his appearance, Ruan Shishi felt soft. He raised his hand and rubbed his little head. He comforted, "don't worry, you'll see it soon!"

Soon, the plane stopped steadily, and Ruan Shishi left and right pulled two little guys out of the plane and went straight to the baggage claim area.

There were a lot of people in the baggage claim area. Ruan Shishi pulled them and looked at the turntable over there, unconsciously distracted.

"Samson, Sasha, you two hold on to my clothes and don't run around."

Ruan Shishi ordered a few words. Seeing the obedient nod of the two little guys, he was relieved.

All of a sudden, her mobile phone rang. She picked it up and saw that it was song yun'an who called.

"Hello? Ann, are you here action

Song yun'an came from the other side with a kind of joyful voice, "I just arrived. I'm rushing inside. Where are you?"

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