The Warmest Romance

Chapter 873

Chapter 873

Chapter 873

Smell speech, an unbearable anger hit the bottom of Ruan's heart, she raised her eyes, eyes sharp and low a bit, "director Gao, these words shouldn't I ask you!"

At the beginning, he kept saying that there would be no danger. He repeatedly assured her that these were domesticated animals and that he would not hurt anyone. But now, Sasha was bitten by a snake!

Director Gao was speechless.

Seeing this, Ruan Shishi was even more annoyed, "didn't the props group do a safety check before shooting?"

Director Gao's face was a lot more serious, and he quickly said, "Shishi, don't be angry. I will give you and Sasha an explanation for sure!"

Ruan Shishi felt a few pains when she heard the speech. She took a deep breath and shook her head at director Gao. She didn't want to say a word more.

She turned around, went to the side, holding Sensen, looking at the display time outside the emergency room, a heart seems to be hanging in the throat, more and more uneasy.

If something really happened to Sasha, she would blame herself to death!

But now all she can do is wait.

I don't know how long later, with a rush of footsteps approaching, and then, the director and staff nearby are noisy.

Ruan didn't turn around, but he heard the word "Yu Zong" coming from the crowd behind him.

Soon, a low voice came from behind her, "Ruan Shishi."

Ruan Shishi was still staring at the door of the emergency room.

Yu Yimo stands aside, looking at her state, unconsciously feeling a bit depressed.

He slowly tightened his hand on his side. After a moment, he turned around and went straight to director Gao, "you come with me."

Leaving this sentence, he went to the safe passage with no one beside him without saying a word.

Director Gao was more or less flustered. He stepped forward and asked, "Mr. Yu, you..."

Before he said anything, Yu Yimo suddenly turned around and grabbed his collar with a fist like a hammer. Then, director Gao was pushed to the wall with a force.

His face turned white with fright Mr. Yu

Yu Yimo's voice rolled in his throat with deep anger, "how did I tell you before?"

Director Gao shivered and said, "take care of them There are three members in their family... "

"But what about you now?" Yu Yimo's voice seemed to squeeze out from his teeth, "have you done it?"

He angrily let go, step back, looking at director Gao coldly.

Director Gao, with a lingering fear, gasped and said, "I didn't expect to check the arrangements made by the props team Besides, our animals are well domesticated and generally don't hurt people. Who ever thought... "

Yu Yimo raised his hand and hit the wall with his fist, "don't make excuses!" josei

No matter which link is wrong, now Shasha is bitten is his responsibility!

At this time, Du Yue suddenly walked away quickly, went to Yu Yimo's side, and said in a low voice, "president, the operation is over."

Yu Yimo smell speech, eyes a bright, cold swept director Gao one eye, step toward the outside.

As soon as he came out of the fire passage, he saw the little figure lying on the bed.

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