The Warmest Romance

Chapter 872

Chapter 872

Sasha handed the empty glass to Ruan Shishi, "Mom, I'm finished."

"Good boy

Ruan Shishi took it and rubbed her head.

On one side, Sensen never likes to drink tasteless water. Every time he is asked to drink water, it's like medicine. He can't drink much in half a day.

With more than half of the water bottle, he looked at Ruan Shishi and said, "Mom, I don't want to drink any more..."

Ruan Shishi pretended to be serious, "no, drink a little more."

One side of the Sasha feel boring, skipping toward the cage with a flower python, see the cage, flower Python is staring at her eyes, she crooked head, milky voice said, "little snake, we will take photos together later..."

Naturally, the flower Python didn't respond.

Sasha gently touched the cage, who knows the cage buckle suddenly "click" loose, the cage door slowly opened a small crack. action

Sasha had no intention, but she didn't expect that the door of the cage would be opened so easily. She was stunned. She was about to turn around and call the staff next to her. But she didn't expect that the python in the cage suddenly moved and slowly poked out her head from the crack.

Seeing this, Sha Sha murmured, "little snake, you can't come out yet..."

Then she reached out and tried to close the cage door. Who knows that as soon as she reached out, the snake's head darted forward and bit her arm directly.

With the scream of Sasha, people's eyes looked over there. The boa quickly climbed out of the cage and twisted forward.

On the other side, there was a snake bite mark and two deep and red teeth marks on Sasha's arm. She was really cautious.


Sasha's shrill voice made Ruan Shishi's body tighten unconsciously. She came forward busily and hugged Sasha directly, "Sasha!"

As soon as Ruan Shishi hugs Shasha, she becomes paralyzed and begins to roll her eyes.

"Sasha! Are you okay? Sasha

"Call 120!"

"Get the snake caught! Hurry up


The shooting scene was in chaos. All kinds of noises, accusations and instructions mixed together. Ruan's eardrum filled her body with chills.

Soon, the ambulance came, along the way, her spirit is highly tense, rushed to the hospital, will be sent to the emergency room that moment, she suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, in front of a dark, almost fainted.


Sensen's cry revived Ruan Shishi. She gritted her teeth and tried to force herself to sober up. She opened her eyes and saw Sensen, whose eyes were already red. She felt even worse.

She held out her hand and put Sen sen in her arms. She couldn't help sobbing, "I'm sorry, mom didn't take care of my sister..."

Things happen too suddenly, she did not respond, Sasha has been bitten by a snake fainted, how can suddenly appear such a thing?

At this time, there was a loud noise in the corridor, and the chief director with a group of staff came quickly, all in a panic.

Seeing Ruan Shishi, the chief director quickly stepped forward and asked, "Shishi, what's the situation? What's going on? How did Sasha get bitten all of a sudden? "

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